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Dear Parents,
Thursday saw our new students for the 2020 school year have their orientation sessions at school. The ELC also had their orientation sessions on the same day so it was very busy. All of the students settled in well and it was wonderful to see them leave the school with a positive mindset. Thank you to all of the staff for making the day run smoothly and such a success.
Parents are reminded that the Street Fair run by the Community Council takes place next Friday evening commencing at 4.30pm. Come along and mix with other parents while the children are entertained. I will be assisting on the BBQ so buy a sausage sandwich for dinner! I am looking forward to seeing as many families as possible, it should be a great way to conclude the working week.
Maths Problem
Congratulations to Oliver Miller who was the winner of last week’s prize. This week’s problem is below.
This is another problem ‘making a list’ will help solve.
Sixteen marbles are to be divided between two children. How many ways are there to divide the marbles if each child receives an odd number?
Congratulations - Local Business Awards