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- Principal's Report Week 10 Term 3 - 2019
- Religious Education Term 3 Week 10
- Mother Teresa Awards Term 3
- Walk-a-Thon - Friday 8 Novemver
- Sports News Week 9
- Seven Steps to Writing Success
- Mr Hughes' Holiday Maths Challenge!
- Anthony Pasquariello Go Fund Me Appeal
- Front Office Reminders Term 3
- Happy Birthday September & October
Principal's Report Week 10 Term 3 - 2019
Dear parents,
As we come to the end of the term, I would like to thank staff, students and parents for their support through all of the events that occurred throughout the term. I have outlined these in the past few weeks and and they certainly added to the vibrancy of MTS.
Tuesday evening saw the Year Three and Four students perform Yee Haaaa for families and friends. It was a wonderful performance which was enjoyed by all. Congratulations to all the students involved, the class teachers and Mrs Curbishley for all her preparation.
Term Four sees us move into warmer weather and the children back in their summer uniform, the details of which are available on our website. A reminder all children are required to wear blue bucket hats. Please ensure all items of clothing are labelled.
Maths Problem
Congratulations to Nikos Vassiliotis (2 Mint) who was this week’s winner.
The holiday maths challenge (located further down in this newsletter) is a series of puzzles from ‘Puzzle Compendium consisting of simple mathematical games and puzzles to develop problem Solving and Reasoning.’
Those students that get all the solutions correct will go in the draw otherwise the wonderful prize will go to the person with the most correct solutions. I look forward to seeing lots of entries!
I wish you all a wonderful school holiday break and will see you back for the start of term 4 on Monday 14 October.
God Bless
Peter Hughes
Walk-a-Thon - Friday 8 Novemver
The Mother Teresa School Walkathon is our major fundraising activitiy for 2019. It will focus on a Community Day on Friday 8th November. The sponsorship raised by the students will go towards purchasing literacy resources in the primary school and outdoor areas for the ELC.
We welcome all parents, families and friends to join in the fun and assist the teachers with walking the course along with the students.
This year everyone who completes the Walkathon and collects sponsorship money will receive a Barbeque lunch on the day!
Each Wednesday students are asked to return their sponsorship form, including any money they have collected. Students will be given a ticket for every $10 raised for the ‘Monster Prize Draw’. There are lots of exciting prizes to win. The major prize is $1000!
The class which raises the most money each week will receive a special surprise. There will also be a big treat for the class who raises the most money at the completion of the walkathon.
The schedule for the walk-a-thon is
- 4-6 leave at 9:15 am
- 2-3 leave at 9:30 am
- P-K-1 leave at 9:40 am

Tennis Hot Shots Gala Day
Two 3-4 teams represented MTS at the North Canberra/Gungahlin Tennis Gala Day. Students played both doubles and mixed doubles matches on modified courts using low compression tennis balls.
A great day was had by students, teachers and parents who attended. One of our teams will advance to the ACT finals day and play against the best teams in Canberra.
Miss Jeffries reported that all students played well. Some stand out performances came from Hugh Almond and Henry Hetherington who didn’t drop a set the whole tournament.
Representatives: Henry Hetherington, Hugh Almond, Ryley Power, Quinn Truong, Michal Hoszowski, Isaac Di Iulio, Tomislav Celebija, Josh Beardsmore-Mills, Sophia Kuminek, Polina Burgess, Maddie Partridge, Lily Voight, Lana Schier, Chelsea Rawlins, Eva Huetter, Brianna Russell.
Anthony Pasquariello Go Fund Me Appeal
If you know Anthony, you would know that he has a beautiful soul, this 8 year old Canberra locals charming smile always lights up the room, he loves to laugh, always has a joke ready and has the sweetest personality. |This soccer and Raiders fan loves nothing more than being with his family, a family which has been by his side supporting him through his heart transplant journey.
