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- Principal's Message Week 8
- Cross Country Carnival
- Jesus Day - Tuesday 5th April
- Religious Education - Term 1 Week 8 - 2022
- Maths Challenge Week 8
- Seasons For Growth
- How can I pay my school fees?
- ELC Hot Cross Bun Fundraiser
- Parent Courses
- MTS Netball News
- School Sport ACT Scholarship Fund
- High School Enrolment Information
- Community Service Announcements
Congratulations - Staff Baby News
We would like to congratulate Mrs Carly Reeves and Mrs Megan Fraser and their families on the recent birth of their beautiful baby girls. Both mums and babies are doing well!
The ACT Government is making some changes to the way rapid antigen tests (RATs) are distributed to ACT school communities for the remainder of Term 1.
For the first eight weeks of Term 1, all school staff and students were given two free RATs per week. RATs will continue to be available through schools but will be provided to staff and students on an as-needed basis - or in response to increased cases reported in a school. Early Learning Centre staff will also have continued access to RATs under the same distribution arrangements.
This change will ensure school communities continue to have access to government-funded RATs, which is one of the measures that has supported a safe return to on-campus learning at ACT schools in 2022.
The RATs from the ACT Government will be delivered to the CE in Manuka initially then to schools as required.
RATs will continue to be available through our school but will be provided to staff and students on an as-needed basis - or in response to increased cases as necessary. If you require additional RATs please contact the school office, via email if you require a RAT Kit sent home with your child.
SMART Watches at School
This week the teachers have raised the issue of the number of children communicating with parents, via their Smartwatches, during the school day. As with all social media, children should not be encouraged to use their smartwatches at school. All communication to a child should come via the office, prior to school dismissal. Children should also be asked to share concerns with their class teacher or a member of the leadership team so problems can be dealt with immediately at school. Thank you for your support.
COVID Reminders
All families should
- Continue to monitor for symptoms. Get a COVID-19 test if you or your child develop any symptoms and isolate until you or your child receive a negative result. You can check the symptoms of COVID-19 here.
- If you or your child has symptoms and tests negative on a Rapid Antigen Test (RAT), please take a PCR test. If the PCR test is positive, you should follow the guidance for people with COVID-19. Please also remember to report any positive test to the MTS covid email If the PCR test is negative, then students can return to school when well and do not have any symptoms.
- A child can continue to attend school if they do not have any COVID-19 symptoms. We remind families that anyone with symptoms of COVID-19 must not attend school.
Students absent for 25 Days or More
Families electing to take holidays for more than 25 school days must complete an "Application for Exemption from Attendance or Enrolment" form, which is available from the office and seek formal permission from the Principal. This is a legal requirement as parents are required to carry the letter of authority when travelling.
A reminder that school fees were due last week unless paying via regular instalments. If you have not already done so, could you please contact the office to arrange payment or discuss any concerns meeting the school fee payment. Fee statements were sent out during the week so families should check their current status.
Sincere apologies to those families who had settled their accounts and received the communication. Unfortunately, our system automatically sends a reminder to all families.
Compass Updates
There has been a recent update to the Compass Parent Portal which has resulted in some families being unable to locate the "Absentee Note" when needing to complete this for a student who is not at school. You can now find the absentee note through the "Shortcuts" button located in the middle at the bottom of the home screen.
Stranger Danger
This is a reminder to parents to talk to your children about stranger danger, especially if they walk to and from school. I was notified today, from a neighbouring primary school, that two of their students were aware of a white van following slowly behind them while walking to school together. The students are safe and the incident has been reported to ACT Policing.
Please have a conversation with your child/ren about moving safely around the community and what to do if they ever feel unsafe. You may wish to visit the AFP website section on Child Safety for tips. In addition, Safety4Kids is a non-government website that has useful information and links.
Working With Vulnerable People Cards
A reminder that any visitor or volunteer (when we are able to have volunteers back on site) must carry a valid ACT Working With Vulnerable People Card. This is available from Access Canberra and is free for all volunteers. It is also a reminder for those who have a card to check the expiry date and action a renewal if needed. A copy of cards must be maintained at the front office. Both sides of the card must be provided.
Mandatory Face Masks
As restrictions have eased with the wearing of face masks throughout some settings in the ACT, unfortunately, schools are not included in this category. All parents & visitors to schools must still wear a face mask whilst on school grounds or when entering the school office. Thank you for your co-operation with this.
