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Principal's Message Term 1 Week 7 2025
Dear Parents and Carers,
It was a week of many exciting and engaging activities around the school.
- Despite a chilly start to the week our Swimming Carnival went ahead with the Jackman House coming out winners. Congratulations to Kate O'Keefe for the organisation of the carnival.
- Many of our Year 3 children made their First Reconciliation during the week. Thank you to Anne Leet, our REC, and the Year 3 teachers for their preparation of the children for this Parish-based program.
- Our Year 3 and 5 students completed the 2025 NAPLAN Assessments. Thank you to Catherine Blackwell for coordinating this program.
- The Year 6 cohort headed to Stanley Tops for their three-day leadership camp and reported it was lots of fun. Everyone returned very tired!
- Today we celebrated the culmination of our Harmony Week activities. We are a school blessed with many cultures. Thank you to the parents and grandparents who visited classrooms and shared aspects of their culture and heritiage with the children and staff. Thank you to Sophie Dash for her involvement and support in making the week a great success
Year 6 Adventurers
Harmony Day
School Photos Timetable for Week 8
Car Park
Once again I have received complaints about the parent behaviour in our school car park. Please be patient with other families; park safely, reverse out of a park with care and respect the use of our disabled car parking areas.
Parents are reminded that jewellery is not permitted at school. The only exceptions are stud earrings or small sleepers, and a watch. Please no dangle or coloured earrings or neck chains. Precious items should not be worn to school.
Class Contacts
School Fees and Building Fund
A reminder that the building fund is now a compulsory fee. It is a family fee added only to the eldest child, in some cases this is a sibling in an Archdiocesan Catholic School.
Please note the following clause in the fee policy should you request extended leave and want to return to Mother Teresa School after time away. This is something a family needs to discuss when planning time away from school.
Have a lovely weekend
Carmel Maguire
Religious Education News - Anne Leet
The Whole school focus theme for this JUBILEE 2025 year is ‘PILGRIMS OF HOPE’
This term at Mother Teresa School we will use the theme that:
The Journey of Faith: Dream, Slow Down, and Reflect
“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” — Jeremiah 29:11
We will show the value of Unity towards those we meet in our class and on the playground by following ‘The Mother Teresa School Way’:
- Including others
- Listening attentively
- Showing good sportsmanship
- Treating others equitably.
Thank you to Ms Beak & Mrs Cooper along with the students in 2 Emerald and 2 Mint who presented a fabulous Prayer Focus on Consideration and Harmony. The message of Harmony week is that everyone belongs. It is about inclusiveness, respect and belonging for all Australians, no matter their cultural background. At MTS we are going to live our motto ‘Do Small things With Great Love’ by being considerate and live in Harmony. Everyone did and amazing job at singing and signing ‘We Are One’ This was truly a wonderful way to explain consideration and harmony to all students.
A heartfelt thank you to everyone for your generous donations to Project Compassion this year. Once again, the families of Mother Teresa School have truly shown their support for those in need. Thanks to the incredible generosity of both the children and their families, well done everyone! Please continue to encourage your child(ren) to bring in their donations to add to the class Project Compassion Box.
A heartfelt thank you to all the families who participated in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. It was truly wonderful to see such a strong presence at the various liturgies. Congratulations to the children, and a sincere thanks to the parents, teachers, and students for the time and effort spent preparing for this significant Sacrament.
The students approached the experience with great reverence, fully understanding its importance. The Gospel reading of the ‘Good Shepherd’ beautifully illustrates God’s love and His unwavering desire to welcome back those who have strayed. In recent weeks, the students have been reflecting with their parents and teachers on the impact of their choices, both good and bad, and how these decisions can affect others.
Your parents love you and want the best for you, and we can achieve that by opening our hearts to Jesus.
Many thanks to all who made this occasion so special:
- Father Troy who was so welcoming of the children and their families and whose homily so aptly captured the significance of Reconciliation in our lives today.
- Fr Eden who has played a big role in helping prepare the students for Reconciliation at Mother Teresa School.
- The teachers, Kim Harris, Sophia Caputo, Mickaela Kelly & Paris Morris who prepared the students so well for this sacrament.
- Mel Unwin our Sacramental Preparation Officer who ensured all aspects of the registration was completed.
- The parents who have supported their child in this important step in their faith journey.
Parent & child Information Session - Tuesday 25 March – 1pm or 6pm
Fr Troy & Fr Eden are Looking forward to meeting you all at one of these important meetings.
- Saturday 29 March @ 5pm Mass & Sunday 30 March @ 8am, 9:30am or 5pm. Enrolment and commissioning for students preparing to make Confirmation.
Something to Think About
Have you ever seen a fruit tree? What is your favourite kind of fruit to eat?
The Story
In this week’s gospel, Jesus tells the people a story. He describes a man who had a fruit tree that wasn’t growing any fruit. The man waits for three years and still it grows no fruit. He wants to chop the tree down, but the gardener tells him to wait one more year, and give it some fertiliser to help it grow.
Video Link:
We are proud to share the Book Launch of an MTS parent!
Jacqueline de Rose Ahern will be releasing the first 2 books of her new children's series, Ariana Treasure.
Please see the attached brochure and visit to find out more and book tickets. She will be visiting MTS in Term 3 to chat with the K-1 students about being an author and to share her stories.
Tickets will be $1 and available to purchase online only via the QKR! app.
Extra Curricular Activities at MTS