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- Principal's Message Term 2 Week 7 - 2023
- Year 1 and 2 Parents - Save the Date
- Religious Education News - Anne Leet
- Parish News
- Awards Term 2 Week 7
- MTS Netball
- The Reading Room - Penny Brown
- Grandparents Day - Save the Date
- ACT Education Equity Fund
- Commmunity Council News & Events
- Community Service Announcements
Principal's Message Term 2 Week 7 - 2023
Dear Parents
As a Catholic learning community,
all at Mother Teresa School are called
to care, to dream, to innovate, to inspire!
Mother Teresa School
I go to Mother Teresa School, yay!
At school we constantly show the 5 C’s,
It is a real fun time every day,
We use all our manners like thanks and please.
Parent Annual Satisfaction Survey- Tell Them From Me
Once again students, teachers and parents will be invited to provide feedback on their experience of our school using an online survey. The surveys are an essential part of our whole school evaluation and planning process.
We would like to invite you to complete the Tell Them From Me (TTFM) Partners in Learning survey. As we value the role of parents and carers within our school community, we would greatly appreciate your feedback. The information you provide will be used to maintain our commitment to working together in partnership to further improve student learning and well-being at Mother Teresa School.
The survey was provided to parents via a Compass News Feed on Tuesday. The survey will close on Friday 16 June. (Extended by one week)
Cross Country Results
Congratulations to the following students who finished in the top 10 at the North/Gungahlin Regional Cross Country Carnival.

The ACT Education Act 2004 applies to all children and young people living in the ACT and all schools in the ACT – Public, Catholic and Independent. An Exemption Certificate is required when:
• a child or young person of compulsory school age (6 to 17) is not attending school
full-time or registered for Home Education for a period of 5 or more weeks (25 school days – whole or part days).
Exemptions are required for all young people living in the ACT who:
• are not attending fulltime
• are not enrolled
• are not registered for Home Education
• have not completed year 10
• are not yet 17 and are seeking exemption on exceptional circumstance (eg: medical / mental health)
Are You Leaving MTS
We are receiving lots of enquiries for enrolment in all grades across the school. If you are aware of a possible move, please advise as soon as possible. This will help with our planning for Semester two 2023 and beyond.
Student Behaviour
This week we have experienced a spike in aggressive behaviour on the playground. While I know the children may be tired and we have experienced class disruptions due to staff absences I want parents to know that issues are followed up and appropriate consequences are put in place. In every situation, we endeavour to listen to all involved and keep parents informed in a timely manner. Please remind your children of our Mother Teresa Way
Enrolment Time
The Catholic Schools official enrolment period has concluded however it is not too late to submit an application. All families with siblings attending our ELC need to also enrol to secure a place.
Please encourage friends and family to complete the enrolment form, available on our website.
Please spread the word!
ELC refurbishment and car park arrangements
With the plans of the ELC refurbishment approved it is expected that construction will commence soon (We are still waiting). Due to delays with several building approvals required the commencement date has been pushed back. Once the project commences the access driveway in front of the ELC will be blocked off. This will mean that ELC parents will need to park in the car park and school afternoon pick-up for everyone will be at the back of the school near the covered walkway.
Uniform Shop Opening 2023
Religious Education News - Anne Leet

The Whole school focus theme for this year is ‘Walking Together’.
Our value for the next two weeks: ‘FAIRNESS’ and we can do this:
‘The Mother Teresa School Way’
- Everyone is treated equally
- No one is left out
- Follow rules in: sport, games, activities & in the community
- Communicate with honesty
- Are trustworthy
(Children in Year 3 or older)
Please note if there are any students in grades 4, 5 or 6 who are new to our school, are Catholic and have not received the sacraments of Reconciliation or First Holy Communion please email me so they can receive an invitation letter.
Thank you to those parents who have already done so.
Please read important information below:
Week 9
- Information Session - Tuesday 20 June 1:00pm and 6:00pm at the Church
- Enrolment weekend - Saturday 24 June and Sunday 25 June
Term 3
Week 6 - First Reconciliation
Tuesday 22 August 1:00pm and 6:00pm
Wednesday 23 August 1:00pm and 6:00pm
Thursday 24 August 1:00pm and 6:00pm
Week 9
Jesus Day Retreat – Date TBA
First Holy Communion Masses
Saturday 16 September 3:30pm and 5:00pm - Mother Teresa School
The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
11 June 2023 - Year A
“Though we are many, we are one bread.”
Something to Think About
What are your favourite foods to eat? Why do we eat food? We eat to grow healthy and strong, to have energy and life!
The Story
Today’s reading comes from a letter that Saint Paul wrote to the people living in a place called Corinth. He reminds them that when they break bread, ask God to bless it, and eat it, they are sharing in the body of Christ. When we go to Mass, the bread is broken and shared among all the people. When we share in this bread, we become one body in Jesus, even though there are many of us.
Dear Parents/Carers,
If your child is baptised Catholic and in Year 3 or above, Holy Spirit Catholic Parish Gungahlin invites you to join a special faith journey through the Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Communion.
The Information, Prayer, and Reflection session for these Sacraments will be on
Tuesday 20 June, at Holy Spirit church
1.00pm or 6.30pm
Registration for these Sacraments is now open. Please follow the link below or scan the QR Code.
Your child will bring an Information Session invitation home from school this week. Please select which session you would like to attend and return the slip to school by Wednesday 14 June 2023.
Contact Anne Leet (Religious Education Co-ordinator) or Mel Unwin (Sacramental Preparation Coordinator) if you have any questions.
Apply now for the Future of Education Equity Fund for the 2023 school year.
Eligible low-income ACT families can receive one-off payments for financial assistance to help cover the costs of their children’s educational expenses such as sport equipment and activities, music lessons, school uniforms and excursions.
The Fund is open to eligible students enrolled in preschools (attached to a school)
through to Year 12 in the ACT.
Further information and the online application form is available here.
Commmunity Council News & Events
Last Saturday night the MTS school hall turned into an artistic art hub! The cheese boards were out, drinks in hand and each attendee let their creative artist flow and had a go at painting a Canberra landscape silhouette.
Led by the very talented Emma from 'Margaritas and Masterpieces’, mixed in with a sprinkle of raffle fun, it was a really enjoyable evening getting to catch up with friends and family as well as the chance to meet new people from our school community.
A big thank you to Emma from 'Margaritas and Masterpieces’ who donated a portion of her sales to the event and thank you to local Gungahlin business 'Anthos Flowers' who donated a $100 eVoucher. A huge thank you also goes to everyone who donated cash, donated raffle prizes and who purchased a raffle ticket.
This fun social evening raised over $1300 which will go towards our fundraising goals set by the community council committee. As always, endless appreciation goes to our MTS Social and Fundraising Committee for organising a fun and artistic event!
Join the MTS Community FB page to keep up-to-date on any MTS social and fundraising events:
Community Service Announcements
For more information please click on the following link: