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- Principal's Message Week 9
- Jesus Day - Tuesday 5th April
- Religious Education - Term 1 Week 9 - 2022
- Parish News
- Seasons For Growth
- Meet our Specialist Teachers - Japanese and Library
- Meet our Specialist Team Teachers - Music & STEM
- Meet our EALD Teacher (English as Language Dialect)
- Meet our Defence School Mentor
- Math's Challenge Week 9
- ACT Swimming Championship Representatives
- Counselling Corner - From our School Counsellor Bronwyn Whyatt
- How can I pay my school fees?
- MTS Community Council Scholastic Book Club
- High School Enrolment Information
- Community Service Announcements
As experienced in so many schools across Canberra, Mother Teresa School is also noting an increase in the level of absences of students and staff. The absences are due to individuals testing either positive for Covid or in quarantine due to being a close contact with a family member. I want to express my sincere thanks to the staff for their incredible commitment to ensuring the children are still engaging in their learning, despite facing increased class numbers which is due to the limited availability of relief staff; everyone has had to cover extra playground duties and miss valuable planning time. Despite the increasing workload the teachers have continued to provide time to respond to parents via email, phone call, or conduct MS Teams meetings.
Critical Reminders
Road Safety -Yesterday I reminded the children of the importance of using the Mappleton Avenue crossing; when they need to cross the road. We are fortunate to have someone monitoring the crossing before and after school. This reminder is a follow-up to members of the local public reporting several children were putting themselves at risk when trying to cross the road in other locations.
Refurbishment Update
In case you missed the Facebook post, our building project is progressing. At this stage, we are not due to move into the new area until midway through next term. Part of the delay in starting was waiting for the massive steel beams required for the project.
Students absent for 25 Days or More
Families electing to take holidays for more than 25 school days must complete an "Application for Exemption from Attendance or Enrolment" form, which is available from the office and seek formal permission from the Principal. This is a legal requirement as parents are required to carry the letter of authority when travelling.
Compass Updates
There has been a recent update to the Compass Parent Portal which has resulted in some families being unable to locate the "Absentee Note" when needing to complete this for a student who is not at school. You can now find the absentee note through the "Shortcuts" button located in the middle at the bottom of the home screen.
Working With Vulnerable People Cards
A reminder that any visitor or volunteer (when we are able to have volunteers back on site) must carry a valid ACT Working With Vulnerable People Card. This is available from Access Canberra and is free for all volunteers. It is also a reminder for those who have a card to check the expiry date and action a renewal if needed. A copy of cards must be maintained at the front office. Both sides of the card must be provided.
The canteen will be open for online lunch orders in Week 9. Please note that students from Years 4 to 6 will collect their lunch orders at 10:20am, while Kindergarten to Year 3 will collect theirs from 11:00am.
There are still no over-the-counter sales at this stage.
Planning for Term 2
- Students return to school on Wednesday 27th April.
- Students are to wear their winter uniform.
God Bless
Carmel Maguire
Religious Education - Term 1 Week 9 - 2022
The Whole school focus theme for this year is ‘Do small Things with Great Love’ and the Bible reference that supports our theme is Ephesians 2:1, in which St Paul says:
“We are God’s work of art,
Created in Christ Jesus to live the good life
Focus Assembly
Our value for this week is: Courage
At Mother Teresa we are going to be courageous towards those we meet in our class and on the playground by:
- Showing confidence
- Thinking creatively
- Being a positive risk taker
- Having a healthy self-esteem
- Standing up for what’s right
- Having a sense of achievement
- Thinking and acting independently
Thank you, Mrs Connolly along with Kinder Scarlet for presenting an amazing Focus Assembly on courage. Courage involves making good choices in the face of fear or obstacles. It's another term for bravery. Remember: Bravery doesn't mean fearlessness. It means we do not let fear hold us back from exploring new opportunities, developing our skills, and doing what is right. The Kinder students showed great courage when they shared their ideas on the subject.
Could everyone make a bit effort to bring in all there Project compassion money by Friday next week so that we can send it off to Caritas. Thank you
Don’t forget Tuesday’s special day of Prayer for the Ukraine Crisis appeal.
The students have been looking at the case studies of where their money is going this week it is going to Shaniella, from the Solomon Islands.
Shaniella's story - Solomon Islands
Shaniella from the Solomon Islands was determined to forge a path out of poverty, moving away to a rural vocational school. With your support, she was able to overcome the challenges of natural disasters and gain the skills she needs to create a brighter future for herself. Shaniella grew up in a remote village in the Solomon Islands in a province which has limited educational and job opportunities – and one of the country’s highest poverty rates.
