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Principal's Report Term 3 - Week 8
Dear Parents,
This weekend sees 65 students from Year Three making their First Eucharist. We ask all members of our school community to keep them in their prayers as they take the next step in the development of their Catholic faith. Thank you to all the staff and parents that have helped prepare the students to receive the sacrament especially to Mrs Leet who coordinates the school’s sacramental program.
Today we celebrated Grandparents' Day and what a wonderful day it was! We had an amazing turn out of Grandparents who loved the performances put on by the students. It was good to see so many visiting classrooms to see what their grandchildren are learning and the work they have produced. We had many who travelled great distances to be with us. I know the children were very excited to see you! Thank you to Mrs Curbishley and the staff for putting the performances together.
Staff Movements – Term Four
Term Four sees some changes in staffing with both Louise Thomas (Kinder Ruby) and Katie Kemp (3 Cobalt on Thursdays) both commencing maternity leave. We wish both ladies the best of health as they prepare for the arrival of their babies.
Kinder Ruby will be taught by Veronica Trow who has been with us previously and has recently done several relief days in Kinder Ruby. Lauren Pye will do an extra day in 3 Cobalt.
Kate O’Keefe will return from maternity leave two days a week and will take 4 Amethyst on a Monday and Tuesday while Miss Wozniak will take them for the remainder of the week.
Maths Problem
Last week’s winner was Raeland Loney from 1 Ochre. This week’s problem is below.
Piñatas originated in Mexico and are often broken during a party or a celebration. A piñata is a container, usually filled with toys or treats. Workers in a piñata factory use about 25 sheets of tissue paper for each piñata they make. For a coming celebration, the factory will get orders for approximately 1000 piñatas. How many sheets of tissue paper should they order? They always request 12 different colours of tissue paper and use three colours (red, blue and yellow) twice as often as the other 9 colours. About how many sheets of each colour should they order? Explain your thinking.
Sports News Catch-Up
OzTag Gala Day
We had 10 teams participate in the OzTag gala day in week 4. Thank you to the parents who coached teams on the day. We simply cannot send the amount of teams to these days that we do without your support! All students played well and enjoyed the day in some fantastic weather.
OzTag Finals
Congratulations to the two teams that competed in the OzTag finals ‘Battle of North v South’ on Monday! The 5-6 girls made the grand final and were beaten narrowly in a very tight match 6-4.
The 3-4 boys played their hearts out and ended up competing in the 3rd v 4th place off. The boys were narrowly beaten by one try in the final seconds of the game.
Thank you to Mrs Blackwell, Emily Patterson and Matt Power for coaching and all of the parents who came to support the teams on the day.
3-4 Cricket Gala
We sent three teams to the 3-4 T20 Blast cricket gala day on Wednesday 4th September. Miss Wozniak (now a cricket convert) reported that the students had a cracking day filled with loads of fun. Thanks Simon Ruhfus for helping manage the teams on the day.
North Canberra/Gungahlin Athletics Carnival
We had 30 students compete in our regional athletics carnival on Friday 30th August. Mrs Williams reported that students tried their hearts out and represented our school with great pride and determination. Thank you to Nadine Sadler-Pather for volunteering as the school official on the day. Congratulations to the following students who advanced to the ACT carnival.
Siena Fogliani
Lily Martin
Brody Press
Makenna Ravouvou
Milana Sadler-Pather
Brooke Stewart
Ben Batten
Mackenzie Dugdale

Front Office Reminders
- Absentee Notes—If your child is absent from school due to sickness, holiday or other reason, please ensure a note is submitted via Szapp, our website or provided to your child’s classroom teacher on their return.
- Sickness—If your child has been sick and has been vomiting or had diarrhoea then they must be excluded from school for at least 24 hours after the symptoms have ceased.
- School Start & Finish times
- School supervision starts at 8.15am with classes beginning at 8.45am
- Lunch break is from 11.00am to 11.55am
- Recess break is from 1.25pm-1.55pm
- School finishes at 3.00pm with supervision at car line finishing at 3.30pm.
- Parents who cannot collect their child/children by this time should arrange for after school care with Kidsbiz. In the case of any
emergency which prevents you from collecting on time, please contact us so that we can make arrangements to ensure the safety/supervision of your child/children.
- Late to school procedure:-
- If you are dropping off your child to school late please remember to sign in at the front office (any time after 9:15am).
Every student needs to have their late slip with them to hand on to their class teacher upon arrival at their classroom.
- If you are dropping off your child to school late please remember to sign in at the front office (any time after 9:15am).
- Early Pickup procedure:-
- If you are planning to collect your child early please try to let the class teacher know beforehand so that your child/children are at the front office waiting for you.
- If you have an unplanned early pickup please contact the front office and let us know what time you will be arriving so that we can have your child/children ready.
- Please remember if this happens, we will do our best to locate your child but this is not always possible especially if they are out of class or on lunch or recess breaks.
- In addition, if you are collecting your child early and you have requested they arrive at the office at a specific time, please ensure that you arrive at that time to collect them. It is not appropriate that children be removed from class to be collected and then sit at the office and wait for extended periods of time for you to arrive.
- A sign out slip will need to be completed for each child leaving the school prior to the end of the school day.