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- Principal's Message Term 3 Week 1 - 2022
- Welcome to our new staff!
- Religious Education - Term 3 Week 1 - 2022
- MTS Year Book Student Photo Permission 2022
- Congratulations to Lachlan Hawes - Rostrum Quarter Finals!
- New Payment Options - MTS
- Ukulele Grooup - Starts again on Tuesday @ 8.30am
- Scholastic Book Club News
- Book Week 2022 - Save the Date!
- MTS Year Book 2022 - Cover Art Competition
- Community Service Announcements
- Community Council Entertainment Book
Principal's Message Term 3 Week 1 - 2022
- Mrs Atina Hrstich - Kinder Rose (Friday)
- Mrs Kari Turnbull - 2 Lime (Monday, Tuesday & Thursday)
- Miss Sophia Caputo - 2 Lime (Wednesdays & Fridays)
- Miss Therese Cronin - 3 Sapphire
- Mrs Carly Flemington - Defence Support Mentor (Monday & Tuesday and every odd week Wednesday)
- Mrs Steph Reed - Student Office Administration (Monday & Tuesday) & Classroom Support Assistant (Wednesday-Friday)
Building Fund Statements have been emailed out earlier this week to all families who contributed to the building fund in the 2021/2022 financial year.
Tissues & Wipes need re-stocking
We are running low on tissues and antibacterial wipes in our classrooms. If all students could please supply one packet of each to their classroom teacher it would be greatly appreciated.
COVID Reminders
Families still need to advise the school should a child be at home with COVID via our specific email address, then followed up with a Compass absentee notification through the Compass Parent Portal.
RAT kits are still available from the office should you require kits for regular testing, particularly if your child is a close contact.
God Bless
Carmel Maguire
Steph Reed - Student Administration Office and Diverse Learning Team
Hi my name is Steph Reed. I have just moved to Canberra from Western Australia with my husband and three children. We enjoy going away in our caravan and exploring our amazing country. Prior to moving to Canberra, I worked as a Classroom Support Assistant in Perth for 3 years. I am so excited to start at Mother Teresa School and to meet the amazing school community.
Carly Flemington - Defence School Mentor
Hi my name is Carly Flemington, and I am delighted to join the team at MTS as the Defence School Mentor (DSM). I am a Defence spouse myself and have two children, the eldest just hitting high school this year. My family and I have been living the Defence life for many years, and we have enjoyed the adventures that this crazy life has taken us on and the amazing people we have met. We have also lived, and understand, the challenges and impacts this life can have on our families, as we move around the country, surviving deployments, living away from loved ones and make new connections. When I recently moved to Canberra from Townsville, and a friend told me “I now only have 2 more States to go till I can call “BINGO!” which really puts this lifestyle in perspective.
The DSM program provides support to the children of Australian Defence Force (ADF) members and their families, during times of transition (into and out of school on posting), or during parental absence due to deployment, exercises, or courses. My position is funded by the Department of Defence through the Defence Members and Families Support (DMFS, previously known as DCO), however I am employed as a member of the Mother Theresa School Staff.
I am looking forward to meeting and getting to know all our Defence students and families very soon.
I work on Monday and Tuesdays and Wednesday on ‘every odd week’.
In the meantime, if there is anything I can assist you with please feel free to reach out on email
Sophia Caputo - Classroom Teacher 2 Lime
My Name is Miss Caputo.
I feel very fortunate to be officially joining Mother Teresa School as a classroom teacher in Year 2 Lime this term after working alongside Mrs Hawes in 2 Mint earlier this year.
I have been very lucky to have experienced a diverse range of school settings, having completed my primary and high school education between Australia, England, France, Italy and Ireland. These valuable opportunities provided me with insight into a range of philosophical teaching approaches such as Reggio Emilia and a comprehensive understanding of education programmes such as the International Bachelorette.
Prior to commencing my Bachelor Degree in Early Childhood and Primary Education at the Australian Catholic University, I completed a Diploma of Design at the Australian National University. I have a passion for teaching maths, art and PE, and throughout high school I represented the ACT for Volleyball at multiple National Championships. On the weekends you will find me working alongside my family at our café.
I sincerely look forward to getting to know the students and their families over the coming weeks and becoming a part of the Mother Teresa School community!
Therese Cronin - Classroom Teacher - 3 Sapphire
I am excited about my new position at Mother Teresa School and very much look forward to meeting the community over the coming weeks. I recently came to Canberra from Toowoomba in Queensland.
I have taught in a number of schools in Queensland, both primary and secondary, and have been fortunate enough to have lived and worked in Kazakhstan and Saudi Arabia which are on the other side of the world. I also spent 6 years working in a coal mine in Central Queensland.
When I’m not at school, I love to read and listen to music. Other favourite past-times are watching movies, going to the theatre, and travelling. I work hard, but I also really like to laugh.
Religious Education - Term 3 Week 1 - 2022
The Whole school focus theme for this year is ‘Do small Things with Great Love’ and the Bible reference that supports our theme for Term 3 is John 15:12
"This is my commandment, that you love one another, even as I have loved you.”
(children in Year 3 or older)
- Attend mass this weekend and collect your Mass Booklet
- Payment envelop should have been given to your child's classroom teacher at Mother Teresa School.
24 July 2022 - Year C
“Ask and you shall receive.”
Something to Think About
When you pray, what do you say to God? Do you thank God for the wonderful things in your life? Do you ask God to help you or maybe to bless others?
Preparing to Hear God’s Word
Do you know what the word “peace” means? What does it look like? What does it feel like? What do “peaceful” people do?
