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Assistant Principal's Message Term 3 Week 3 - 2023
Dear Parents
As a Catholic learning community,
all at Mother Teresa School are called
to care, to dream, to innovate, to inspire!
The cute meter was exploding on Wednesday when our Kindergarten students celebrated 100 days of school. The halls were adorned with the elderly, including features such as grey moustaches, hair rollers and even some walking sticks. A big thanks to the Kindergarten teachers and parents, who went to so much effort to make this a memorable day for the children. Imagine what they’ll look like after 200 days!
A reminder that our annual Science Week Competition will take place in Week 5, from 14th to 18th August. This year the students are invited to construct a bottle rocket to launch. These rockets are easy to construct. Information on how to build them will be sent out on COMPASS. Parents are welcome to attend the final launch on Friday the 18th August. (Time to be confirmed).
Over the past 3 weeks the school has received several phone calls from residents living in the surrounding areas, complaining about some of our parents parking in their personal car spaces. I have assured them that I would remind our parent community to be more considerate and not use these private car parks in the future.
Are You Leaving MTS?
We are receiving lots of enquiries for enrolment in all grades across the school. If you are aware of a possible move, please advise as soon as possible. This will help with our planning for 2024.
Staffing News
Congratulations to Mrs Karen Garrity who will be stepping into the Assistant Principal role in my absence from Monday 28 August to Friday 12 November. We are so lucky to have someone of the calibre of Karen to fulfil this role and we know she will do an amazing job.
Craig Hart
Assistant Principal
Religious Education News - Anne Leet
The Whole school focus theme for this year is ‘Walking Together’.
The theme for Term 3 is Sustainability and will be closely aligned with The
encyclical, Laudato Si', in which Pope Francis asks us to be kind to the environment by living simpler lifestyles. We don’t need so much “stuff”, we only need what is necessary to live and be comfortable.
“…approximately a third of all food produced is discarded, and whenever food is thrown out it is as if it were stolen from the table of the poor.”
(Pope Francis, Laudato Si’ n 50)
- What can you do at home and at school to be kind to the environment?
- Can you live more simply when you go shopping for clothes, toys and food?
- What about when you have special celebrations/events at home and at school?
Please pray for our Year 3 teachers and students who are currently preparing for the Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion. All families are welcome and encouraged to come along, bring their ‘precious memories ribbons’ and celebrate Mass together with the Parish. Don’t forget to bring your item for the St Vincent de Paul and collect your jigsaw puzzle piece.
St Mary of the Cross MacKillop
8 August is of particular note as she is celebrated as our first home-grown saint. The eldest of eight children, Mary was born in Melbourne to parents who had emigrated from Scotland. At seventeen she became the family breadwinner when she was employed by a paper merchant. She understood all too well the meaning of charity beginning at home as she helped raise her younger siblings and dreamed of becoming a teacher.
This dream coincided with her desire to work for God. Her faith was fierce and unambiguous and she believed that Australia needed a group of religious women who understood the tyranny of distance. She founded, together with Father Julian Tennison Woods, an Australian order for Australian conditions; the Sisters of Saint Joseph of the Sacred Heart. She believed that where you are is exactly where God is to be found. This is a reminder that in all we do we are working for God, even if it doesn’t always look like it. The opportunity is right in front of us. As a teacher she would have looked at her young charges in the make-do school in a barn in Penola and done her best by them. This is what you are called to do.
Mary was a wise woman who responded to the toughness of life in this land. She walked with the drover’s wife and the unmarried mother; she knew the cries of the hungry urchins without shoes and the lifelong sorrow of the disheveled man sleeping in a park; she knew about the people on the fringes of society, the downtrodden or voiceless, the ones who are invisible or ashamed, estranged or disturbed. Like Jesus, she was not afraid to minister to the poor and in her gentleness and grace and the largesse of her sainted heart she was beloved by men and women of all colours and creeds.
Doing God’s work was not just about being good to those in the group - the baptised Catholics - but about loving every person who came her way. That is the charge of every teacher in the Catholic school - to include with love each child in front of them and to make the Good News real for their unfolding young lives.
One of Mary’s most famous quotes is Never see a need without doing something about it. She is an Australian of which to be truly proud. She was tough and true, resourceful and resilient, prayerful and persistent; all qualities to which others should aspire. On her tomb in Sydney are engraved the words We are all but travellers here. This reminds us that we have a lot of good to do in this life before we travel to the next!
Year A| Sunday 6 August | white
“Jesus' face shone like the sun."
Something to Think About
Have you ever heard God speaking in your heart? How would you react if you heard God’s voice speaking to you from the clouds? Would you be frightened? Surprised? Excited?
The Story
In the gospel reading today, Jesus goes up a mountain with three of his friends. His clothes become bright like a light and his face shines like the sun. Two important men, Moses and Elijah, are seen with Jesus. They lived long before Jesus and were highly respected because they had always obeyed God. Then, God speaks from a cloud and says something important about who Jesus is. The disciples are terrified when they hear the voice, but Jesus tells them not to be afraid.
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