Early April 2019, Anthony started feeling sick, little did we expect what was to come. Initially being diagnosed with pneumonia, he was admitted to Canberra Hospital where he deteriorated further and was emergency airlifter to Sydney's Westmead Children's Hospital. Doctors suspected heart issues, specifically Myocarditis.
After undergoing numerous procedures at Westmead draining his chest, instering a centeral line, and spending weeks in intensive care, Anthony and his parents were informed that he had dilated and restricted cardiomyopathy with the doctors recommending treatment at Royal Children's Hospital Melbourne.
Having his world turned upside down, shortly after arrival at the Royal Children's Hospital Melbourne specialists performed open heart surgery installing a Left Ventricular Assisted Device (LVAD). Anthony spent 6 weeks in intensive care recovering from this procedure.
By this point, Anthony had been in hospital for 18 weeks he had 6 teeth removed, 7 chest drains inserted and removed, suffered pneumothorax, kidney and liver hiccups many allergic reactions blood and plasma tranfusions, and bypass surgeries.
Throughout this traumatic experience, Anthony has always remained in good spirits, never complaining, a true superstar.
Following this Anthony showed immense bravery as an 8 year old and chose to be placed on the heart transplant list.
On 12th September Anthony's life was blessed with a new heart, undergoing a heart transplant.
He remains stable and recovering, surrounded by his mum, dad and big sister, all of who can only describe this as a miracle.
Anthony and his family have been uprooted from their home town which is 8 hours away, with no warning, leaving behind their very close extended family, freinds, school and jobs.
His family has and will remain by his side for the entirety of his recovery and rehabilitation, for what will be a long road to recovery for Anthony.
All money raisesd will go towards getting Anthony the rehabilitation items he needs, getting him home as quick as possible so he can once again be with his family and friends that he left behind in Canberra.
This journey has opened our eyes and pulled on our heart strings to critically ill children who fight for their lives every single day. Any additional funds will be donated to sponsoring beds in the cardiac and intensive care wards within the hospital.
We ask you to help our family in thoughts and prayer and we will get through with your love.
Anthony is a hero and every prayer for him is greatly appreciated.
Front Office Reminders
- Absentee Notes—If your child is absent from school due to sickness, holiday or other reason, please ensure a note is submitted via Szapp, our website or provided to your child’s classroom teacher on their return.
- Sickness—If your child has been sick and has been vomiting or had diarrhoea then they must be excluded from school for at least 24 hours after the symptoms have ceased.
- School Start & Finish times
- School supervision starts at 8.15am with classes beginning at 8.45am
- Lunch break is from 11.00am to 11.55am
- Recess break is from 1.25pm-1.55pm
- School finishes at 3.00pm with supervision at car line finishing at 3.30pm.
- Parents who cannot collect their child/children by this time should arrange for after school care with Kidsbiz. In the case of any
emergency which prevents you from collecting on time, please contact us so that we can make arrangements to ensure the safety/supervision of your child/children.
- Late to school procedure:-
- If you are dropping off your child to school late please remember to sign in at the front office (any time after 9:15am).
Every student needs to have their late slip with them to hand on to their class teacher upon arrival at their classroom.
- If you are dropping off your child to school late please remember to sign in at the front office (any time after 9:15am).
- Early Pickup procedure:-
- If you are planning to collect your child early please try to let the class teacher know beforehand so that your child/children are at the front office waiting for you.
- If you have an unplanned early pickup please contact the front office and let us know what time you will be arriving so that we can have your child/children ready.
- Please remember if this happens, we will do our best to locate your child but this is not always possible especially if they are out of class or on lunch or recess breaks.
- In addition, if you are collecting your child early and you have requested they arrive at the office at a specific time, please ensure that you arrive at that time to collect them. It is not appropriate that children be removed from class to be collected and then sit at the office and wait for extended periods of time for you to arrive.
- A sign out slip will need to be completed for each child leaving the school prior to the end of the school day.