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- Principal's Message Term 1 Week 7 2024
- Acting Principal - Lina Vigliotta
- Religious Education News - Anne Leet
- Parish News - Warm Clothing Appeal
- Parish News - Easter Mass
- Dates To Remember
- Holy Week Liturgies
- Class Awards Week 7
- MTS Choir
- Year 4 Cotter Dam Excursion
- NAPLAN - Years 3 & 5
- Community Council News and Events
- Community Service Announcements
Principal's Message Term 1 Week 7 2024
Dear Parents
As a Catholic learning community,
all at Mother Teresa School are called
to care, to dream, to innovate, to inspire!
It has been a busy week with NAPLAN testing occurring for Years 3 and 5. It has been wonderful to hear the children have been very settled applying themselves to the best of their ability; one more test to go early next week.
We have been very fortunate to secure a teacher to work with Carly Reeves in Year 6. Jason Smith will formally join the Mother Teresa team from next week. He comes with a wealth of experience in the area of Science and Mathematics and is looking forward to being part of the school community. Jason spent the last two days getting to know the children.
As you will have read in the communication sent home yesterday I have had to take leave for personal reasons until the 24 May. It was not something I had planned knowing the great start we have had this year. The school is in wonderful hands as Mrs Lina Vigliotto and Mr Craig Hart work together to lead the school. Lina will be working the first part of the week to allow Craig to continue his role teaching in Year 4 on Mondays and Tuesdays. Please refer to the communication should you have missed the Compass notification yesterday. I will be keeping up to date with happenings around the school in preparation for my return in Term 2. God's blessings be on you all as we prepare for the Easter season.
Qkr Users
The Android Phone issue has now been resolved, parents/users can now download the App from the Google Play Store. Apologies for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience.
A reminder to all parents and students about the presentation of our school uniform. It is important students representing Mother Teresa School wear the correct uniform for designated days. Please refer to the uniform policy featured in this edition of our newsletter for more information. The official changeover to the winter uniform will be at the commencement of Term 2.
Parent Teacher Conferences
Bookings are open for Term 1 Parent Teacher Conferences for Years 1 to 6. These can be located in the 'conference' tab within the COMPASS portal. These commence on March 18th.

Acting Principal - Lina Vigliotta
Dear families,
I would like to introduce myself. You would be aware that during Carmel’s short absence I will be joining the community of Mother Theresa on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, sharing the Principal responsibilities with Craig Hart. I am very much looking forward to getting to know this community a little better, working with the leadership team, staff, students and families. You may be interested in knowing that Craig and I taught together many years ago - interesting how life takes us at times on the most unexpected of journeys. Most recently I was Principal of St Vincent’s school Aranda and have stepped out of a short retirement to support the community of Mother Theresa. I really enjoyed my day at the school yesterday and what was overwhelmingly obvious was the care that teachers had for their students and the reciprocal care shown by students for the teachers. As you attend parent teacher interviews next week I hope you might have some time to come and say hello. My surname (Vigliotta) can be a little tricky the first time you say it, but as I share with the children when you say it the ‘g’ is silent and you pronounce the ‘a’ as a short ‘u’ vowel sound.
Blessings on your families and again I look forward to working with you all.
Lina Vigliotta
Religious Education News - Anne Leet
The Whole school focus theme for this year is ‘COME HOLY SPIRIT’
This term at Mother Teresa School we will use the theme: We are called to care.
‘The Mother Teresa School Way’:
We will show the value of Unity towards those we meet in our class and on the playground by:
- having harmony in the group
- doing something together at the same time
- working together with a shared goal
- respecting everyone
- making big tasks seem easy.
- creating a sense of belonging and increasing well-being for all.
- having fun and makes us feel like a family.
NOTE: Parents and Caregivers of 2024 CONFIRMATION CANDIDATES
Here is the link to the form for those of you who are yet to provide your key details. Thank you to all those who have.
At Mother Teresa School, we are trying to reach out to others and bring hope to those who are less fortunate than ourselves during this time of Lent by raising money for Project Compassion. We invite all families to contribute by sending in the envelops each Friday. Each class has a Project Compassion box available for the children’s donations. Remember that it is not how much we give, but the compassion that accompanies our giving.
Thank you for your generous contributions. This week we raised $267:40 A total of $1,002:60 so far?
God of all hope,
we pray for our world with all its beauty and need.
We thank you for the love in our lives that is a mirror of your unending love.
May all creation know your compassion this Lent and may we take courage to share it,
especially with those who don’t have what they need.
In our time, we hear the same words you spoke to Moses: ‘I will be with you,’ when you ask us to do courageous things.
Through our prayer, fasting and almsgiving, move us to act in the company of your Spirit,
showing compassion and acting for justice to renew the face of the Earth,
now and for all future generations.
We ask this in the name of Christ.

