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- Principal's Message Term 1 Week 2 - 2023
- MTS Class Awards - Term 1 Week 2
- Meet our Parish Priests
- Religious Education News
- Parish Sacramental News
- Meet our Year 6 Teachers
- 2023 School Fees
- Qkr! - New Payment Option
- BYOD Chromebook - set up instructions Year 4
- Counsellor's Corner - School Counsellor Profiles
- School Student Support Referrals and Counselling
- Cool Kids Programs 2023
- Music with Mrs Curbishley - Ukulele Lessons
- MTS Scholastic Book Club
- MTS Netball 2023 - Expressions of Interest
- MTS Cheerleading - Expressions of Interest
- Community Service Announcements
Principal's Message Term 1 Week 2 - 2023
Dear Parents
As a Catholic learning community,
all at Mother Teresa School are called
to care, to dream, to innovate, to inspire!
There was a great buzz and real energy around the school this morning as families visited classrooms and met various staff and their child's teacher/s. Thank you for your patience with the car park; it has been a long time since the school has been able to open its doors to all families at once. We were blessed with a beautiful morning to once again gather to share our school prayer following the bell.
School Mass
It was very special to be able to bring the children and staff together for our opening school Mass, celebrated by Fr Eden. Fr Eden will be working closely with our community this year visiting classrooms and celebrating class Masses. We welcome Fr Eden and look forward to working with him throughout the year.
Accidents around the neighborhood
In the last week, I have been advised of several accidents involving children on their way home from school.
The first involved a parent supporting a child who had fallen. Unfortunately, the child was not carrying any emergency contact details in their bag, which made it difficult to ring the parents immediately. Please check that your child is carrying emergency contact details in their bag if walking or riding to and from school.
The second incident involved a Year 5 STM student who was knocked over by a passing motorbike while riding home. Fortunately, he did not suffer any serious injuries but it did leave him shaken. On behalf of the family, I would like to extend their thanks to the very caring and thoughtful MTS parents and children who stayed with our student, to comfort him, until his parents were contacted.
Delays in compass messages
During the week I have discovered that several of my Compass messages sent via email have arrived much later than the time they were set to be delivered. During the week I received a message at 11.00pm when it was to be delivered at 6.00pm. Sincere apologies as I have raised the issue with our CE IT Division who manages the program.
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | |
Before School |
8.20 Ukulele Music Room |
1st Break | Defence Club |
Choir Music Room Yr 1 - 6 |
Sustainable Garden + Defence Club |
Dance Club - registrations closed | |
2nd Break | Japanese CLub | Chess - registrations closed |
Morning School Drop off
The school gates leading into the basketball courts will be opened at 8.00am so parents can drive in to drop their child/ren near the play area. Please note staff supervision does not commence until 8.15am. Children requiring supervision prior to this time should be booked into the school care program. Gates are locked by 9.00am.
Afternoon School Pick up
The school gates leading to the basketball courts will not be reopened until 2.40pm as the area is use by the children and teachers. From 3.00pm the children will wait near the artificial turf and covered walkway next to the basketball courts to be collected until 3.20pm. Any students not collected by 3.20pm will be walked to the front of the school. Any children still not collected by 3.30pm will then be taken to the office as that is the time staff supervision concludes. Parents will then be contacted.
School Parking
Parking is an ongoing issue and I wish there was a simple solution, we just don’t have the land! Parents should never park in the no parking area outside the preschool. This creates a bottle neck at the main entry to the school during peak times. Once the Preschool refurbishment starts in mid-February, the area will be blocked off. Please park on the gravel car park areas or the basketball courts and avoid using the parking areas in residential homes near the school. Delaying pick up to after 3.10pm is worth considering for older children.
Don’t forget there is no right turn on exiting the school car park area during peak times as this helps with traffic flow.
Basketball Courts for Parking
With the new year, I would like to see the traffic arrangement on the courts improved. A clear flow of traffic coming in and going out. The gates at the oval end of the fence (that divide the basketball courts) will be open to allow for a better flow of traffic both morning and afternoon. Please do not park in front of the gates and block the traffic flow.
Uniform Shop Opening 2023
2023 School Fees for Term 1 are to be issued next week
Due to our Office Manager being away, we have had to delay emailing our invoices for the Term 1 school fees. We are hoping to issue the fees by the end of next week (Week 3). Families wishing to re-apply for a fee concession for 2023 must complete the required application and return it to the office for consideration by the Mother Terease Fee Committee. The committee is to meet at the end of February.