Canteen News
The canteen will be open for online lunch orders in Week 9. Please note that students from Years 4 to 6 will collect their lunch orders at 10:20am, while Kindergarten to Year 3 will collect theirs from 11:00am.
There are still no over-the-counter sales at this stage.
God Bless
Carmel Maguire
Plans are underway to run our cross country next week around the local area. Due to COVID restrictions still being in place, we have spread the event across the week. Children are to weather their sports uniform on the nominated day, this may be an extra day next week.
Unfortunately, parents are still not permitted on the school grounds to watch this event
Monday 28 March 9.00 – 10.00 Year 5
10 Years - 2km - Students born 2012
11 Years – 3km - Students born 2011
Tuesday 29 March 9.00 – 10.00 Year 3
8 Years – 1 km - Students born 2014
9 Years – 1.5km - Students born 2013
Wednesday 30 March 9.00 – 10.00 Year 6
11 Years – 3km - Students born 2011
12 Years – 3km - Students born 2010
Thursday 31 March 9.00 – 10.00 Year 2
8 Years – 1km – Students born 2014
Friday 1 April 9.00 – 10.00 Year 4
9 Years – 1.5km - Students born 2013
10 Years - 2km - Students born 2012
Religious Education - Term 1 Week 8 - 2022
The Whole school focus theme for this year is ‘Do small Things with Great Love’ and the Bible reference that supports our theme is Ephesians 2:1, in which St Paul says:
“We are God’s work of art,
Created in Christ Jesus to live the good life
As from the beginning he had meant us to live it.”
Focus Assembley
Our value for this week is: Inclusion
At Mother Teresa we are going to show inclusion towards those we meet in our class and on the playground by:
- Including others and inviting them to join in
- Listening to others and letting them have their say
- Ensuring everyone feels that they belong.
Thank you, Mrs Matchett along with 1 Topaz for presenting a wonderful Focus Assembly on Inclusion. What a great way to end our Harmony Week celebrations. The students did an amazing job at presenting what inclusion at MTS looks like using our school motto ‘Do Small things With Great Love’.
At Mother Teresa School, we are trying to reach out to others and bring hope to those who are less fortunate than ourselves during this time of Lent by raising money for Project Compassion. We encourage you to talk to your child about the importance of giving to those in need and to give generously. Each class has a Project Compassion box available for the children’s donations.
We encourage you to put your compassion into action this Lent through your prayer, fasting and almsgiving by supporting Project Compassion. This week we raised $243:00 a great effort from everyone.
The students have been looking at the case studies of where their money is going this week it is going to Rosalie, from Democratic Republic of Congo.
Rosalie's story
Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)
From her life as a former child soldier in the DRC, Rosalie is a now a business owner, a community leader and a role model for other ex-combatants seeking to readjust to civilian life.
Rosalie had a tough childhood. Her father passed away when she was just two-years-old and her mother struggled to look after the family on her own.
In the Democratic Republic of Congo, women are traditionally responsible for household tasks, with limited employment opportunities outside the home. Rosalie's mother found it difficult to afford food and clothing, let alone school fees, and Rosalie had to drop out school.
Then, when she was just 15 years old, Rosalie was forced to join the army. In recent decades, the DRC has experienced ongoing political instability, violence and conflict, and the recruitment of child soldiers is all too common.
Confirmation 2022
Please pray for our Year 6 Confirmation Candidates, their teachers, and families as they embark on this important time in their faith journey. Thank you to all our Year 6 students who are showing their commitment towards their Ministry Masses. Hopefully all our families have enrolled in the confirmation Mass and identified their sponsors’ name and their name in confirmation. Don’t forget to bring your item of food for the ‘Food Pantry’.
"Your brother here was dead and has come to life."
Year C | Sunday 27th March | purple
Today’s long gospel story is about God’s enormous love and compassion for us.
The Scriptures
A reading from the holy Gospel according to Luke 15:1-3, 11-32
Your brother here was dead and has come to life.
Tax collectors and sinners were all crowding around to listen to Jesus. So the Pharisees and the teachers of the Law of Moses started grumbling, "This man is friendly with sinners. He even eats with them." Then Jesus told them this story:
"Once a man had two sons. The younger son said to his father, 'Give me my share of the property.' So the father divided his property between his two sons. Not long after that, the younger son packed up everything he owned and left for a foreign country, where he wasted all his money in wild living. He had spent everything, when a bad famine spread through that whole land. Soon he had nothing to eat.
