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Principal's Report Term 3 Week 1
Dear parents,
Welcome back to what has been a chilly start to term three.
Concerns regarding the spread of COVID 19 are still with us and I am sure no-one wishes a return to remote learning that parts of Victoria are again experiencing.
These concerns have forced us to cancel Grandparents Day for 2020 which was due to be held on September 11th. This is disappointing for the entire school community. While it is still seven weeks away, I know many grandparents make plans many weeks beforehand to attend the day. Having so many people in what is a vulnerable age group, tightly packed in the hall makes it impossible to proceed.
We are also examining our involvement in this year’s Boorowa Touch and Netball Carnival. A decision will be made in the next few weeks as to whether it proceeds. The current planned restriction on adults would make it impossible for us to attend.
The Year Six camp is also being reconsidered. This normally involves three days in Sydney visiting well known landmarks and attractions. At this stage this would be a high risk undertaking. We are investigating a sport and recreation camp alternative where the students are isolated from others for the length of the camp. We are aware that last year the students who are in year six this year attended the Sport and Recreation Camp at Narrabeen. This was the wettest camp I have ever been on, with a month’s rain falling on the Thursday. While the staff and students toughed it out, they were unable to participate in most of the planned activities. Hopefully the planned alternative will enable them to experience all that these camps offer. Further advice will be provided to our year six parents when alternate arrangements have been put in place.
I would like to remind parents to please not enter the school building unless a prior appointment has been made to see a teacher. If this is the case, please enter the school via the front office so you can sign in and sterilise your hands. Parents are also reminded that your child has cold or flu like symptoms (including coughing, runny nose, sore throat, sneezing and/or temperatures etc) they must stay at home. If children come to school and show these symptoms, parents will be called to come and collect them so that they can go home and rest until all symptoms have gone away.
I thank everyone for their cooperation in this uncertain time.
Maths Problem
We had two winners of the holiday maths challenge. In junior primary the winner was Emma Liew while in the older classes the winner was Brody Press. Congratulations to both winners and well done to all who entered. Some great asteroids!!
This week’s problem is below.
Hamish and Clare were playing around with 2-digit numbers.
Hamish did this calculation: 64 - 46 = 18. He then added 18 to its reverse, 81, and got 99.
Clare thought that was strange because she had taken 93, reversed it to get 39 and then took 39 from 93. This gave her 54. Then she added 54 to its reverse, 45. She got 99 too.
Claire wondered if you always get 99 this way. What do you think? Please write down your thoughts and send them in to Mr Hughes.
Parents are reminded that if students wear a beanie to school it needs to be navy blue. This week, being cold, we have had a number of students wearing a variety of coloured beanies. If you want to purchase a school beanie, they are available at the front office for $10.00.
God Bless
Peter Hughes
Religious Education Term 3 Week 1
The Whole school focus theme for this year is: Be Just Like Jesus
To be like Jesus is to be a person willing to put others before yourself, to seek wisdom, and to care about how you interact with all people you come across in life. Here are some ways to be more like Jesus.
Know who Jesus is and what he did. Read the Bible to learn more about him. Acts 20:32 says that the Word of God is able to build you up.
Love him. Radiate that love with others. Jesus said in John 13:34-35 that people would know us if we had the agape love of God and demonstrate it to the world.
Have the right heart. Proverbs 4:23, "Above all things keep your heart for out of it are the issues of life." Proverbs 3:5, "Trust in the Lord with all your Heart and rely not on your own understanding."
Care for other people. Treat others as you would like to be treated (Golden rule of Jesus in Matthew 7:12); think beyond yourself. Jesus forgave Peter even though Peter betrayed Jesus. Peter betrayed Jesus but Jesus would never betray Peter.
Be learned and wise. Jesus grew in wisdom and stature and favour with both God and Man (Luke 2:52).
Be Humble. After Jesus washed His disciples feet, He said, "An example I have given you, that you should do likewise (John 13:15).
Deal with your pride and any boastfulness. Phil 2:5 says, "Let this humble mind be in you that was also in Christ Jesus".
Be prepared to say sorry when you get something wrong.
Be considerate of others in all that you do. I Corinthians 13:4 says that love is always patient and kind. It was also through love that Jesus healed the sick and His desire was that His followers would do the same thing (Matthew 14:14, Matthew 10:7-8)
Watch your tone of voice, your style of language (don't curse, blaspheme, etc.). Always speak kindly of others and try to see things from their perspective. Jesus on the Cross said, "Father forgive them for they know not what they do (Luke 23:34)
Please keep our Year 6 students and their teachers at Mother Teresa School and the Parish, in your prayers. The Confirmation Candidates have been preparing for this important event, Sacrament of Confirmation over the past 2 terms. As we continue to pray for the world and all those affected by COVID-19, let us also lift up those preparing for the sacrament of Confirmation, that this unique time of preparation will inspire in their hearts a deep love for Christ and his Church.
Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful, and kindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit, and they shall be created, and you shall renew the face of the earth.
Next Tuesday 28th July all our Year 6 students will have a uniform free day as they celebrate ‘Spirit Day’ together at school.
Please note the Commitment Masses for this weekend are all booked out now. It's such a pity but we need to cap each Mass at 100 people for COVID restrictions. We are inviting those who aren't able to make it in person to attend via zoom on Sunday morning at 9:30am using this link:
Children's Mass books will be sent home with the children this week so they will have them ready to use during mass.
Thank you to those families who enrolled online and have sent in the payment envelop. There are a few families that need to email Louise their preferences for Reconciliation and First Eucharist as the online enrolment has closed. A copy of your child’s Baptismal Certificate needs to be emailed to the Parish and payment envelope needs to be sent to the school.
17th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Year A
26 July 2020
“He sold all that he had and bought the field.”
Something to Think About
Today we hear another gospel story about the Kingdom of Heaven. How do you think we could help to bring about God’s kingdom on earth? What would such a place look like? It would be a safe and enjoyable place where people are appreciated and loved. It would be a place where people's gifts are acknowledged and valued, where everyone is treated fairly, where people are honest and caring. Add some ideas of your own!
Peace and best wishes
Anne Leet
Religious Education Co-ordinator