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- Principal's Message Term 4 Week 3 - 2023
- Religious Education News - Anne Leet
- Parish Office Manager - Inner North Parishes
- Class Awards Week 3
- MTS Book Fair
- Community Council News and Events
- Bring Your Own Device to school - Years 4, 5 and 6
- School Community Events
- 2023 Year Book
- Community Service Announcements
Principal's Message Term 4 Week 3 - 2023
Dear Parents
Today we raised awareness and funds for ACT Breast Cancer. We were able to raise a total of $669.70. Thank you for the generosity of both spirit and donations today. October, Australia’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month, provides an opportunity for us all to focus on breast cancer and its impact on those affected by the disease in our community.
Breast cancer remains the most common cancer among Australian women (excluding non-melanoma skin cancer). Survival rates continue to improve in Australia with 89 out of every 100 women diagnosed with invasive breast cancer now surviving five or more years beyond diagnosis.
Take the time this month to find out what you need to know about breast awareness and share this important information with your family, friends and colleagues.
Last Friday 160 students competed in Touch Football and Netball at our annual Boorowa Sports Carnival. It was a great day as we were blessed with terrific weather, excitement, and laughter. We are very proud of the sportsmanship demonstrated by all.
Year 5 Camp
Next Wednesday our Year 5 students and teachers will head off to the Sydney Academy of Sport Recreation Camp. It will be a fun-filled 3 days of water sports, archery and new opportunities. We wish them well and lots of sleep!
Save the Dates!
Grandparents Day – 17th November 2023.
We are so excited to invite our Grandparents and Special Friends back onto campus. We have a lovely day planned with a concert, book fair and a professional photographer. Stay tuned for more information in the coming weeks.
Walk for Wellbeing – 24th November 2023
This year also sees the return of our Walkathon. More details will be shared in the coming weeks as we finalise the day. We will be welcoming the help and support of our school community throughout the day as we celebrate the importance of wellbeing.
World Teachers/Staff Day
A big thank you to the Community Council who very kindly provided lunch for all our staff today to celebrate World Teachers/Staff Day.
Thank you to the year 4 and year 1 students for the awesome help in cleaning up the school oval today.
Wishing you all a happy weekend,
Karen Garrity
Acting Assistant Principal
Religious Education News - Anne Leet

The Whole school focus theme for this year is ‘Walking Together’ and the Bible reference that supports our theme is Luke 24:13-35. The Emmaus Story. This year as we Journey Together, we realise we are not so different from the two disciples walking on the road to Emmaus. Jesus walks with us and among us every day, and yet, too often, we fail to recognize him. Let us learn from this story to find him in the Scriptures and recognize him each time we break bread in church, at home or at school.
“By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” John 13:35
Year A | Sunday 29 October | green
“Love the Lord your God, and your neighbour as yourself.”
Something to Think About
What does it mean to love someone? Who do you love?
Sometimes it seems easy to love people but, at other times, loving is not easy.
Is there someone that you find difficult to love?
Since God loves us so much, we are called to love God and other people.
The Story
The religious leaders are trying to trick Jesus again in today’s story, by asking him which is the greatest commandment. This is an easy one for Jesus! First of all you must love God and secondly, you must love your neighbour. If we do these things, we will live as God wants us to.

“All you holy men and women pray for us!”
We believe in the Communion of Saints. We proclaim this when we pray the Creed each Sunday at Mass. The Communion of Saints refers to the family of God.
We are all called to be saints. We are all called to live the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ daily in our lives. We are also called to recognise the holiness in others. In this sense the Communion of Saints refers to members of the Church because we have been baptized into Christ. The term also refers to those who have died. Our belief in the Communion of Saints proclaims our belief that death does not separate us from those who have died.
There is a story about a pastor of a Church in a very small village of about 100 people. When asked how many people came to Mass at his church on Sunday, he responded that there were thousands! He was, of course, counting the Communion of Saints — all those living and all those who have died in Christ.
At every Mass, in every Eucharistic prayer, we remember all our brothers and sisters who have gone to their rest and ask to share eternal life with Mary and all the saints throughout the ages.
All Saints’ Day (Nov. 1) is an opportunity to remember all saints and martyrs, known and unknown, throughout Christian history. Remembering and celebrating our saints has been a Christian tradition since the fourth century.
