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Principal's Message Term 1 Week 9 2024
Holy Week Liturgies
Today our school participated in the Holy Week Liturgies. This was a reminder of the ultimate sacrifice that Jesus made for us. When we return on Tuesday we will celebrate the resurrection. The children participated reverently and looked amazing in their clothing from the time of Jesus. A huge thank you to Mrs Leet for coordinating the liturgies and the staff and students for the presentations.
Easter Raffle
Thanks again to our Community Council for the Easter raffle. We were able to raise in excess of $2000 and many families walked away with some incredibly delicious treats to enjoy on Sunday!
Cross Country
Our school cross country will be run next Friday 5 April. The students have been preparing over the past few weeks to tackle the gruelling course. We are anticipating a start time of around 9:20am. The order of events and distances for the carnival is as follows:
Year 1
12 years (3km)
11 years (3km)
10 years (2km)
8 years (1km)
9 years (1.5km)
Students are encouraged to wear their house colours for the day.
A big thank you to the parents that have volunteered for the carnival. Can you please meet Mr Russell and Mr Howarth under the shade shelter at 8:45am.
Wishing everyone a safe and enjoyable Easter break.
God Bless,
Craig and Lina
Religious Education News - Anne Leet
The Whole school focus theme for this year is ‘COME HOLY SPIRIT’
This term at Mother Teresa School we will use the theme: We are called to care.
‘The Mother Teresa School Way’:
We will show the value of Considerations towards those we meet in our

- Including others
- Listening attentively
- Showing good sportsmanship
- Treating others equitably.
Confirmation 2024
Please pray for our Year 6 Confirmation Candidates, their teachers, and families as they prepare this important sacrament. All our Confirmation candidates are truly embracing their ministries and getting involved in the Parish Masses. Well done! Don’t forget to bring your item of food for the ‘Food Pantry’.
A very big thank you to everyone for your generous donations to Project Compassion this year. Once again Mother Teresa School families have come to the fore to help others: Thanks to the wonderful generosity of the children and their families, during Lent we raised over $1,462:40. Well done and congratulations everyone.
What a fabulous and joyous occasion we had on Thursday as part of our Holy Week liturgies. A big thank you to all the children who sang so beautifully and participated so reverently during the various liturgies and to the fabulous staff at Mother Teresa School who as always rose to the occasion to provide memorable teaching and learning experiences for the students. The dramatization and re-enactment of the events helped everyone to remember the journey and struggle for Jesus. The joyous event of Easter where Jesus rose to new life will be held when we return to school on Tuesday.
Who: - Year 1
What: - Resurrection
When: - Tuesday 2nd April @ 8:45am
Where: - Turf
A special thank you to all those parents who came along to support the students. It was wonderful having you here.
“The teaching of Scripture is that Jesus must rise
from the dead.”
Something to Think About
Can you think of some baby animals that hatch from an egg? Have you ever thought about why we eat chocolate eggs at Easter? Eggs are a symbol of new life! We celebrate Jesus’ resurrection and our new life with him.
The Story
On Holy Thursday, we remembered the last supper that Jesus celebrated with his friends, telling them to break bread and share the cup in memory of him. On Good Friday, we remembered the day Jesus died for us to save us from our sins. Jesus’ friends and disciples didn’t understand what was happening. They were frightened and sad about what had happened. Jesus’ body was laid in a tomb and a large stone was rolled across the entrance. Today’s story begins on Easter Sunday morning when Mary Magdalene went to the tomb and was very surprised to see that the stone had been rolled away. The tomb was empty, and she thought that someone had taken Jesus’ body away. The other disciples were shocked too. They didn’t know that Jesus had risen from the dead. He was alive!
God made you and God made me, He made the world for us to see. God loves you and long ago, He sent his Son to tell us so. Jesus showed us many things, to love and share and dance and sing. To learn and pray, to help and care, He promised he’d always be there. He died but then came back to life, let’s celebrate for he’s alive! Amen. — UnknownAnne Leet REC
Community Council News and Events
Wow! What can we say except a tremendous thank you to our beautiful school community!
The generosity and support for our school Easter raffle has been amazing.
Congratulations to all the lucky MTS families who took home one of the 30 Easter goodie
baskets, just in time for the long weekend.
A special thank you to the School Community Council, our wonderful front office staff for
helping accommodate all the donations and our social and fundraising working group
members for all the help with preparing the baskets.
Happy Easter from the MTS community Council.
Coffee & Chat is on again on Wednesday 3 April at Wildbark Café in Throsby. See attached flyer for more details.
Carly Flemington our Defence Mentor will be there to welcome new and existing Defence families.