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Principal's Message Term 2 Week 9 - 2023
Dear Parents
As a Catholic learning community,
all at Mother Teresa School are called
to care, to dream, to innovate, to inspire!
- Justine has worked at MTS for over 9 years teaching a range of class groups and taking on various areas of responsibility including Maths and Sport. Her enthusiasm and passion to provide meaningful and engaging experiences for her students will be missed. We all wish her well as she ventures to take up a teaching position out west at Lake Cargellico
- Therese joined MTS just over 12 months ago and quickly became a valued member of our community. While she has formally resigned from her position at the end of this term, Therese will be back for the first two weeks in Term 3 filling one of our vacancies created by staff taking leave.
- Andrew was a wonderful find and joined the Year 5 team in February. With plans to travel Andrew has formally resigned from his position but will be with us for the first two weeks of Term 3 supporting Year 5 as we endeavour to finalise staffing arrangements
Despite advertising for several weeks, I am still endevouring to employ teaching staff; the current teacher shortage is being felt across all education systems in Canberra. As soon as I can finalise our Term 3 plans I will be advising families which may not occur until during the holidays.

Our Kinders Love Learning!
Indigenous Perspectives
Congratulations to Chloe Heycox from 6 Ebony on competing in the Rostrum Quarter finals held at Good Shepherd Primary School last night. We are so proud of the way she represented Mother Teresa School through the delivery of her entertaining and dynamic speech. Well done!
School Prayer Assemblies
I have been made aware that there is a little confusion regarding parents attending assemblies. Due to the availability of space in the hall, we are currently extending invitations to all those parents and extended family members of the group presenting at the assembly. Apologies if parents were not aware of this invitation.
Nationally Consistent Collection of Data
All schools in Australia are required to participate annually in the National Consistent Collection of Data for Students with Disability (NCCD). This allows our Catholic sector to continue to provide and prioritise innovative and high-quality teaching and learning to support all students on their learning journey. Above all though, our Catholic tradition demands that educators see every child as equal, inherently sacred and worthy of dignity and respect. Our Catholic schools support children and young people with disability as an act of love, not merely as a legislative requirement.
Please refer to the attached document for more information
Are You Leaving MTS
We are receiving lots of enquiries for enrolment in all grades across the school. If you are aware of a possible move, please advise as soon as possible. This will help with our planning for Semester two 2023 and beyond.
Student Behaviour Expectations
Enrolment Time
The Catholic Schools official enrolment period has concluded however it is not too late to submit an application. All families with siblings attending our ELC need to also enrol to secure a place.
Please encourage friends and family to complete the enrolment form, available on our website.
Please spread the word!
ELC refurbishment and car park arrangements
With the plans of the ELC refurbishment approved it is expected that construction will commence soon (We are still waiting). Due to delays with several building approvals required the commencement date has been pushed back. Once the project commences the access driveway in front of the ELC will be blocked off. This will mean that ELC parents will need to park in the car park and school afternoon pick-up for everyone will be at the back of the school near the covered walkway.
Uniform Shop Opening 2023
Religious Education News - Anne Leet

The Whole school focus theme for this year is ‘Walking Together’.
Our value for the next two weeks: ‘Co-operation’ and we can do this:
‘The Mother Teresa School Way’
- everyone helping to get something done
- working together toward a common goal
- working together with patience and affection
Thank you, Year 3 Turquoise & Sapphire, along with their teachers, Miss Cartwright & Miss Cronin for a delightful Prayer Focus on Co-operation. The students sang a terrific song about co-operation. They told the story of God’s gift to us and how the Meerkats showed co-operation together. Thank you to all the parents and friends who came along to support the students.
- Attend mass this weekend and take your prayer card & enrolment form.
- Hand your green enrolment form and baptismal certificate (if you are from a different Parish) in at Church
- Register online.
- Payment needs to be made online or cash handed in this weekend at Church.
Something to Think About
Have you ever felt afraid? What helped you to feel better?
The Story
In today’s gospel, Jesus reminds us that we don’t need to be afraid because Jesus is always with us. Jesus tells the people that they are important and loved by God – God knows all about us and wants the best for us.
Week 10
Wednesday 28 June
In support of the Vinnies Winter appeal.
Money and material goods raised will directly support people experiencing or facing homelessness in your local community.
Enrolment weekend
Dear Parents/Carers,
If your child is baptised Catholic and in Year 3 or above, Holy Spirit Catholic Parish Gungahlin invites you to join a special faith journey through the Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Communion.
Registration for these Sacraments is now open. Please follow the link below or scan the QR Code.
Contact Anne Leet (Religious Education Co-ordinator) or Mel Unwin (Sacramental Preparation Coordinator) if you have any questions.
Fr Eden's First Anniversary of Ordination (24 June 2023)
Join us for a morning tea to celebrate with Fr Eden on Sunday 25 June after the 9:30am Mass. Please bring a plate of yummy delights to share.
Parish Newsletter
The Parish newsletter is now available online. Click Here to access or you can view it on the Parish App.
Catholic Voice - Special Edition
This week's edition will be available in print in the church foyer or you can access it Online.
Apply now for the Future of Education Equity Fund for the 2023 school year.
Eligible low-income ACT families can receive one-off payments for financial assistance to help cover the costs of their children’s educational expenses such as sport equipment and activities, music lessons, school uniforms and excursions.
The Fund is open to eligible students enrolled in preschools (attached to a school)
through to Year 12 in the ACT.
Further information and the online application form is available here.