After leaving school, she decided to move closer to the capital city, Honiara, to study hospitality and tourism.
However, her vocational training school was hit by a landslide and cyclone in quick succession, destroying its water supply system and the vegetable garden that it relies on for food. The landslide destroyed the school’s main source of water, damaged school buildings and devastated the garden which the school relies on for food.
Confirmation 2022
Please pray for our Year 6 Confirmation Candidates, their teachers, and families as they prepare this important sacrament. An email has been sent to all MTS Confirmation students confirming whether the details are correct. Please contact me if you have not received the email Thank you to all our Year 6 students who are showing their commitment towards their Ministry Masses. Don’t forget to bring your item of food for the ‘Food Pantry’.
"Let the person among you without sin be the first to throw a stone."
Year C | Sunday 3rd April | purple
The Scriptures
A reading from the holy Gospel according to John 8:2-11
Let the person among you without sin be the first to throw a stone.
Jesus spent the night on the Mount of Olives. Then early the next morning he went to the temple. The people came to him, and he sat down and started teaching them.
The Pharisees and the teachers of the Law of Moses brought in a woman who had been caught in bed with a man who was not her husband. They made her stand in the middle of the crowd. Then they said, "Teacher, this woman was caught sleeping with a man who is not her husband. The Law of Moses teaches that a woman like this should be stoned to death! What do you say?"
They asked Jesus this question, because they wanted to test him and bring some charge against him.
But Jesus simply bent over and started writing on the ground with his finger.
The crowd kept on asking Jesus about the woman. Finally, he stood up and said, "If any of you have never sinned, then go ahead and throw the first stone at her!" Once again he bent over and began writing on the ground. The people left one by one, beginning with the oldest one in the crowd.
Finally, Jesus and the woman were there alone.
Jesus stood up and asked her, "Where is everyone? Isn't there anyone left to accuse you?"
"No, sir," the woman answered. Then Jesus told her, "I am not going to accuse you either.
You may go now, but don't sin anymore."
The Gospel of the Lord.
Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
Something to Think About
Sometimes it can be tempting to point the finger at someone else who has done the wrong thing and forget about the mistakes and bad choices that we ourselves have made.
Jesus wants us to act with compassion and forgiveness towards others.
How could you show compassion to people in your daily life?
Peace and Best Wishes.
Anne Leet (Religious Education Co-Ordinator)
Learning to live with change and loss
Change and loss are issues that affect all of us at some stage in our lives. At Mother Teresa School we recognise that when changes occur in families through death, separation, divorce and related circumstances, young people may benefit from learning how to manage these changes effectively. We are therefore offering a very successful education program called Seasons for Growth which will commence in Term 2. This program is facilitated in small groups and is based on research which highlights the importance of social support and the need the practise new skills to cope effectively with change and loss. The program focuses on issues such as self-esteem, managing feelings, problem-solving, decision-making, effective communication and support networks.
Mother Teresa School is pleased to be able to offer this important program and we are confident that it will be a valuable learning experience for those who request to be involved.
If you think your child would benefit from Seasons for Growth we would encourage you to talk to them about participating in the program. Every family who registers their interest with our Student Wellbeing Officer, by emailing will receive an information pack with more details about the Seasons for Growth program and an invitation for their child to attend.
Need more information? Please contact Christina.
Meet our EALD Teacher (English as Language Dialect)
Hello! My name is Sophie Dash and I am the EAL/D (English as an additional language/dialect) teacher at Mother Teresa. I am part of the amazing Diverse Learning Team and I started working at Mother Teresa last year.
This term I have been meeting and assessing some of the Kindergarten students, as well as some of the new students across the school. From the start of next term I will be working with a number of students from Kindergarten to Year 4. I work with students individually, in small groups or in the classroom depending on their different needs.
If I am lucky enough to be working with your child this year I will send a note home at the beginning of Term 2 to let you know. My work days are Tuesday, Thursday and Friday and I am always happy for you to contact me if you have any questions or queries. My email address is
I am really looking forward to meeting you and having a great year of learning with your children.
Kind regards,
Sophie Dash
Meet our Defence School Mentor
My name is Lee Revell and I am privileged to be the Defence School Mentor here at Mother Teresa School.
The DSM Program provides support to children of Australian Defence Force (ADF) members and their families, through support during times of transition (into and out of a school on posting), or during parental absence due to deployment, exercise or courses.
