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- Principal's Message Term 1 Week 8 2025
- Religious Education News - Anne Leet
- Second Step
- Sport with Mrs O'Keefe
- Class Awards
- Moss Vale Tennis Tournament
- Tech Talk with Mrs MacArthur
- The MTS Yearbook request for photos
- Easter Raffle
- Community Council
- JPC Key Dates
- Enrolment Information
- Extra Curricular Activities at MTS
- Local Community Events For Families and Students
Principal's Message Term 1 Week 8 2025
Dear Parents and Carers,
It was a much quieter week around the school as the teachers prepare for the Parent-Teacher Conferences next week. Please remember to book a time via Compass Conferences to review how your child has started the year and to discuss goals for Term 2.
As you may be aware, this morning two students from St Edmund’s College were involved in an accident on Canberra Avenue. Catholic Education and our schools have been working with Edmund Rice Education Australia who operate St Edmunds College to provide support to students, families, and the communities, we ask you to keep all those impacted by this incident in your prayers at this difficult time.
Catholic Education will continue to provide pastoral care support to all our schools and will continue to provide support in the days and weeks ahead. If any families would like support or any children are upset or worried, please contact our school and we can provide support through our counselling services.
School class photos are over for another year, and all the children looked amazing as they lined up to have their photos taken. It would be great to see the children maintain the same level of neatness at all times. Today, I reminded the children about no jewellery except studs or small sleepers, and watches are acceptable. Please, no chains as they can be easily broken.
Staffing News
Today our KidsBiz team and children farewelled Darcy from our service. Darcy has finished her paramedic studies and is off to take up a new position after a few weeks travelling around America. She has been a valued member of the staff, and we wish her all the very best.
This week we welcome Mrs Rafif Moussaoui to our Diverse Learning team. Rafif will provide support as a classroom support assistant on Mondays through Wednesdays. I know you will make her most welcome.
Hall Refurbishment and Air Conditioning.
We are a little closer to the commencement of our projects. The agreement for the hall has been formally signed by CE and returned to the Block Grant Authority for acceptance of an approved builder. The final stages of the installation of a new electrical board, to accommodate the Year 1 and 2 air conditioning units, will be finalised at the end of the term. We then move to organising the units to be installed.
Morning Assemblies
To make the most of our learning time, we have cut back our morning assemblies to every Monday and alternate Fridays when there is a 1.00pm prayer assembly. This enables year groups to move into class as soon as the bell rings. We have also introduced a formal 10-minute eating time, commencing at 10.50 am to 11.00 am when the teachers supervise their class during eating time.
Aboriginal Incursion
Next week, the children will have the opportunity to see a special performance by Ryka Ali in Mythology. This is a wonderful cultural experience the children will enjoy. Check Compass Events for the time when your child's grade will be attending the performance in the Hall.
Have a lovely weekend
Carmel Maguire
Religious Education News - Anne Leet
The Whole school focus theme for this JUBILEE 2025 year is ‘PILGRIMS OF HOPE’
This term at Mother Teresa School we will use the theme that:
The Journey of Faith: Dream, Slow Down, and Reflect
“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” — Jeremiah 29:11
We will show the value of Unity towards those we meet in our class and on the playground by following ‘The Mother Teresa School Way’:
- Including others
- Listening attentively
- Showing good sportsmanship
- Treating others equitably.
A heartfelt thank you to everyone for your generous donations to Project Compassion this year. Once again, the families of Mother Teresa School have truly shown their support for those in need. Thanks to the incredible generosity of both the children and their families, we raised $328.55 this week! Well done, everyone! Please continue to encourage your child(ren) to bring in their donations to add to the class Project Compassion Box
Irene’s childhood was marked by hardships – after her father died in a war, Irene along with her mother and siblings were displaced. Her mother worked very hard to provide for her family.
Irene lives in the Kongolo region in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Her father was killed during a war when Irene was young, leaving Irene to live with her mother and siblings on very meagre resources, often going hungry for extended periods of time.
Irene first became pregnant as a teenager and later had to raise her two children with the support of her mother, after her husband abandoned her. As a single mother, it was challenging for Irene to care for her two sons without a stable income.