"He went to work for a man in that country, and the man sent him out to take care of his pigs. He would have been glad to eat what the pigs were eating, but no one gave him a thing. Finally, he came to his senses and said, 'My father's workers have plenty to eat, and here I am, starving to death! I will leave and go to my father and say to him, "Father, I have sinned against God in heaven and against you. I am no longer good enough to be called your son. Treat me like one of your workers." '
"The younger son got up and started back to his father. But when he was still a long way off, his father saw him and felt sorry for him. He ran to his son and hugged and kissed him. The son said, 'Father, I have sinned against God in heaven and against you. I am no longer good enough to be called your son.'
"But his father said to the servants, 'Hurry and bring the best clothes and put them on him. Give him a ring for his finger and sandals for his feet. Get the best calf and prepare it, so we can eat and celebrate.
This son of mine was dead but has now come back to life. He was lost and has now been found.'
And they began to celebrate.
"The older son had been out in the field. But when he came near the house, he heard the music and dancing. So, he called one of the servants over and asked, 'What's going on here?' The servant answered, 'Your brother has come home safe and sound, and your father ordered us to kill the best calf.' The older brother got so mad that he would not even go into the house. His father came out and begged him to go in. But he said to his father, 'For years I have worked for you like a slave and have always obeyed you. But you have never even given me a little goat, so that I could give a dinner for my friends. This other son of yours wasted your money on bad women. And now that he has come home, you ordered the best calf to be killed for a feast.'
"His father replied, 'My son, you are always with me, and everything I have is yours. But we should be glad and celebrate! Your brother was dead, but he is now alive. He was lost and has now been found.' "
The Gospel of the Lord.
Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
Something to Think About
Imagine you are the youngest son from the story. How would you have felt as you made your way home, preparing to see your father again after wasting all his money? When your father came towards you with a loving smile and open arms were you surprised?
Maybe you prefer to imagine yourself as the older son. How would you have reacted if your younger brother came back after making lots of bad choices and he was welcomed with a party?
Do you find it hard to believe the amazing love of the father?
Peace and Best Wishes.
Anne Leet (Religious Education Co-Ordinator)
Thank you to those who took on the Step Challenge data activity. We only had one student enter - congratulations to Selina Li who put together an amazing entry.
This challenge is for our Year 1 and 2 students to complete.
A farmer needs to build a new pen to house some very special new animals. The farmer has 20 metres of fence. All of the fence must be used. What type of pen can the farmer build? How many different pens could be created.
Send your answers (don’t forget to show me your working out) via email to Mrs Blackwell or write it all out on paper and put it in your notebag to send to the office by next Friday morning. The winner will be drawn at the end of our Friday Assembly.
Learning to live with change and loss
Change and loss are issues that affect all of us at some stage in our lives. At Mother Teresa School we recognise that when changes occur in families through death, separation, divorce and related circumstances, young people may benefit from learning how to manage these changes effectively. We are therefore offering a very successful education program called Seasons for Growth which will commence in Term 2. This program is facilitated in small groups and is based on research which highlights the importance of social support and the need the practise new skills to cope effectively with change and loss. The program focuses on issues such as self-esteem, managing feelings, problem-solving, decision-making, effective communication and support networks.
Mother Teresa School is pleased to be able to offer this important program and we are confident that it will be a valuable learning experience for those who request to be involved.
If you think your child would benefit from Seasons for Growth we would encourage you to talk to them about participating in the program. Every family who registers their interest with our Student Wellbeing Officer, by emailing will receive an information pack with more details about the Seasons for Growth program and an invitation for their child to attend.
Need more information? Please contact Christina.
School Sport ACT Scholarship Fund
After three long years in the making, School Sport ACT is very pleased to announce the launch of the SSACT Scholarship Fund.
The attached document contains the Application Form and information, including;
- The School Sport ACT Scholarship Fund aims to provide assistance to families that may choose not to have their child trial for selection or accept the selection of their child to an ACT representative team, as they are unable to meet the financial requirements of competing.
- The Scholarship Fund is open to applications from students travelling interstate to attend a School Sport Australia Championship. Students attending an ACT hosted Championship are not eligible.
- To be considered, each application must be endorsed and signed by the student’s Principal. This will include a confirmation of enrolment status, attendance and endorsement for each applicant.
- To be eligible to apply, the applicant must be able to demonstrate financial need by providing evidence, of a minimum of ONE, of the listed items.
- In its inaugural year, the fund will support 25 Scholarships of $500 each.
- Assessment of applications and the allocation of funds are to be spread across the year so students from all 17 sports have fair access to assistance.
Community Service Announcements