As the DSM:
- I assist the school to understand the needs of ADF families and their children
- I welcome and farewell Defence students
- I provide support to Defence students through class interaction, Kids Club and one on one support (as required)
- I publish a Defence newsletter every week - which is emailed out to the primary communication email of Defence families
- I let teachers know, and provide support to students, if ADF members are deployed, MWD(U), on exercise or absent for extended periods—please let me know if this occurs
- I assist with access to programs such as KidSMART, the Education Support Scheme and other relevant initiatives for Defence Families
I work every Monday and Tuesday and half day Wednesdays in even weeks. I can be contacted on my email ( or via the school phone number (6241 5604).
Thank you to those who took on the Farmer’s fence activity. We had several entries this week. A big congratulations to all of you for some clever maths thinking. Well done to Emma from 2 Emerald for receiving this week’s prize!
This week it is our Year 3 and 4 students who get to share their wonderful maths thinking with me.
Tea cups and saucers:
There are four sets of tea cups and saucers: a set of white, a set of red, a set of blue and a set of green. In each set there are four cups and four saucers altogether. How many different combinations of cups and saucers can you create? Estimate before you try and solve this.
This problem is sourced from nrich maths.
Send your answers (don’t forget to show me your working out) via email to Mrs Blackwell or write it all out on paper and put it in your notebag to send to the office by next Friday morning. The winner will be drawn at the end of our Friday Assembly.
Counselling Corner - From our School Counsellor Bronwyn Whyatt
Self-care for the Whole Family
Self-care is important for all of us: adults, children and families as a whole. Prioritising self-care can aid in reducing stress, maintaining health and enhancing resilience and energy.
Making self-care a priority can help parents to feel more able to give of themselves as care-givers and it also models behaviour to children that it is okay to take time out to care for yourself and to listen to your needs.
Choosing the self-care that works for you
Taking time and finding time for self-care is not always easy and it will look different for everyone. A good start would be engaging in something small each day, week or month. If you’re having trouble thinking of something that would work for you, ask yourself -
- what activities make you feel good and recharged?
- What would you like to do more of?
- Are there any activities that you look forward to during the week?
- What would your ideal day look like? What activities would you do?
- What did you used to enjoy doing before life got so busy?
If coming up with a self-care activity feels too much, sometimes self-care is also about paring back expectations of yourself a little. You may not have time for an hour recharge session, but how about a cup of tea outside in your break? Reachout suggests using ‘dead time’. Listen to a podcast on the way to work or instead of watching TV or scrolling through your phone in the evening, do something that you’ve been wanting to find time for.
Support your child to also find their own self-care strategies.
Ask them what activities help them to feel relaxed and recharged.
If they have trouble thinking of something, give them some ideas of things you’ve noticed them enjoying.
Commit to routine
Tell your family about your individual self-care plans and make it a priority, not just something you get to in an emergency. Support children to also prioritise a little down time for themselves after a big day at school. This can contribute to building resilience and emotional regulation as well as also demonstrating to your child that you value their needs for self-care too.
For more information, please visit
Or contact your school counsellors Bron or Ryoko if you feel your child could benefit from any further support.
MTS Community Council Scholastic Book Club
The Scholastic Book Club trial will resume in Term 2. Catalogues will be sent home with students, and parents can order online via the LOOP parent portal on the Scholastic website. No orders or cash will be accepted by the school, all orders must be made online. Order cut-off dates will be advised on Compass, and late orders or orders from the previous catalogue are charged a flat rate for home postage.
While school Covid restrictions remain in place, orders will be available for pick up from the school second hand uniform shop when they arrive. Dates will be advised on Compass. Students in years 5 and 6 may pick up orders themselves on the way into school, however all other orders must be collected by parents. Please only order if you are able to collect at the second hand uniform shop Monday, Wednesday or Friday from 8.30-9.00am. If you are unable to do so, please order direct to your home after the catalogue has closed for school orders.
A reminder that missing or damaged orders can be reported to Scholastic using their online contact information, and that out of stock items already paid for are usually credited to the LOOP account. Parents concerned about missing, misplaced or damaged orders are advised to wait until the catalogue is closed and use the home postage option. MTS Community Council parent volunteers will be running the Book Club, so please ensure any inquiries are directed to them via the office email or to Scholastic, rather than to school staff, teachers or librarians. We will be doing our best to make the trial run smoothly, and look forward to using school reward points earned to purchase additional books for classroom readers.