Irene’s life changed after she participated in the Youth Capacity Strengthening program, run by Caritas Australia’s partner, Caritas Kongolo. Through the program, she undertook training in sewing and agricultural farming, enabling her to generate income to support her family. Irene is determined to use her new income streams to support her children’s education and hopes her two boys can one day become doctors.
Together, we can Unite Against Poverty this Lent by donating to Project Compassion, offering pathways out of poverty for people in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and beyond.
“I want to say a big thank you to Caritas Australia and Caritas Kongolo. Thank you so much for uplifting me. I never thought I, Irene, could become someone. I never knew this life was possible,” Irene said.
Thank you to the parents who attended the Parent Information Session on Tuesday it was great to see you all there. Please ensure you bring your enrolment form along with a copy of the baptismal certificate and your child’s prayer card this weekend.
Saturday 29 March @ 5pm Mass & Sunday 3o March @ 8am, 9:30am or 5pm. Enrolment and commissioning for students preparing to make Confirmation
The Sports Spectacle
MTS Swimming Carnival
On Monday of Week 7, we were graced with a delightfully brisk morning for our annual Swimming Carnival at Dickson Aquatic Centre. The competition between the four houses—Jackman, Alcott, Barty, and Irwin—was so intense that we might as well have been hosting the Olympic Trials! Competitive swimmers dove in with the kind of determination that could only be matched by a cat chasing a laser pointer. Every stroke felt like an epic battle, with swimmers trying to outpace each other as if there was a prize for the first one to the end!
House Results
Barty: 396 points
Jackman: 626 points
Irwin: 622 points
Alcott: 579 points
Grace and Coby (Two of our Jackman Competitive swimmers) received the Swimming Carnival Plaque on Wednesday last week.
On Monday afternoon, ribbons were awarded to our place winners in all competitive stroke events. Congratulations to all recipients for their outstanding performances.
A special commendation goes to our Age Champions, who were presented with certificates in recognition of their achievements. These swimmers accumulated points based on their participation in each race, with specific point values assigned according to their finishing positions.
Upcoming Events
- U12 SSACT 12&U Golf Trials (Register on School Sport website) (31 March)
- North Gungahlin Swimming Carnival (2 April)
Term 2 Events
- ACT Swimming Carnival (6 May)
- MTS Cross Country (7 May)
Oscar participated in the Moss Vale tennis tournament on Sunday 23rd March, and he once again emerged victorious, winning the Moss Vale JDS/RMS under 10s tennis championship.
This marks his third consecutive championship win!
Well done Oscar!
The MTS Yearbook request for photos
The Mother Teresa School Yearbook has been confirmed for 2025, but this year, we are going to need your help to get it across the line.
Families that have been with us for a few years would know that each year, with the help of our school committee and dedicated parents and our amazing teachers, we have produced a 200 page, professionally printed yearbook featuring all classes and highlighting the momentous occasions and experiences throughout the year.
The Yearbook has always been wonderfully received in the school community and are great keepsakes for the children to reflect on their journey here. To help in that undertaking we are hoping for your assistance
We would specifically like to request any photos from the events that have occurred in term 1 while they are fresh on your memories
-swimming carnival
-Harmony day
- Excursions
If families have any photos or if you’re attending school events (sporting, social etc) and you take any photos we’d love for you to snap and send a few back to us to use in the yearbook (appropriate permissions will be sought).
If you can help us with the above, please reach out and contact the Yearbook team via the yearbook email
Kind regards
Lindsay Hackett
MTS Easter Raffle Ticket Sales are now open on QKR!
Dear Families,
Our Easter Raffle tickets are now on sale via the QKR! App.
Tickets are $1 each. Tickets are digital sales only through the Qkr! App and NOT purchased at school.
The raffle will be drawn at the school morning lines 8:45am on Wednesday 9 April 2025.
Please see the attached guidance on how to purchase raffle tickets via Qkr!
Donations for the Easter hampers are still welcome at the front office!
Thank you for your support - MTS Social and Fundraising Working Group
Extra Curricular Activities at MTS