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- Principal's Message Term 2 Week 10 - 2023
- Religious Education News - Anne Leet
- Mother Teresa Awards - Semester 2
- Academic Awards Term 2
- Kinder Awards Week 10
- The Reading Room K - 2 - Penny Brown
- The Reading Room 3 - 6 - Kelly Boyton
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Principal's Message Term 2 Week 10 - 2023
Dear Parents
As a Catholic learning community,
all at Mother Teresa School are called
to care, to dream, to innovate, to inspire!
Justine has worked at MTS for over 9 years teaching a range of class groups and taking on various areas of responsibility including Maths and Sport. Her enthusiasm and passion to provide meaningful and engaging experiences for her students will be missed. We all wish her well as she ventures to take up a teaching position out west at Lake Cargellico
Next term we welcome
- Mrs Bernadette Matthew will be taking over in 3 Sapphire.
- Mrs Samantha Burgess has been appointed to 5 Silver working Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. We are still to finalise the Wednesday arrangement.
Other Term 3 arrangments
- Mr Andrew Keighran will continue in 5 Ivory for the first two weeks of the term while we continue to recruit staff.
- Miss Sophia Caputo will be away for the first two weeks travelling with family. Mrs Therese Cronin will be taking the class during that time.
- Miss Rebecca Cartwright will be away for the first three weeks to travel overseas. Mrs Alanna Grant will be covering the class with Mrs Hayley Cuttle taking the class on Wednesdays.
On Thursday 29 June, we welcomed Dion Drummond and his cousin Phil to perform for us at Mother. Dion is one of Australia’s most experienced Indigenous performers. He is a dancer, singer and storyteller. Dion and Phil shared stories about the different traditions of their Torres Strait Island and Aboriginal heritage. They invited some lucky students and teachers to join them on stage at various times and encouraged the audience to participate by teaching them words and actions to songs. Everyone enjoyed the show!
Are You Leaving MTS
We are receiving lots of enquiries for enrolment in all grades across the school. If you are aware of a possible move, please advise as soon as possible. This will help with our planning for Semester two 2023 and beyond.
Student Behaviour Expectations
Enrolment Time
The Catholic Schools official enrolment period has concluded however it is not too late to submit an application. All families with siblings attending our ELC need to also enrol to secure a place.
Please encourage friends and family to complete the enrolment form, available on our website.
Please spread the word!
ELC refurbishment and car park arrangements - UPDATE
With the ELC refurbishment expected to comment during the holidays this will impact the drop off and pick up zone at the front of the school.
This will mean that ELC parents will need to park in the car park and school afternoon pick-up for everyone will be at the back of the school near the covered walkway.
Uniform Shop Opening 2023
Religious Education News - Anne Leet

The Whole school focus theme for this year is ‘Walking Together’.
Our value for the next two weeks: ‘Co-operation’ and we can do this:
‘The Mother Teresa School Way’
- everyone helping to get something done
- working together toward a common goal
- working together with patience and affection
Thank you to all those parents who attended the enrolment Mass last weekend and handed in the enrolment form. It was wonderful to see so many people there. Please ensure you:
- The green enrolment form and baptismal certificate (if you are from a different Parish) in at Church can be handed in at mass this weekend if your missed last weekend.
- Register online.
- Payment needs to be made online or cash handed in this weekend at Church or Parish.

Year A | Sunday 2 July | green
“Anyone who welcomes you, welcomes me."
Something to Think About
Where do we find Jesus in our world today and how do we make Jesus welcome?
The Story
In today’s gospel, Jesus tells his followers that they must welcome people, and show kindness through loving actions. It might be as simple as giving someone a drink of water. The message for us is that we can be the hands of Jesus in the world and help others.
Thank you!
Thank you to the wonderful MTS community for your support of the Vinnies Winter Appeal. It was a great day on Wednesday and a fabulous day to be able to wear our PJ’s. Although it was miserable and wet outside, we were warm and cosy inside in our pyjamas. Mother Teresa School raised over $1,000 for St Vincent de Paul and the Night Patrol. We presented Sharkie with all the money we collected on Friday at Assembly. Our Social Justice/Mini Vinnies students did a great job collecting all the wonderful donations of ‘Winter Woollies’’. The students and teachers had a fabulous PJ Day, and we hope that those in need will benefit.
The Reading Room 3 - 6 - Kelly Boyton
If you are looking for some holiday reading for your child. Please see the lists below which might interest them.
As all members of our community are aware our parking/pickup situation, like that of most schools, is pretty terrible! Nobody, including the ACT Government seems to have any fantastic ideas of how we can make it better – two schools and a childcare centre on one road will always cause traffic congestion. So, as parents, how can you help and at the same time provide some benefit to your children? Active travel may just be the answer you are looking for. For many years I have been involved with coordinating the Ride to School program at MTS, which now comes under the umbrella of Transport ACT and like me they are often asking the question of how we can get more kids to ride or walk to school and thus reduce the amount of traffic around our schools. Like me, they also don’t have miracle answers but do have some things to help, including the Safe travel partway markers painted on the footpaths (the blue teardrop shaped symbols with a person walking inside them), last-one in and out guides and very handy maps to show the safest and easiest travel routes to our school.
I understand that dropping off and picking up works in the routines of many busy families, however there are many benefits to allowing older children to make their own way to school when they are able. Maggie Dent, one of Australia’s leading parenting educators recently shared one of her Parental as Anything podcasts on the subject of ‘Should I let my child walk to school on their own.’ The podcast only goes for about 10 minutes and is really worth a listen if you think your child may be ready for this step. Maggie offers suggestions of how to prepare your child for this step. With the holidays approaching this might be the perfect time to practice the route and prepare your child for this new travel option. Of course, this may not work for all families or our younger students but if you think your child may be ready for this step, have a listen to Maggie’s podcast.
Congratulations to Arianna, Charlotte, Aurelia and Savannah on competing at the Feile Tir an Noir competition and winning some places.

We would also like to congratulate Zara who performed at halftime at the Canberra Gunners basketball game.
Well done to Ariana A who helped present the Children's Book of the Year Awards category. She was very excited to meet the creators of some very special books including Bruce Whately (who won alongside Jackie French for their book Diary of a Rescued Wombat: The untold story), Stephanie Owen Reeder (highly commended for her book with illustrator Astred Hicks, Swifty the Super-Fast Parrot) Barbie Robinson and Ian Robertson (highly commended for Charles the Gallery Dog).