NAPLAN Dates for Years 3 & 5 in Term 1
Parents wishing their child to participate in NAPLAN need to note the following NAPLAN testing dates - 15 March to 27 March. More information to follow soon.
Looking forward to a great year of learning.
God Bless
Carmel Maguire
Name: Fr Eden John Langlands
Birthday: 1st August
How many siblings: 6 (4 brothers & 2 sisters)
Ordination date: 24th June 2022
Previous parishes: St. Bernard’s Batemans Bay & Sacred Heart Moruya
Favourite food: I enjoy just about anything: Japanese and Korean are my favourite Asian cuisines. Some of my closest friends are Lebanese so I have grown to love their food too! I also really like German and Polish food
Tea or Coffee: Coffee in the morning and tea throughout the day
Favourite band/song/genre: My Spotify Wrapped last year showed a very eclectic mix of my favourite music. I enjoy 70s/80s rock and some modern pop music but I also love classical music: Chopin, Bach and Vivaldi are favourites
Favourite movie/book: I am a huge fan of Michael O’Brien’s novels, Fr Elijah would be my favourite
Favourite sport/team: I enjoy watching NRL – I am not as loyal as most but I I’ve always had a liking to the Penrith Panthers and Melbourne Storm I also enjoy watching Tennis
Favourite Season: Autumn
Least favourite household chore: Ironing
Hobbies: I enjoy bike rides, going to the gym, playing tennis, catching up with friends, good food and wine
Favourite person from the Bible (other than Jesus): The Blessed Virgin Mary but St. Joseph and John the Apostle are also favourites of mine
Favourite Saint: I have a few: St. Joseph, St. John the Apostle, St Therese of Lisieux, St. Padre Pio, St. Alphonsus Ligouri… there are more but these I ask for their intercession very often!
If I wasn't a priest, I would be.... I couldn’t imagine myself as anything else, but I enjoyed my job in accounting before I went to the seminary
Life motto: “Rejoice in your hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer” (Romans 12:12)
Favourite quote or prayer: “Thus says the Lord, he who created you, O Jacob, he who formed you, O Israel: Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine. (Isaiah 43:1)
Name: Troy Joseph Bobbin
Birthday: 28 October
How many siblings: 4 (2 brothers and 2 sisters)
Ordination date: 17 May 1996
Previous parishes: 2000 – 2006 Our lady help of Christians Ardlethan and St Therese Barellan 2006 – 2010 Western Mission incorporating St Mary’s West Wyalong and St Joseph’s Ungarie and taking back Our lady help pf Christians Ardlethan and St Therese Barellan 2011 – 2022 St Gregory’s Qyeanbeyan
Favourite food: Italian
Tea or Coffee: Expressos
Favourite band/song/genre: Supper tramp, Redgum and the bands of the 60’s and 70’s musicals
Favourite movie/book: author Jeffery Archer
Favourite Season: Autumn and spring
Least favourite household chore: vacuuming
Hobbies: traveling planes and trains
Favourite person from the Bible (other than Jesus): Jeremiah
Favourite Saint: St Ignatius
If I wasn't a priest, I would be.... architect, teacher
Fun fact about yourself: I like to wear fun socks
Life motto: live life to the full
Favourite quote or prayer: Jesus came is that I may have life and have it abundantly Jn 10:10
Anything else you would to share about yourself: I have a little dog named Junie
The Whole school focus theme for this year is ‘Walking Together’ and the Bible reference that supports our theme is Luke 24:13-35. The Emmaus Story.
We will show the value of Compassion towards those we meet in our class and on the playground by following
‘The Mother Teresa School Way’:
- Empathise
- Include others
- Recognise and respond to others’ needs
- Express care
- Describe feelings
- Take action to assist others
- Allow others to be themselves
6th Sunday in Ordinary Time 12 February 2023 - Year A
“Be reconciled before you offer your gift.”
The Story
Jesus’ message in today’s short reading is simple: if we are to be true disciples, it’s not so much what we say, but what we do that counts. He is saying to the people, “Don't pretend to be something you are not”. Being a peacemaker is one way of showing a commitment to God’s Kingdom. Jesus wants us to be peacemakers.
On Tuesday 7 February we had a wonderful Opening School Mass. All the children participated well with the various readings and processions and as always sang beautifully. Thank you to Fr Eden who celebrated the mass with us.
- Parent Information Session - Tuesday 14 February – 1pm or 6pm
- Fr Troy & Fr Eden are Looking forward to meeting you all at one of these important meetings.
