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Dear parents,
I was very pleased to be able to inform all parents that school would resume on Monday 18th May for all students. I am sure we had some very excited students once they heard the news. Being with your friends and developing social skills is a key part of school life. I am also sure we had some very relieved parents. I know staff are very eager to resume face-to-face teaching.
Yesterday I thanked everyone for their support, efforts and understanding and I do so again. We could use the PMI strategy to describe our experiences during this crisis. Some were positive; some would have been negative while others would have been interesting.
When all students return on the 18th May, there are some reminders.
- For health reasons all bubblers are closed. All children will need a water bottle with their name on it.
- Hats must be worn while students are outside during May. June and July are hat free.
- Parents are asked to ensure all clothes have the child’s name on them as the students take off layers as the day warms up. The cooler months sees a big increase in lost clothing.
- Subway lunch orders will resume on Thursday 21st and Friday 22nd May. ALL orders must be sent in to the class teacher no later than Wednesday 9:30am.
- Please keep any children at home that are sick or have cold or flu like symptoms. If children present with these symptoms, they will be sent home.
Last Tuesday we held our first Community Council meeting for term two. At this meeting, I outlined the plan to extend the school hall and make associated improvements. For those that have been in the hall when we hold whole school events you know it is very crowded and, in summer, very hot.
We hope to finalise the design process this year and apply to the Block Grant Authority for funding in 2021. If successful, we would look to commence building in late 2021 or in 2022. The school will be required to make a significant contribution, which is one reason why we are not rushing the project. Our reserves for building projects were significantly depleted following the construction of the shade structure and the new toilet block.
Kindergarten Health Checks
Due to the redeployment of Registered Nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic response and the closure of schools, the 2020 physical component of the Kindergarten Health Check has been cancelled. The Academic Unit of General Practice questionnaire data, completed by parents at the beginning of the 2020 school year, has been collected as usual. The results of the questionnaire will be sent to the GP if consent has been given to do so. If parents have concerns regarding the physical check ACT Health recommends you see your GP for assessment. For more information please contact the School Health Team on 5124 1585.
Maths Problem
Congratulations to Emily Patterson (Years 5 & 6), Brody Press (years 1 & 2) and Aman Majok (K-2) who were first drawn out for their year levels, having answered the problems correctly. You prizes will be given to you when school returns. This week we again have three problems.
The Apple Tree - Kindergarten to Year 2
Owen’s family planted an apple tree right outside his window when he was born. It was 1 metre tall when they planted it.
On Owen's first birthday they measured the height. The apple tree was 1.5 metres tall.
When he turned two, it had grown to 2 metres.
On Owen's third birthday, the tree was 2.5 metres tall.
If this pattern continues, how tall will the tree be on his fourth birthday? What about his tenth birthday? What is the pattern?
A Simple Reversal - Years 3 & 4
The product of 3 and 24 is 72. The sum of 3 and 24 is 27, which is the reverse of 72. Can you find other pairs of numbers such that their product is the reverse of their sum?
A Phone-y Deal - Year 5& 6
We often see advertisements from phone companies competing to earn business by offering various calling plans.
One of them, Horizon, offers 700 minutes of calls per month for $45.99, and additional minutes are charged at 6 cents per minute.
Another company, Stingular, offers 700 minutes for $29.99 per month, and additional minutes are 35 cents each.
Which do you think is the better deal and why?
Religious Education Term 2 Week 2
Whole School Focus
The Whole school focus theme for this year is: Be Just Like Jesus This term we will be focusing on: Think Like Jesus: Jesus’ character and the way he lived offers excellent examples of ways we can copy him. We can do this by doing our best to live peacefully with others, study the scriptures, be gentle and humble, trust God, help others, make good choices, and always obey God.
This fun science experiment will help you to start a discussion with your children about what it means to be like Jesus.
You’ll need:
- white vinegar,
- and one teaspoon of each of the following substances in separate baby food jars:
- powdered milk,
- baking soda,
- oil,
- and plain water.
Lesson: Be Like Jesus
Say: Jesus showed his followers how to truly “walk the talk” of Christianity by joining together with him. Show the vinegar. This vinegar will represent Jesus’ teachings.
Show kids how each substance reacts with the vinegar, and explain the reactions in order:
Powdered Milk: Some people curdle like this powdered milk. They complain about how hard it is to follow God and they never grow.
Baking Soda: Some Christians have lots of fizz when they first hear Jesus’ words, but very little follow-through.
Oil: Some people never learn how to mix Jesus’ words into their lives.
Water: But what do you notice about the vinegar mixed with this pure water? Does it look like water or vinegar? (Let the kids smell the solution.) Does it smell like water or vinegar?
Read 1 Corinthians 6:17. The water has become part of the vinegar. In the same way, we can be Christians who become so much like Jesus that people see him when they look at us.
Glynis Belec
Fr Mark and Fr Jiss invite you to please sign in to the Mass at 9.15am using Meeting ID 824-036-573 or click
Fifth Sunday of Easter - Year A
10 May 2020
“I am the way, the truth and the life.”
Something to Think About
In this week's gospel, Jesus tells us that he is the way, the truth and the life.
What do you think Jesus meant when he said "I am the way?"
How do we know the 'the way' to Jesus?
What 'signs' do we see that show us 'the way'? We show the way to Jesus through kindness to others, forgiving others, helping without being asked, being the first to say sorry, or welcoming a new person. Let's pray that our families will show other people the way to Jesus.
The Story
This week Jesus shows us who God is.
If we want to know what God is like we need only look to Jesus and his life.
Jesus tells the disciples that he is the way, the truth, and the life.
To live as a Christian is to live by the same values which guided Jesus.
The Scriptures
A Reading from the Holy Gospel according to John 14:1-6
Jesus said to his disciples, "Don't be worried!
Have faith in God and have faith in me. There are many rooms in my Father's house.
I wouldn't tell you this, unless it was true.
I am going there to prepare a place for each of you.
After I have done this, I will come back and take you with me.
Then we will be together. You know the way to where I am going."
Thomas said, "Lord, we don't even know where you are going!
How can we know the way?"
"I am the way, the truth, and the life!" Jesus answered.
The Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
Click to watch the video. Sing and dance along! One Way
Bedtime Prayer
Family Discussion
Jesus is the way. Jesus shows us how to live.
Jesus is the truth. Jesus shows us what to believe.
Jesus is the life. Jesus lives in us.
How does your family live to show other people that you are followers of Jesus?
Family Activity
When we go on a journey, we see many signs that help us on our way
Design some signs to help your family follow Jesus, signs to remind each other that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life!
Peace and best wishes
Anne Leet REC
Do Small Things with Great Love
Mother Teresa School would like to recognise students in our school community who have done something amazing. This week we feature Amelie Dale from Year 3.
Amelie very generously cut her hair and donated it to "Hair with Heart". This charity creates wigs for children who have lost their hair due to a medical condition. Amelie found a way to be able to support those in need by undergoing the big chop. We recognise Amelie for this kind act where she has put others before herself. We are sure that someone will be very grateful for the gift of her beautiful hair. Congratulations Amelie!
If you have a student that should be recognised please email the front office with pictures and a short note about what they have done and we will endeavour to pop something in the newsletter to celebrate our amazing school community.