“If a grain of wheat falls on the ground and dies, it yields a rich harvest.”
Something to Think About
When a seed is planted in the ground, something amazing happens. As it receives water, it begins to die. It sheds its outer shell and then it swells up and bursts open. From the death of the seed, new life begins! A root grows from the seed and eventually a new plant pokes up through the ground towards the sun. Something living comes from something that died! A plant can grow from that one tiny seed and produce lots of food!
The Story
In this week’s gospel, Jesus uses the image of a grain of wheat to talk about what will happen to him. He will live on the earth and then he will die, but many people after Jesus will continue his work and spread the Good News throughout the earth. Jesus tells his friends that they must serve God before else, rather than focusing on their own personal interests. Those who follow Jesus will have a great reward, because God will honour them.
Anne Leet REC
Thursday 21 March – Harmony Day
Wear a splash of orange or your national costume
Bring in your food item.
Thursday 28 March- Jesus Day
Holy Week Liturgies- ‘Wear Jesus Day’ clothes
Bring in all Project Compassion money

Please bring your food items in by Thursday 21 March ‘Harmony Day’ Wear a splash of orange or wear your National Costume.
ELC- Cereal
Kinder – Canned fish and meats
Yr 1 – Pasta, rice, noodles
Yr 2 – Sauces for curry, macaroni & cheese, Chicken tonight
Yr 3 – Biscuits: - sweet, savoury, plain
Yr 4 – Spreads: - honey, jam, vegemite, nutella
Yr 5 – Tinned vegetables & fruit
Yr 6 - Pre-packaged treats for lunches – Le snack, Jumpy’s, ships, muesli bars etc
Please ensure food has not past the expiry date and non-perishables only.
Thursday 28th March
This year the students at Mother Teresa will be presenting their interpretation of various aspects of the Holy Week in one action packed day. The liturgies will be dramatised by the children on Thursday 28th March. Parents and grandparents are encouraged to come along and view the various liturgies. Everyone is required to come dressed in clothes appropriate for their liturgy. Parents, please ensure your child/ren has the appropriate costume or ‘Jesus’ clothes to wear.
Community Council News and Events
Coffee & Chat is on again on Wednesday 20 March at Wildbark Café in Throsby. See attached flyer for more details.
Carly Flemington our Defence Mentor will be there to welcome new and existing Defence families.

Easter Raffle Fundraiser - Call for Donations 12 March - 20 March
It’s Easter Raffle time for our first Community Council Fundraiser for 2024 and we need your help as a school community to create lots of Eggcellent prizes to help us spoil some lucky MTS families for this Easter celebration!
To help create our Easter hamper prizes, we welcome all donations of Easter eggs, Easter rabbit, Bilby or other Easter treats to the value of no more than $5.00.
Please bring in your very kind donation to class and the Year 6 students will collect donations each morning from Tuesday 12 March until Wednesday 20 March. Members of the Community Council will then assemble gift hampers for display in the front office.
Tickets are $1 each to be purchased through the QKR! app.
The Raffle prizes will be drawn on Wednesday 27 March at the class morning lines.
Thank you in advance for your support, we look forward to the EGGcitement this raffle creates through the school.