- Saturday 18 February @ 5pm Mass & Sunday 19 February @ 8am & 9:30am. There will be an enrolment and commissioning for students preparing to make Confirmation.
- Saturday 18 February @ 5pm Mass there will be a commissioning for staff from the Gungahlin Catholic Schools.
The day before Ash Wednesday, is often called ‘Pancake Tuesday’. Older people might remember it as ‘Shrove Tuesday’. To prepare for Lent’s fasting some people cook all the meat they have. Another custom on this day is to ‘feast’ on pancakes. This year the classroom teachers will be providing pancakes for their class.
22 February @ 10pm. Whole School Liturgy of the Word, in the Hall. All parents and friends are welcome to come along and support the children for this special occasion.
Peace and Best Wishes.
Anne Leet (Religious Education Co-ordinator)
Our fee for a single student in 2023 will be $1,109.00 per term. Included in this amount are both Tuition and School Levies. This amount represents an increase of 7.8% on last year, in line with rising salaries and costs required to ensure our school continues to deliver quality education. Please see attached the schedule of 2023 fees, including sibling discounts, for further details.
We are committed to our policy in the Archdiocese that no student should be refused enrolment, excluded, or disadvantaged because of their inability to afford the fees. If you are experiencing financial hardship and the 2023 fees are a concern for your family, I would encourage you to arrange a meeting with me to discuss how we can help and the financial assistance available. Any discussion on fees would be strictly confidential.
If you have any questions regarding school fees for 2023, please contact me.
Yours sincerely
Carmel Maguire
Overview of the costs the various levies will cover in 2023
School Resource Levy:
- Major 2023 projects – Seating under covered walkway, shade structure, ninja obstacle course, shirts for representative sports, other
- Teaching & Library Resources
- Administration Office – advertising, bank charges, auditor, postage, stationery, phone, fax, photocopier rental
- Cleaners’ salary, cleaning materials, waste removal, gas, electricity, security, water & sewerage
- Copy equipment and asset replacement
- Equipment maintenance including playground equipment, electrical tagging
- Grounds maintenance – grounds person, oval, gardens, pest control, watering system, landscaping
- Staff Professional Development – course costs
- Extra staffing for excursions & sport days when required
- General consumables –first aid, office supplies
- Purchase of new hardware – laptops, interactive boards, STEM equipment
- Software upgrade and apps for school iPads
- Hardware maintenance
Student Resource Levy:
- Student and class stationery supplies
- Art and craft supplies including glue, paint, paper, etc
- Athletics, Cross Country & Swimming Carnivals
- Sporting Clinics eg AFL, Tennis, La Crosse, Hockey, Dance
- Visiting performers & special activities (Incursions)
- Online learning programs essential assessment Years 4 - 6
- Annual Subscriptions
- School Sport Association fees
- Local Excursions
To make it easier for payments to be made at Mother Teresa School, we have introduced the use of Qkr! by Mastercard, a secure and easy way to order and pay for school items from your phone at a time and place that suits you.
Please refer to the attached document for instructions on how to download the app to your phone. I have also included several screenshots from my phone so you will know what it looks like once registered.
This will become our preferred option for many school payments in the future. Additional payment options will be added as required eg, sporting events.
BYOD Chromebook - set up instructions Year 4
Dear Parents,
Thank you for providing your student with a Chromebook for their learning.
In order for the Chromebook to be used at school, please set up the following:
- Personal Account
We recommend parents to sign into the Chromebook using a personal account first. It can be their own account, or the account they created for the student.
The first account will automatically be the owner account of that device. By doing so, the family will still have full access when they can't access their school account.
- School Account
Once the Chromebook is set up with a personal account being the owner, please add the student school account as a user. Please do this at home.
The student needs to use their school account to sign into the Chromebook. In this case, the student account is still managed by CE, but the device isn't.
Your child has a record of their school account. It is in the form of their school email address
Eg. and a password they nominated with their teacher. For Year 4 students, this password has been changed this year to something they nominated.
If parents would like to apply extra supervision, they can set up Family Link.
However, at this stage CECG ICT are not in the position of supporting parents with Family Link on BYO devices. Some information and instructions are below:
Counsellor's Corner - School Counsellor Profiles
Supporting Children to adjust to a new school year
Starting a new school year can be a time of excitement and nerves. Big feelings can often emerge as children process and adjust to their new environment and kids can often become more emotional and more tired during this time of transition.
Families and schools can work together to support children in making a smooth transition into the new school year. Parents and caregivers play a big role in helping kids to feel supported to try their best, to navigate challenges and to solve problems when they crop up.
