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- Principal's Message Term 1 Week 2 2024
- Religious Education News - Anne Leet
- Parish News
- Class Awards Week 2
- Mother Teresa Swimming Carnival
- Term 1 Sport Days
- Spelling Mastery Program
- Student Counselling Support Referral
- Chromebook Setup Instructions
- Scholastic Book Club
- MTS Netball
- MTS Cheerleading - Expressions of Interest
- Community Council News and Events
- Community Service Announcements
Principal's Message Term 1 Week 2 2024
Dear Parents
As a Catholic learning community,
all at Mother Teresa School are called
to care, to dream, to innovate, to inspire!
Teacher Meet and Greet - Year 1 to Year 6
Next Tuesday February 13 our parents from Years 1 to 6 are invited to meet their child's teacher from 8am to 8:40am in classrooms. As communicated through compass, please note that this is not the forum to discuss your child's academic development at this early stage of the school year. Students will be supervised on the fake grass lineup area from 7:55am.
Welcome Picnic
This Sunday February 11th all families are invited to a community picnic at Mother Teresa School to welcome in the new school year. The event run by our amazing community council, will be held on our school oval from 9:30am to 11:30am. Families are encouraged to bring a picnic and enjoy some fun games and activities. Each student who attends will also receive a token for their house!
Daily school attendance is essential unless a child is not well. It is also critical that children are at school by 8.45am. Due to the number of children arriving late the teacher will now be marking rolls at 8.55 each day. If a child is not in class by 8.55am they will be recorded as not present and must be checked in at the office. Children will be issued with
- a yellow pass if they arrive via the office indicating they are on time or
- a blue ticket indicating they arrived after 8.55am and have been formally signed in.
Please make every effort to get your child to school on time.
Community Council Meeting
This year marks the beginning of the implementation of the new Community Council Guidelines. Parents are invited to our first meeting to be held on Tuesday 20 February commencing at 6.00pm - 7.30pm
Agenda items for discussion
- Community Council Guidelines
- School Car Park
- Hall Refurbishment Project
- Social and Fundraising Activities - offered to coordinate events
- School Grounds and Sustainability
Interested in attending or have other suggestions for discussion please email
Archbishop Decision to Incorporate Catholic Education in the Archdiocese of Canberra & Goulburn
Today an announcement has been made that there will be a new direction in governance for Catholic Education within the Archdiocese.
A link to the announcement is below for your information:
It is intended that very little will change within schools as a result of this governance change. Further updates will be provided as the initiative progresses.
Our current school focus is on being Courteous.
We are expecting CE to release the school fees next week. Billing will be for TErm 1 and parents can opt to pay in full or via regular installments.
ACT Government’s Future of Education Equity Fund
Car Park
Our car park was never built to accommodate parking for a school of our size. Please, patience is what is required, and following staff directions is essential. We have worked hard to develop a flow of traffic if parking on the tennis courts. Your assistance is very much appreciated - great work today!
Religious Education News - Anne Leet
The Whole school focus theme for this year is 'COME HOLY SPIRIT' and the Bible reference that supports our theme is Acts: 15-28
This term at Mother Teresa School we will use the theme: We are called to care.
We will show the value of Compassion towards those we

- Empathise
- Include others
- Recognise and respond to others’ needs
- Express care
- Describe feelings
- Take action to assist others
- Allow others to be themselves
Thank you Mrs van der Sanden and Miss cartwright along with 3 Sapphire and 3 Turquoise for presenting a beautiful Focus Assembly on Compassion. They shared the scripture story Ephesians 4:32 it teaches us to be kind and compassionate to one another. But what does that mean exactly? At Mother Teresa School we will discover another way to BE A LIGHT in this world! It is giving us a better way to live our lives and is showing us that through following Jesus daily in faith, he will lead us to a better, richer, more meaningful life than we could ever find on our own. The students showed us how we can be compassionate to all at Mother Teresa School and shared a fabulous song ‘Hearts on Fire’.
The day before Ash Wednesday, is often called ‘Pancake Tuesday’. Older people might remember it as ‘Shrove Tuesday’. To prepare for Lent’s fasting some people cook all the meat they have. Another custom on this day is to ‘feast’ on pancakes. This year the classroom teachers will be providing pancakes for their class.

Ash Wednesday LITURGY
14th February
9:15- School Hall
Everyone is invited and we would love to see you there!
