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- Principal's Message Term 2 Week 3 2024
- Religious Education News - Anne Leet
- Parish News
- Class Awards Week 2 - Empathy - showing compassion
- ELC Administrator - Mother Teresa
- MTS Open Days 2024
- Class Contact Parent – We need you!
- Tech Talk with Mrs Macarthur
- NAIDOC Week 2024
- Community Service Announcements
Principal's Message Term 2 Week 3 2024
Dear Parents,
This week we had many families come through our doors for the first of our Open Days. Our fearless Year 6 Leaders led the tours with great pride and articulation. All parents we spoke to following the tours commented on the great "feel" that exists at Mother Teresa School and are excited to enrol their children in 2025. The final open day will take place next Wednesday from 9:30am to 11am.
Confirmation Preparation
Our Confirmation Candidates spent a day at Holy Spirit Parish today participating in Spirit Day. This is the final step in preparing our students for their Confirmation next week. We thank Mrs Leet and our Year 6 teachers for all of their work leading up to this important sacrament.
Compass Update
A reminder to parents to please update any changes to email addresses or contact numbers through the Compass portal. Home addresses changes can only be made by contacting the school.
While we understand that homes are busy places, can families please ensure that children are at school before 8:45am. While isolated instances are understandable, when students are frequently late it affects their capability to learn to their full potential. It is also important to note that much of the key learning time in class takes place in the morning sessions.
Car Line
A reminder that Primary School car line is on the courts. The pick up point in front of our ELC is for pre-school children only.
Matt Giteau Cup
Congratulations to the students from 3 to 6 who participated in the Matt Giteau Cup yesterday. All teams represented Mother Teresa School with great distinction, displaying incredible teamwork, skill and sportsmanship. Our Year 3/4 team has won through to the finals, after finishing runners up yesterday. Thanks to Mrs Kate O'Keefe and Mrs Catherine Blackwell who took the teams.
Community Council Meeting Invitation
The Community Council are meeting at the school next Tuesday May 21 from 6pm. All parents are invited to attend.
God Bless,
Craig and Lina
Religious Education News - Anne Leet
The Whole school focus theme for this year is ‘COME HOLY SPIRIT’
This term at Mother Teresa School we will use the theme that: We are called to Dream
“Don't be afraid to dream big because we have a big God who can do all things. It is only through God's power that we can accomplish all the dreams he has put in our hearts.” Matthew 19:26
Confirmation 2024
Please pray for our Year 6 Confirmation Candidates, their teachers, and families as they prepare this important sacrament.
Let us lift up those preparing for the sacrament of Confirmation that this unique time of preparation will inspire in their hearts a deep love for Christ and his Church.
Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful, and kindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit, and they shall be created, and you shall renew the face of the earth.
Spirit Day
On Friday, our Year 6 students participated in ‘Spirit Day’ retreat for the sacrament of confirmation. We hope the students enjoyed the opportunity to reflect on their faith journey so far this year. They celebrated Reconciliation with Fr Troy and Fr Eden in an uplifting ceremony. The Youth Ministers from the three schools were amazing as they brought to life the importance of the sacrament to the students. They also had an opportunity to create cards for their sponsors and engage in various activities ensuring that our Confirmation candidates are well and truly prepared to make the sacrament next week.
Sacrament of Confirmation – Thursday 23rd & Friday 24th May at 6.00pm
Please ensure you are at the church 15 minutes prior to the ceremony starting.

Pentecost Sunday 19 May
2024 - Year B
“As the Father sent me, so I send you. Receive the Holy Spirit.”
Something to Think About
If you go into a church this weekend, you will notice that the colours have changed! Things which were white for Easter are now red for Pentecost. The priest will be wearing red too. What does the colour red make you think of?
The Story
Today we are going to listen to a reading from the Acts of the Apostles. It tells the story of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit came. Jesus’ friends were together in one room, when they heard a sound like a huge wind. A tongue of fire came and rested above each person. The disciples started speaking different languages so that all the people could understand the wonderful things that God had done.
Click to watch the video: Leet REC
ELC Administrator - Mother Teresa
Do you enjoy working with people? Does money, figures and all things finance call to you? How does being the face of an ELC sound to you? If this appeals to you and you are looking for a new, rewarding and work/life balanced opportunity, maybe the role of ELC Administrator is the role for you!
Mother Teresa ELC is looking for a new member to join our team of dedicated and committed professionals in the role of ELC Administrator. The ELC Administrator plays a special part in our day-to-day operation; greeting families and children, working with a dynamic team within Catholic Education, supporting the ongoing compliance and maintenance of our environments and supporting in managing our finances.
To find out more about the role and to apply, please access the position on the Catholic Education Archdiocese Canberra Goulburn website.
Class Contact Parent – We need you!
With the start of a new term we are keen to bring together the Class Contacts for 2024.
The aim of the Class Contact initiative is to continue the tradition of building strong community partnerships at Mother Teresa. The Class Contact Parent is a fun and rewarding liaison role between class teachers and families. We invite you to consider this opportunity to get to know your child’s class and teacher and become a vital part of fostering and building a supportive community at Mother Teresa School.
Thank you to a number of parents who have already offered to be the contact for their child’s class. We continue to have a number of vacancies and would love to hear from you if your child is in:
Kinder Rose |
Kinder Crimson |
1 Ochre |
3 Aqua |
4 Indigo |
5 Silver |
5 Pearl |
5 Ivory |
6 Ink |
If you are interested in volunteering as a Class Contact Person for your child’s Class, please contact
Save the date: On Wednesday May 22 at 6pm Eastlake Club all class contacts are invited to come together and meet with SCC representative and school Principal.
Parent e-safety webinars
Please see below for live webinars from the e-safety Commissioner for this term. These live webinars give parents and carers the knowledge, skills and tools to support their children to have safe online experiences and where to seek help if needed. To register for these webinars and other dates later in the year please go to
Please see Mrs Slaven or come to Culture Club on a Friday for more information and time to complete your artwork.