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Principal's Message Term 4 Week 9 - 2023
Dear Parents
As a Catholic learning community,
all at Mother Teresa School are called
to care, to dream, to innovate, to inspire!

A heartfelt thank you to everyone who attended Kinder Christmas Nativity today. Your support and enthusiasm filled the room with warmth and joy, making the event truly special.
Mrs Curbishley, along with our dedicated Kinder teachers, worked tirelessly to orchestrate a magnificent performance that touched our hearts. Their commitment and passion shone brightly, and we owe them a debt of gratitude for making this event so memorable.
And, of course, let's not forget our incredible students whose talent and enthusiasm made the Nativity truly awe-inspiring. Your dedication and hard work were nothing short of amazing.
As we bid farewell to Mrs. Curbishley, we can't help but feel a tinge of sadness knowing that her contributions to MTS will be greatly missed. Her legacy will remain a cherished part of our school's history, and we'll carry her spirit forward in all our future endeavours.
2024 Classes
As we get closer to the end of the year our staffing arrangements are slowly falling into place. The following list indicates the current class allocations for 2024.
- While Belinda Hicks is leaving mid-Term 1 she will commence the year working with Carly Reeves.
- Trees Williams will not be returning to Mother Terese as the family is moving to the coast to be close to family. Trees has been on maternity leave this year.
- Vicky Strickland, our Community Liasion Office, will be finishing up at the end of the term. Vicki's role was covered by a grant that covered her salary over the last Semester. Many thanks to Vicki for her many initiatives, especially our Tuesday Coffee and Chat mornings. The Community Council Social Committee is sincerely grateful for your contributions and help.
Thanksgiving Mass
Tuesday 12th Dec - 9:15am followed by
Candle Ceremony (Year 5 & 6 parents invited)
A reminder that the last day of preschool for all students is Thursday the 14 December. On Friday our preschool staff will participate in Professional Development.
If you require care during the holidays, please contact Kids Biz.
Phone 0439 927 053 (Administration) or 0450 722 173 (Mother Teresa Co-Ordinator)
click here for the Kids Biz website
Office Hours: 8:30am – 6:00pm (Monday to Friday)
Religious Education News - Anne Leet

The Whole school focus theme for this year is ‘Walking Together’.
- we believe in and love Jesus.
- Live with honesty and integrity.
- Be patient with others and make peace.
- Give of our unique talents, time, and money and
- Be consistently kind.

Thanksgiving Mass
Tuesday 12th Dec - 9:15am followed by
Candle Ceremony (Year 5 & 6 parents invited)
Year B | Sunday 10 December | purple
"Make straight the paths of the Lord."
Something to Think About
How do you get ready for Christmas? What happens at school, at home and at church during Advent while we wait for Jesus’ birth?
The Story
The gospel this week starts with words from the prophet Isaiah:
“In the desert, someone is shouting, ‘Get the road ready for the Lord! Make a straight path for him.”
Then it moves on to the story of John the Baptist.
John was the one shouting in the desert, telling people to turn back to God.
John baptised people with water in the Jordan River, but he also told the people that someone more powerful than him would come and baptise them with the Holy Spirit.
That ‘someone more powerful’, was Jesus.
Online registration for the Sacrament of Confirmation for 2024 Year 6 Catholic students is now open.
Please use this link to the Google form:
or scan this QR code which takes you to the form:
Early registration is greatly appreciated.
*Payment must be made to the Holy Spirit Parish, NOT YOUR SCHOOL.
Community Council News and Events
Thank you to our supportive school community who were able to purchase a raffle ticket at our Carols evening yesterday.
Congratulations to the following lucky Christmas Carols Raffle Prize recipients:
1st prize - Heartstory Photography Session - Mrs Macaruthr
2nd prize - MMM Wellness - Caitlin L
3rd prize - Term of Dance class at Gumnut Dance -Alessia F
4th prize - Term of MTS Play Dance Club - Dowzard
5th prize - 2 x Family Passes to Cockington Green Gardens - Ash M & Tashie D
Congratulations to the following recipients of the prizes donated by the MTS Community Council (Natio Body Care Pack | Pig the Elf gift pack | 8 x book packs):
Lucy M | Tamara | Ash M | Sarah M | Frances M | Tina E | Alessia F | Hani K | Satine | Sarah M
Congratulations to the following recipients of the prizes donated by our school community members:
Sein | Leah | Hani K | Helen H
Dear Parents,
Thank you for providing your student with a Chromebook for their learning.
After experiencing some teething problems during 2023 with Chromebook setups, we have determined that the following is the most reliable setup for students to access their account at school.
In order for the Chromebook to be used at school, please set up the following:
1. Personal Account
We recommend parents sign into the Chromebook using a personal account first. It can be their own account, or the account they create for the student.
The first account will automatically be the owner account of that device. By doing this, parents can set up parental controls and students won’t have admin. The family will still have access to the iPad in the case the student leaves Catholic education.
2. Child personal account
If the personal account set up in Step 1 belongs to an adult, please set up a child personal account. The student will need this in order to add their school account. If the child already has a personal account on the Chromebook, you can skip this step.
3. Child school account inside the child’s personal account
Please add the school account inside the child’s personal account.
- Student signs in to their personal account
- At the bottom right, select the time.
- Select Settings cog.
- In the "Accounts" section, at the top, select your Google Account.
- Select Add Student Account
- Follow the on-screen steps.
- Parents will need to enter their email password to allow this.
The student needs to use their school account to access Google Classroom, Google Drive, and other apps in the Google Suite. The student account is managed by Catholic Education.
Your child has a record of their school account. It is in the form of their school email address
Eg. and a password they nominated with their teacher. This password has more complex requirements as soon as students begin Year 4. Teachers will guide students through choosing a suitable password.
Students will then be able to switch between their home and school accounts in Chrome by clicking on their letter icon in the top right corner.
Family Link controls
If parents would like to apply extra supervision to the Chromebook, they can set up Family Link.
However, at this stage Catholic Education ICT and Mother Teresa Staff are not in the position of supporting parents with Family Link on BYO devices.
Some information and instructions are below: