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Dear Parents,
This week I shared an analysis of the school’s NAPLAN results for 2019 with the community council. As a school we are very pleased with our results and how we have performed overall and how we have performed against our targets.
You will find the report on our website under the ‘Our School’ tab then in the Reports and Publications folder or you can click here to go directly to the website.
In previous years I have sent home an A3 sheet to each family however this year the results I shared with the Community Council are available on the school’s website. We have also added the analysis for the previous years should anyone be interested.
I would like to pass on the congratulations of the school community to two of our staff members. The first of these is Susan Curbishley who has been recognised for ‘Outstanding Professional Service’ in music education in the ACT and across Australia. This year Susan has been working with staff from the Wagga Diocese and regularly organises conferences for music teachers from across Australia. We are lucky to have such a committed and passionate music educator at MTS.
The second staff member is Janene Sadler who recently reported on the wonderful work happening at our ELC at an educator forum for ‘Early Learning STEM Australia’. Janine’s expertise and knowledge of using ICT to promote STEM enhances the learning experiences of the students in our ELC. We are again blessed to have someone with such expertise on our staff.
Today the students, staff and many parents participated in our school walkathon. In very windy and cool condition we all strode out on bike paths near the school.
The total amount raised for the walkathon has not been finalised but it appears to be a significant amount that will all be put towards readers in the student’s classrooms.
Thank you to all that assisted particularly those that helped on the BBQ. Thank you to Mr Roweth and Mr Hart for their organisation.
A final report will be in next week’s newsletter.
Maths Problem
Congratulations to Oliver Miller from 2 Jade who was last week’s winner.
This week I worked with some Year Two students and we were looking at fractions. Several of the students came up with this model and were asked to work out what fraction of the entire shape the small green triangle was. What do you think? (Hint: 1 yellow hexagon cover the same area as six green triangles).
Thank you to the families who have informed us that they are leaving at the end of the year. If you are leaving at the end of the year and have not let us know officially, would you please inform the Front Office ASAP by email or 6241 5604.
God Bless
Peter Hughes
Congratulations to Amelia and Sophie Amey who competed at the ACT State Equestrian Interschool Championships on the 1-3 November.
Both girls put in a wonderful effort and managed to "ride away" with the following awards:
Champion year 1 sporting
Champion year 1 show riding
Sportsmanship Award
Overall champion year 1
1st fashion on the field K - 12
Australian stock horse high point horse and rider
Champion pony hack under 14 hands
Champion kinder sporting
Champion kinder show riding
Sportsmanship award
Overall champion kinder
In addition to the above, the girls also managed to get 3rd primary school overall points!!