At Mother Teresa School, we are trying to reach out to others and bring hope to those who are less fortunate than ourselves during this time of Lent by raising money for Project Compassion. We encourage you to talk to your child about the importance of giving to those in need and to give generously. Each class has a Project Compassion box available for the children’s donations.
We invite all families to contribute by sending in the envelops each week with a contribution. Please talk to your child/ren about this important project and aspect of Lent. Let us remember though that it is not how much we give, but the compassion that accompanies our giving.We encourage you to put your compassion into action this Lent through your prayer, fasting and almsgiving by supporting Project Compassion. Each student has received a set of envelopes for their weekly donations. The ELC will be given Project Compassion boxes. Please bring your donations in every Friday so the money can be tallied and put to a good cause.

6th Sunday in Ordinary Time
11 February 2024 - Year B
“The leprosy left him, and he was cured.”
Something to Think About
If you had the power to help anyone in any way, what would you do? Try to do three acts of kindness this week!
The Story
A man with leprosy, a serious and contagious skin disease, came to Jesus. He knew that Jesus had the power to heal him, and he begged Jesus to make him well. Did Jesus want to cure the man? Of course he did! Jesus put his hand on the man, and at once the leprosy disappeared. Jesus asked the man not to tell anyone about this, but the man was so overjoyed that he told many people and talked about it everywhere. Although Jesus couldn’t go openly into the towns anymore, people still came to him from everywhere, eager to be near Jesus and to experience his healing.
Peace and best wishes
Anne Leet REC
Mother Teresa Swimming Carnival
A huge thank you to all the parent volunteers and spectators that came along, and to the staff that went above and beyond during the carnival to make it a memorable day for our students.
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | |
Kinder | All Kinder | All Kinder | |||
Year 1 | All Year 1 | All Year 1 | |||
Year 2 | All Year 2 | All Year 2 | |||
Year 3 | 3 Saphirre |
3 Aqua 3 Cobalt 3 Turquoise |
All Year 3 |
Year 4 | 4 Amythest | All Year 4 |
4 Violet 4 Magenta 4 Indigo |
Year 5 |
5 Ivory 5 Platinum |
All Year 5 |
5 Pearl 5 Silver |
Year 6 | All Year 6 |
6 Ink 6 Ebony 6 Onyx |
6 Charcoal |
Student Counselling Support Referral
Student Support Referral
To assist our families in accessing the best support available through Mother Teresa School, we are setting up the following process to assist with referrals and the most appropriate use of our resources.
- Enquiry (teacher or parent) – Request a referral form from the office and return to the Principal
- The Principal will talk with you and guide you to appropriate support
Support types:
- Diverse Learning Teacher and team,
- Student welfare officer (individual or small group guidance and/or mentoring support),
- Defence School Mentor,
- School counselling (individual or small group)
- External agencies
If school counselling is recommended the School Counsellor will contact the parents and go through the online CatholicCare referral process if school counselling is suitable. Our School Counsellors, are available on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays to speak with parents or to work with the students who may be suitable for school counselling.
It is the CatholicCare and Mother Teresa School’s policy that the counsellor always contacts parents before meeting with any child.
Our new Counsellors are
- Cameron Day - Mondays to Wednesdays
- Nik Nur Shuhaimi - Wednesdays
A referral is required each new school year. Please return to the Principal.
Dear Parents,
Thank you for providing your student with a Chromebook for their learning.
After experiencing some teething problems during 2023 with Chromebook setups, we have determined that the following is the most reliable setup for students to access their account at school.
In order for the Chromebook to be used at school, please set up the following:
1. Personal Account
We recommend parents sign into the Chromebook using a personal account first. It can be their own account, or the account they create for the student.
The first account will automatically be the owner account of that device. By doing this, parents can set up parental controls and students won’t have admin. The family will still have access to the iPad in the case the student leaves Catholic education.
2. Child personal account
If the personal account set up in Step 1 belongs to an adult, please set up a child personal account. The student will need this in order to add their school account. If the child already has a personal account on the Chromebook, you can skip this step.
3. Child school account inside the child’s personal account
Please add the school account inside the child’s personal account.
- Student signs in to their personal account
- At the bottom right, select the time.
- Select Settings cog.
- In the "Accounts" section, at the top, select your Google Account.
- Select Add Student Account
- Follow the on-screen steps.
