Religious Education News - Anne Leet
The Whole school focus theme for this year is ‘COME HOLY SPIRIT’
This term at Mother Teresa School we will use the theme that: We are called to inspire.
This Term as We are called to inspire.:
- we believe in and love Jesus.
- Live with honesty and integrity.
- Be patient with others and make peace.
- Give our unique talents, time, and money and
- Be consistently kind.
Something to Think About
Can you remember a time when you had to get ready for a special celebration? How did you prepare? How did it feel to wait for that special time?
The Story
Jesus predicts a time of destruction when some people may be frightened, but Jesus tells his disciples not to be afraid. He encourages the disciples (and us!) to pray for strength. We may have difficult times in our lives, but when we pray we find comfort and courage.
Click to watch the video:
As part of the Holy Spirit Parish, we support SVDP Giving Appeal annually as an important link to help those in need in our local community.
The Christmas Appeal also provides a tangible way for our students to be involved in helping others; and to see that Christmas is not just a time for receiving, but a time for reaching out and giving too!
Your child will be bringing hope a slip of paper this week informing you of the item they are to purchase. Please ensure that your items have not passed the used by date and are non-perishable.
We hope you can support this appeal in some way. Donations will need to be at school by Friday 6th December in readiness for the Christmas Giving Appeal.
Holy Communion, Reconciliation, and Confirmation Program for 2025 Sacrament Online registration for the Sacraments for 2025
Please follow this link:
Early registration is greatly appreciated.
Anne Leet
Religious Education Co-ordinator