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- Principal's Message Term 1 Week 8 2024
- Chief Ministers Reading Challenge
- Religious Education News - Anne Leet
- Holy Week Liturgies
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- Aboriginal Catholic Ministry Mass
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Principal's Message Term 1 Week 8 2024
Parent Teacher Interviews
It was amazing to walk around and see parents and teachers celebrating the achievements of our children this week. These chats consolidate the notion at MTS that it really does take a village to raise a child and that for this to be enacted it takes a united effort from all. We thank all of the teachers for their professionalism and preparation for these meetings and the parents who took the time to attend.
Harmony Day
Our school community came together on Thursday to celebrate Harmony Day. The classrooms and playground were filled with an amazing variety of traditional cultural dress, recognising the contributions of many to make MTS such a great place to be. It was Robert Alan who was quoted to have said that "Cultural differences should not separate us, but rather cultural diversity brings a collective strength that can benefit all of humanity".
A big congratulations to our Year 3 and 5 cohorts who made it through NAPLAN for another year. Thanks to Mrs Catherine Blackwell, the teachers and class support assistants for coordinating and facilitating these assessments.
Easter Raffle
The much-anticipated Easter raffle has been greatly supported by our community. The donations have been overwhelming, and the parent helpers have been working overtime to produce some outstanding and enticing hampers. Thank you to all of Community Council for coordinating the raffle.
A reminder that tickets will be on sale up until Sunday evening on the QKR app. The draw will take place on Wednesday March 27 at morning assembly.
A huge congratulations to Mrs Bernadette Matthew and Mrs Danielle Cooper, who formally graduated this week. We wish them both all the best in their pursuits as classroom teachers both at MTS and beyond.
God Bless,
Craig and Lina
Chief Ministers Reading Challenge
Mother Teresa School have registered to participate in the Chief Minister's Reading Challenge. This commenced on 12 February (so feel free to add books that have been read between then and now) and will conclude on Friday 5 July. Students from Kindergarten to Year 6 are strongly encouraged to participate. The challenge is to read 30 books during this time. For younger students, this also includes books that have been read to them.
For the challenge, students may read any book of their choice (in paper or electronic form). This can include any genre in picture books, novels, comic books, graphic novels, poetry, or non-fiction books. If you read a book that you really enjoyed, consider writing a book review and sharing it with your teacher and class. The review can be counted as a book on your record. Students in Kindergarten through to Year 3 will be given a paper version of the record sheet. Students in Years 4, 5 and 6 will have a digital version of the record sheet which they can access on Google classroom. There is a copy of the record sheet attached to this announcement. When students have finished reading a book, a parent, carer or teacher must verify. When students have finished reading all the books from the challenge and have recorded them, they must return completed forms to their classroom teacher or Mrs Matchett/Mrs Leet in the library.Religious Education News - Anne Leet
The Whole school focus theme for this year is ‘COME HOLY SPIRIT’
This term at Mother Teresa School we will use the theme: We are called to care.
‘The Mother Teresa School Way’:We will show the value of Considerations towards those we meet in our class and on the playground by:
- Including others
- Listening attentively
- Showing good sportsmanship
- Treating others equitably.
Thank you to Mrs Blackwell & Miss McInnes along with the students in 5 Pearl and 5 Ivory who presented a fabulous Prayer Focus onConsideration and Harmony Day. The students did an amazing job at presenting what consideration looks like at MTS and how they are going to live our motto ‘Do Small things With Great Love’ by being considerate. They retold the story the story of the Good Samaritan using echo mime and welcomed the Gospel with a beautiful song, ‘Open the Eyes of My Heart’. This was truly a wonderful way to explain consideration to all students.
Please keep our Year 6 students and their families in your prayers as they prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation. Please remember to take along an item for the food pantry.
On Thursday we celebrated Harmony Day at Mother Teresa. All the students wore a splash of orange or their National Dress and brought in food items to help in the St Vincent de Paul food pantry at Holy Spirit Church.
A very big thank you to everyone for your generous donations to Project Compassion this year. Once again Mother Teresa School families have come to the fore to help others. Thanks to the wonderful generosity of the children and their families. This week we raised $287.00, a total of $2,379.35, well done! Please encourage your child/ren to bring in their Project Compassion envelops and mission boxes by Thursday 28th March next week.
This weekend our Parish will celebrate Palm Sunday. Palm Sunday begins Holy Week and commemorates Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem.
This Sunday, students will be dramatizing the Gospel. Our everyone is invited to come along and participate in the Palm Sunday celebration by entering the church with Fr. Troy waving palms as the opening hymn is sung.
We would love to see families come along and celebrate with the entire Holy Spirit Parish.
Our Holy Week and Easter Liturgy will be held on Thursday 28th March throughout the day. Our students will lead the various dramatizations of the gospel. We hope that you can join us. To create the atmosphere we dress up on the day in ‘Jesus Clothes’! Please see attached flyer.
Palm Sunday 24 March 2024 - Year B
“Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.”
Something to Think About
What would you do to get ready if you knew that Jesus was coming to your town? How would you welcome him when he arrived?
The Story
A crowd of people had heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem. In Jesus’ time, they didn’t have television or social media or mobile phones to spread the word. Many people would have learned about Jesus by seeing the crowds lining the streets. They were so excited to see Jesus, that they waved large palm branches and called out “Hosanna!” – a word that shows praise and joy. Jesus didn’t enter like a typical King or Emperor – instead he rode into Jerusalem on a donkey.
Anne Leet REC
Thursday 28th March
This year the students at Mother Teresa will be presenting their interpretation of various aspects of the Holy Week in one action packed day. The liturgies will be dramatised by the children on Thursday 28th March. Parents and grandparents are encouraged to come along and view the various liturgies. Everyone is required to come dressed in clothes appropriate for their liturgy. Parents, please ensure your child/ren has the appropriate costume or ‘Jesus’ clothes to wear.
Community Council News and Events
Last day to purchase Easter raffle tickets on the Qkr! App is this Sunday 24 March.
Raffle is being drawn at morning lines on Weds 27 March, parents & carers are welcome to stay and watch the raffle draw if you have time after school drop off.
We are Eggcited for the lucky families taking home a gorgeous easter basket!

Coffee & Chat is on again on Wednesday 27 March at Wildbark Café in Throsby. See attached flyer for more details.
Carly Flemington our Defence Mentor will be there to welcome new and existing Defence families.