- Parents will need to enter their email password to allow this.
The student needs to use their school account to access Google Classroom, Google Drive, and other apps in the Google Suite. The student account is managed by Catholic Education.
Your child has a record of their school account. It is in the form of their school email address
Eg. and a password they nominated with their teacher. This password has more complex requirements as soon as students begin Year 4. Teachers will guide students through choosing a suitable password.
Students will then be able to switch between their home and school accounts in Chrome by clicking on their letter icon in the top right corner.
Family Link controls
If parents would like to apply extra supervision to the Chromebook, they can set up Family Link.
However, at this stage Catholic Education ICT and Mother Teresa Staff are not in the position of supporting parents with Family Link on BYO devices.
Some information and instructions are below:
Scholastic Book Club
The Issue 1 catalogue for 2024 is now available. The cut-off date for orders is next week on Friday 16th February.
Parents can order online via the LOOP parent portal on the Scholastic website, no orders or cash will be accepted by the school. Late orders are charged a flat rate for home postage.
Books will be delivered to children in their classroom once they arrive at the school. MTS Community Council parent volunteers are running the Book Club, so please ensure any inquiries are directed to them via the office email, rather than to teachers. A reminder that missing or damaged orders may need to be reported to Scholastic using their online contact information, and that out of stock items already paid for are usually credited to the LOOP account. Parents concerned about missing, misplaced or damaged orders are advised to wait until the catalogue is closed and use the home postage option.
Community Council News and Events
Mother Teresa School Community Council
I hope that you all had an enjoyable summer break. Welcome back to the new year and I hope that all students, parents and carers, particularly those new to the school, are settling in well.
I am writing about the Mother Teresa School Community Council (Council). The Council provides a crucial point of connection between the school community and school leaders. It provides a framework for welcoming parents and other members of the school community to participate in school activities, to become actively involved in the life of the school and to support the mission of the school.
The Council is a forum for consultation, a means for members of the community to share their skills and talents for the common good, and a framework for the Principal to draw upon. The Council can make decisions relating to spending money raised through Council led fundraising activities.
The success of the Council comes directly from the volunteers who contribute and I wanted to thank each and everyone who assisted us over the previous year.
Some successes and areas of focus of the Council over the last year were:
- We have focused on social and community events, looking to re-connect the school community. You would have seen that the first event, a welcome picnic, is taking place this Sunday between 9:30 and 11:30 on the MTS school oval. We intend to roll out a number of other events across the school year.
- The fantastic MTS year book is the amazing work of a small number of volunteers.
- Likewise, it is volunteers who seamlessly deliver the MTS second hand uniform shop.
- Volunteers manage the Scholastic book club – with support from the purchases in turn providing a range of free reading resources for the school.
- After being successful in obtaining a grant, we facilitated the recruitment of a parent liaison officer who assisted us with Council activities and firmed up some of our procedures and templates to be used in future years.
- We are finalising the purchase and placement of two notice boards on school grounds. We’ve been considering how we communicate with the school community. We are aware that we are a diverse school community and want to explore measures to effectively reach all people.
- We contributed to the purchase of large school branded banners to be used at school sporting and community events.
This year sees the implementation across the Archdiocese of a consistent model of school community councils across all schools. This sees an update of the constitution of the Council in the school and a clarification of its purpose and role.
This is likely to mean some administrative change and a process of transition of some governance arrangements. I expect to see little to no change in our core focus of supporting the Principal to make strategic decisions about the school, promoting our school within the local community and participating in community or fundraising activities that benefit the school community.
We will be meeting for the first time this week on Tuesday 20 February at 6:00 pm. Its at this meeting where we will outline our key areas of focus for the year.
If you would like to be involved in the Council some way, you are more than welcome! We are looking for volunteers and it’s a great way to connect with the school community. You can do as much or as little as you would like. If you have any feedback or suggestions, we’d love to hear them. Please feel free to join us at the meeting on 20 Feb or reach out to:
Best regards
Damien Kelly
Chair of the MTS Community Council
Community Service Announcements

Come and party with Zumba with Frances! Your instructor Frances and her friend Kelli are celebrating five years as Zumba Instructors, so they're holding a FREE Zumba class for all the people who make their job so wonderful.
9AM - 10AM Saturday 17 February, Mother Teresa School Hall
Bring your water bottle, your towel, your sneakers, and your biggest smile!
Contact or go to for more information.