The Story
Jesus’ disciples want to learn how to pray. Jesus shows them, and us, how to pray. We call
this “The Lord’s Prayer”. Then Jesus encourages us to ask for whatever we need, and to never give up on praying. He promises us that when we ask, we will receive.
The Scriptures
A reading from the holy gospel according to Luke 11:1-10
When Jesus had finished praying, one of his disciples said to him,
"Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his followers to pray."
So Jesus told them, "Pray in this way: 'Father, help us to honour your name. Come and set up your kingdom. Give us each day the food we need.
Forgive our sins, as we forgive everyone who has done wrong to us. And keep us from being tempted.' "
Then Jesus went on to say: "Suppose one of you goes to a friend in the middle of the night and says, 'Let me borrow three loaves of bread. A friend of mine has dropped in, and I don't have a thing for him to eat.' And suppose your friend answers, 'Don't bother me! The door is bolted, and my children and I are in bed. I
cannot get up to give you something.'
"He may not get up and give you the bread, just because you are his friend. But he will get up and give you as much as you need, simply because you are not ashamed to keep on asking.
"So I tell you to ask and you will receive,
search and you will find,
knock and the door will be opened for you.
Everyone who asks will receive,
everyone who searches will find,
and the door will be opened for everyone who knocks."
The Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
Something to Think About
When you pray, what do you say to God? Do you thank God for the wonderful things in your life?
Do you ask God to help you or perhaps to bless your friends and family?
You could pray for people in hospital, or for peace around the world.
Talk together about what you would like to pray for today.
Peace and Best Wishes.
Anne Leet (Religious Education Co-ordinator)
MTS Year Book Student Photo Permission 2022
Dear Parents
Over the years Mother Teresa School has produced an Annual Yearbook/Magazine that is available for purchase by parents and students. This annual publication is only produced as a magazine and is not available electronically.
This year three enthusiastic parents, Tanya Bolton, Lindsay Pennock and Kayla Kruger, who all hold a current Working with Vulnerable People Card, have volunteered to coordinate this huge task. The coordination involves the sourcing of photos, page design and creation, publication and sale of the magazine to the parent community.
Earlier in the year you may recall I asked parents about the use of photos on various forms of social media. The production of our Yearbook/Magazine has presented a different issue. To design the pages that capture important events that occur across the school year, together with specific class pages, the parent team will require access to our collection of school photos saved in the Mother Teresa School Google photo drive. The photos saved in this drive are taken by school staff or provided by parents who may be present at specific events during the year. The parent team require access to the photo drive so they can design the pages on their personal computers at home using CANVA Pro, a web-based publishing program.
In line with the current Catholic Education Privacy Policy, I am required to seek parental permission to allow the coordinating parent team to have access our stored school photos of individual children. While we would like all the children to be represented in the magazine, including a copy of their class photo, I want to respect any family’s privacy concerns.
I will seek the help of the MTS staff to add your child if you are happy for your child to be included in the magazine.
Should you NOT want the parent team to have access the MTS photo collection, I need you to please let me know.
Please advise by emailing by Wednesday 27 July ONLY IF:
- you are NOT comfortable with the parent team having access to our school file of your child’s photo for the production of the Yearbook/Magazine and/or
- you do NOT want you child included in the 2022 Yearbook/Magazine
- you would like more information related to Canva
Kind regards,
Carmel Maguire
Congratulations to Lachlan Hawes - Rostrum Quarter Finals!

Lachlan was able to curtail his nerves and produce a speech with great enthusiasm on the impact that drones will have in our society in the future.
The judges were so impressed that Lachlan was chosen to proceed to the next round of finals.
As a school we congratulate Lachlan and we wish him all the best at the next level.
To make it easier for payments to be made at Mother Teresa School, we have introduced the use of Qkr! by Mastercard, a secure and easy way to order and pay for school items from your phone at a time and place that suits you.
Please refer to the attached document for instructions on how to download the app to your phone. I have also included several screenshots from my phone so you will know what it looks like once registered.
This will become our preferred option for many school payments in the future. Additional payment options will be added as required eg, sporting events.
Kind regards
Carmel Maguire
Scholastic Book Club
The Issue 5 catalogue is now available. The cut-off date for orders is Sunday 7th August.
Issue 5 has a free book offer – spend over $30 to receive one free book, over $50 to receive two free books or over $70 to receive 3 free books!
Parents can order online via the LOOP parent portal on the Scholastic website, no orders or cash will be accepted by the school. Late orders are charged a flat rate for home postage.
Books will be delivered to children in their classroom once they arrive at the school. A reminder that missing or damaged orders can be reported to Scholastic using their online contact information, and that out of stock items already paid for are usually credited to the LOOP account. Parents concerned about missing, misplaced or damaged orders are advised to wait until the catalogue is closed and use the home postage option. MTS Community Council parent volunteers will be running the Book Club, so please ensure any inquiries are directed to them via the office email, rather than to school staff, teachers or librarians.
Community Service Announcements

The Canberra Society of Model & Experimental Engineers, Inc. are a not-for-profit community organisation who operate the Canberra Miniature Railway, Jerrabomberra Avenue, Symonston ( (Facebook: Canberra Miniature Railway). They offer miniature train rides on the SECOND and LAST Sunday of each month (excluding last Sunday in December) and have special night running under lights and a Christmas Special. Birthday parties are welcome. Booking a table with gas BBQ and seating is only $30.00 (refundable if cancelled) and a FREE unlimited ride ticket (value $18.00) is included for the birthday child. For more information please write to with your choice of date, if known.
Community Council Entertainment Book
Support Mother Teresa School in ACT and purchase your Entertainment Membership from us today!!
Mother Teresa School in ACT
Adelle DeZilva