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- Principal's Message Term 1 Week 4 2024
- Car Park Review
- Religious Education News - Anne Leet
- Parish News
- Class Awards Week 4 - Be courteous and respectful
- Student Counselling Support Referral
- Kinder-Yr2 Reading Essentials Workshop
- MTS Cheerleading - Expressions of Interest
- Tech Talk with Mrs Macarthur
- Community Council News and Events
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Principal's Message Term 1 Week 4 2024
Dear Parents
As a Catholic learning community,
all at Mother Teresa School are called
to care, to dream, to innovate, to inspire!
- a yellow pass if they arrive via the office indicating they are on time or
- a blue ticket indicating they arrived after 8.55am and have been formally signed in.
Please make every effort to get your child to school on time.
Our current school focus is on being Considerate
This week a representative from the Catholic Education completed a review of our afternoon traffic arrangements in the car park. Below is the feedback provided to the school today and a photo of the traffic flow.
Comments received:- From the latest census it appears the school’s population is just under 800 students (approximately 100 ELC & 700 Primary students), noting a small proportion may either walk or ride, so it was assumed the pickup period was going to be busy. I also note, we are in week 4 of the school year with the potential for the newly enrolled families to be unfamiliar with the expected behaviour /procedures around a Primary School.
From the attached photos it can be seen it was a clear afternoon with temperatures around the 30-degree mark, so visibility was good. The following is a short summary of timeline with observations below;
- Timeline
- 2.00pm - Arrived at Mother Teresa Primary School
- 2.15pm - Parents / Carers start arriving and queued outside gates
- 2.30pm – Gates to rear car park opened and vehicles entered, reverse parking
- 3.00pm - School bell sounds
- 3.00 – 3.10pm – Peak traffic movement with constant student pickup
- 3.20pm – The car park is all but empty with little car movement
- 3.30pm – Left site
- Observations
- Although there was a large number of vehicles moving through the car park for the busy 10 - 15 minutes, it all appeared to be in a controlled and courteous manner with no obvious safety concerns
- A MTS Staff member was situated in the location shown on the car park map, with no agitated or rushed behaviour noticed
- The verge footpath had a reasonable amount of pedestrian traffic from another School to the South of MTPS
- All foot traffic through the MTPS car park area followed and utilised the footpaths
- Traffic followed the routes shown of the attached satellite image and moved well
- ELC pickups seemed to be from the secondary traffic flow (as shown on the attached map)
Additional Car Park Signage Reminder
Please observe the signage around the school car park areas; especially the areas that are drop-off, 5 minute parking only or no parking. There are also several parks designated for parents, in the main car park, especially for use during the day.
Preschool Slip Lane
Please keep the slip lane in front of the preschool clear for our preschool/ELC parent pick up and drop off between 8.15am and 9.15am then 2.30pm and 3.15pm. With an additional class in the ELC this year, they need this quick drop off and pick up zone free to access the centre.
Looking for parents who can share their wisdom on Wednesday 28 February
Consent form to be returned to the Principal
Religious Education News - Anne Leet
The Whole school focus theme for this year is 'COME HOLY SPIRIT' and the Bible reference that supports our theme is Acts: 15-28
This term at Mother Teresa School we will use the theme: We are called to care.
We will show the value of Compassion towards those we

- Empathise
- Include others
- Recognise and respond to others’ needs
- Express care
- Describe feelings
- Take action to assist others
- Allow others to be themselves
Thank you to Mrs Maher, Miss Salmon & Ms O’Leary, 2 Jade and 2 Lime students who presented a fabulous Prayer Focus on Courtesy. The students did an amazing job at explaining what courtesy looks like at MTS and how they are going to live our motto ‘Do Small things With Great Love’ by using our manners. The Good Manners Song was a great way to reinforce this important value.
At Mother Teresa School, we are trying to reach out to others and bring hope to those who are less fortunate than ourselves during this time of Lent by raising money for Project Compassion. We invite all families to contribute by sending in the envelops each Friday. Each class has a Project Compassion box available for the children’s donations.
Please talk to your child/ren about this important aspect of Lent. Let us remember that it is not how much we give, but the compassion that accompanies our giving.
This week we raised $260.00 This money goes toward Ronita's story in the Philippines

Something to Think About
Imagine you are sitting on the top of a mountain. What can you see? What do you hear? What can you smell? How do you feel?
The Story
In today’s gospel, Jesus takes his closest friends with him and goes up a mountain where they can be alone and pray. Jesus is transformed right before their eyes, and his clothes became shining white. Moses and Elijah, who lived long before Jesus, appear from heaven beside Jesus. A cloud passes over everyone on the mountain, and the voice of God comes from the cloud saying, “This is my Son, and I love him. Listen to what he says.”
Peace and best wishes
Anne Leet REC
Children’s Sacramental Program 2024
Sacrament of Confirmation
For children in Year 6 wishing to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation in 2024.
Information sessions will be held on
TUESDAY 27 February
1pm or 6pm
@ Holy Spirit Church, 93 Burdekin Ave, Amaroo
For those new to our school or who have not enrolled yet please follow the link below to register immediately:
Attendance at one of these sessions is compulsory for one parent and the Confirmation candidate.
Important information about preparing for the Sacrament will be given to you at this time. The sessions will not be repeated.
Thank you for your ongoing support. Please email if you have any questions.
The Sacrament of Confirmation will be celebrated on
22, 23, 24 May 2024.
Sacrament of Reconciliation
For children in Year 3 and above wishing to receive the Sacrament of
Reconciliation in 2024. Information sessions will be held on
Tuesday 3 September at the church.
The Sacrament of Confirmation will be celebrated on
12, 13, 14 November 2024.
Celebration of the Sacrament of First Holy Communion will be in Year 4 in 2025
For more details, please visit our website:
Student Counselling Support Referral
Student Support Referral
To assist our families in accessing the best support available through Mother Teresa School, we are setting up the following process to assist with referrals and the most appropriate use of our resources.
- Enquiry (teacher or parent) – Request a referral form from the office and return to the Principal
- The Principal will talk with you and guide you to appropriate support
Support types:
- Diverse Learning Teacher and team,
- Student welfare officer (individual or small group guidance and/or mentoring support),
- Defence School Mentor,
- School counselling (individual or small group)
- External agencies
If school counselling is recommended the School Counsellor will contact the parents and go through the online CatholicCare referral process if school counselling is suitable. Our School Counsellors, are available on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays to speak with parents or to work with the students who may be suitable for school counselling.
It is the CatholicCare and Mother Teresa School’s policy that the counsellor always contacts parents before meeting with any child.
Our new Counsellors are
- Cameron Day - Mondays to Wednesdays
- Nik Nur Shuhaimi - Fridays
A referral is required each new school year. Please return to the Principal.
A message from Cameron Day
Greetings Mother Teresa families. My name is Cameron Day, and I am excited to be the school counsellor this year. I am available Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.
I am a Social Worker with a passion for working with children, young people, and their families. I have previously worked in education, child and adolescent mental health, and acute mental health.
When I am not working, I enjoy reading, eating, spending time with my family and friends, and being physically active.
In my school counselling work, I provide short-term, client-centred support to students, drawing from Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Solution Focused, Mindfulness and Trauma-informed approaches in a developmentally appropriate context.
I look forward to working with you all this year.
Kinder-Yr2 Reading Essentials Workshop
Please see below for live webinars from the e-safety Commissioner for this term. These live webinars give parents and carers the knowledge, skills and tools to support their children to have safe online experiences. To register for these webinars and other dates later in the year please go to
Community Council News and Events