If emotions start to run high during this time, below are some tips to support kids to adjust and embrace this new beginning.
- Make time each day to hear about your child’s day. Ask open ended questions and show an interest in their experiences and discoveries during their day. Demonstrate excitement and interest in the new experiences they are having.
- Praise your child for trying and celebrate success.
- Support your child to form positive relationships with peers and with their teacher.
- Make time for some quiet down time each day. Processing new experiences can be tiring. Where possible, slow down other commitments to allow for some recuperation and some free play.
- Create an environment in which it’s okay to talk about not just the highs in a day but also the challenges. Support your child to believe in their ability to overcome hurdles and let them know it’s okay to ask for help if they need it.
- Talk about your own learning with your child. Share with them what you are currently learning about and discuss your own thinking about how you plan to face challenges and solve problems.
- If your child is feeling overwhelmed or nervous about the new year, help them to reflect on times they have faced change in the past.
- Reflect with your child about what helped before and use this as evidence that they can do it again.
- Discuss times you yourself may have felt uncertain or unsure in a new environment and reflect with your child the things that helped you.
Each time that we face new challenges and beginnings, we grow in our resilience and our self-belief. As children navigate these new experiences, demonstrating our belief in their ability to succeed will further support them to feel able to step into new environments.
For more information about supporting children to engage in school, the below article provides some further helpful tips or please contact your school counsellors Bron and Ryoko if you feel your child could benefit from any further support.
What you can do at home Parental engagement in primary school (
School Student Support Referrals and Counselling
School Student Support Referrals and Counselling
To direct our families to access the best support available through Mother Teresa School, we are setting up the following process to assist with referrals and the most appropriate use of our resources.
- Enquiry (teacher or parent) – Request a referral form from the office
- The principal will talk with you and guide you to the appropriate support
Support types:
- Diverse Learning Teacher and team,
- Student welfare officer (individual or small group guidance and/or mentoring support),
- Defence School Mentor,
- School counselling (individual or small group)
- External agencies
If school counselling is recommended the School Counsellor will contact the parents and go through the online CatholicCare referral process if school counselling is suitable. Once the online referral has been submitted and consent is signed, the School Counsellor can begin working with the student.
Scholastic Book Club
The Issue 1 catalogue is now available. The cut-off date for orders is next week on Friday 17th February.
Issue 1 has a free book offer – spend over $30 to receive one free book, over $50 to receive two free books or over $70 to receive 3 free books!
Parents can order online via the LOOP parent portal on the Scholastic website, no orders or cash will be accepted by the school. Late orders are charged a flat rate for home postage.
Books will be delivered to children in their classroom once they arrive at the school. A reminder that missing or damaged orders can be reported to Scholastic using their online contact information, and that out of stock items already paid for are usually credited to the LOOP account. Parents concerned about missing, misplaced or damaged orders are advised to wait until the catalogue is closed and use the home postage option. MTS Community Council parent volunteers will be running the Book Club, so please ensure any inquiries are directed to them via the office email, rather than to school staff, teachers or librarians.
MTS Netball 2023 - Expressions of Interest
MTS Netball
MTS Netball is affiliated with Canberra Netball Association (CNA) and participates on Saturday mornings in the wintertime North Canberra Netball Competition (NCNC). MTS Netball aligns with NCNC and Netball ACT rules.
We are a not-for-profit club; all season fees contribute towards the NCNC fees and go directly back into all aspects of running the club.
The club is managed by a small volunteer committee that ensures the club encourages a welcoming inclusive environment where children can grow to love the game of netball as much as we do.
The committee is responsible for the organisation and management of running the club, such as the coordination of teams, coaches, uniforms, finances, umpires, equipment, and communications.
Our club’s 2023 MTS Netball Club Handbook is full of information and should answer most of your questions, however please don't hesitate to contact us on our email address for any other enquiries, suggestions or feedback. We would love to hear from you! All enquiries are treated as confidential.
If an MTS student is looking to join a team sport and make new friends, please send an email anytime to to enquire or register your interest on the link below.
Community Service Announcements

Game Times will be:
SolarHub ACT Netball Centre
4pm for Years 3/4 and 5pm for Years 5/6
Week 1 Commences – Thursday 16th February
Week 8 Finishes – Thursday 6th April
Team Registration = $60
Game Fee = $52 per game
Forfeit Fee = $80 (must be paid following week)
Payments via Eftpos - No Cash
School Teams and Make-up Teams are welcome