All Souls’ Day (Nov. 2) commemorates all the faithful departed — our friends, relatives, parishioners and community members. We remember and pray for the souls of the people in purgatory, and we also pray that we may one day join Christ and all the saints in heaven.
Thank you, God,
for family and friends.
We remember our loved ones
who have died and pray they
are at peace in your loving arms.
Grandma [name] and Grandpa [name], pray for us!
Peace and Best Wishes.
Anne Leet
(Religious Education Co-ordinator)
Parish Office Manager - Inner North Parishes
People are invited to apply for the position Parish Office Manager, Inner North Parishes (encompassing Campbell, Canberra Central, O’Connor & Watson). This is a full-time position (subject to review in 12 months)
Essential Requirements:
An understanding of and support for the Catholic Church and its teachings
Excellent verbal and written, interpersonal and communication skills
Computer literacy in MS Suite and database skills, (in particular PACS database)
Act with tact & discretion, maintaining high levels of confidentiality, honesty, integrity, reliability and punctuality
Please email for a detailed copy of the duty statement and selection criteria. Applications addressing the Selection Criteria with attached resume to Fr Anthony Riosa, SSS, must be received by Friday 3 November 2023.
Bring Your Own Device to school - Years 4, 5 and 6
This information is for parents of students currently enrolled in Year 3 and new students going into Years 4, 5, 6 in 2024.
At Mother Teresa School teaching and learning in Years 4, 5 and 6 involves a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) program. Students in Years 4, 5 and 6 bring their home-owned device to and from school each day and use their device to support some of their learning throughout the school day. The devices are used to complement the curriculum, and are used purposefully. Technology provides different opportunities for collaboration, creativity and independence. Technology does not take the place of good teaching.
Our BYOD program is currently in transition from iPads to Chromebooks, with the vast majority of Year 4 students bringing Chromebooks in 2023. If you are purchasing a new device, we ask that it be a Chromebook.
Teachers have reported that Chromebooks are much better suited to the research, publishing and typing needs of student learning compared to iPads.
BYOD devices other than Chromebooks and iPads are not supported at Mother Teresa School.
Devices do not have to be brand new. Please contact the office if sourcing a device is difficult.
Please see below for device requirements.
Further information about the BYOD program, policies and setup instructions will follow later in the year but we know parents are keen to find out about specifications now.
BYOD Chromebook specifications - Years 4 - 6
The transition of BYOD (Bring your Own Device) to Chromebooks continues in 2023. If purchasing a new device, we ask that it is a Chromebook. A Chromebook is a kind of laptop running Chrome OS, an operating system made by Google. Chromebooks are made by a range of known technology brands like Lenovo and ASUS. There often is not a lot of difference between brands.
You may like to shop around and see if there are student or education deals around or keep an eye out for upcoming shopping events like Black Friday (October/November), Cyber Monday (November), Boxing Day (December).
When purchasing, please be aware of the following specifications:
- 4GB Memory (RAM) minimum
- 32GB Storage for use in primary school is fine, many will have 64GB anyway
- 11-13 Inch screen minimum
- personal preference
- please consider the size and weight of the device - your child is transporting the device to and from school each day - not too heavy or large
- consider if it fits into their school bag (this was an issue we discovered in 2023)
- At least 8 hour battery life
- Must have the ability to connect to headphones, whether it be via a port or bluetooth - whatever your student has access to
- Must have a camera
- A touchscreen can be useful for some students (but it's optional)
- Stay away from Chromebook tablets without keyboards - these are not recommended
- In terms of price, don't spend too much on the Chromebook. A budget of up to $500 is reasonable. One of the deciding factors in moving from iPads to Chromebooks was the comparable/cheaper price.
- A protective case or cover for the Chromebook is required
- Headphones or earphones are required
- Some students have a mouse (optional)
- Warranty should be a consideration when purchasing a device
- We recommend that you consider adding the device to your insurance policy
Chromebooks do not require active firewalls, or anti-virus and anti-malware software. When the Chromebook is connected to the school network via specialised BYOD WiFi, it will utilise the online security settings set up by Catholic Education.
With the help of Vicki, our Community Liasion Officer, we have planned several events to help connect families in our community.
Small steps that we hope will grow.
Cuppa and Chat - Tuesday 31 October
Weekend Picnic in the Park
Community Service Announcements