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On Wednesday, all Gungahlin Parish schools (Mother Teresa, Good Shepherd and Holy Spirit) celebrated Ash Wednesday with an online Mass, streamed live from the Church. The Mass engaged close to 2500 students in our Parish from our own classrooms. It was a memorable service and the children participated enthusiastically in all aspects of this liturgy. A big thank you to the Parish team and staff from the three schools whose efforts ensured this was a special occasion.
We now have forty days to think about ways we can help others and to remember the times when Jesus gave his life for us. Father Thonn reminded us to spend the next forty days praying for peace - especially with the concerning situation taking place with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
Parent Interviews - Conferences
As mentioned during the parent information sessions in Week 3, the teachers will be available next week (Week 6) for brief 10 minute interviews. To book a meeting, please follow the booking link which can be accessed via your Compass Parent Portal. All meetings will be held via Teams. The MS Teams links have also been sent out via Compass today. Parents must book a meeting time to be able to access a conference. Any issues please contact your child's teacher or the office staff.
The purpose of the meeting is to check in, set goals and provide a comment on how your child has settled back into school; an information-sharing session.
As the Kindergarten teachers have spoken to many of their parents following the student assessment sessions, they will contact parents if there is a need for a follow-up interview. Please remember, if you have a concern please raise it with your child's teacher early.
Please open the document below for instuctions on how to book a Parent Conference.
Afternoon Pick Up Arrangements - Wet Weather
Our first very wet day for the term was rather chaotic in the car park so I would like to remind everyone of our Wet Weather Arrangements
- Kinders to be collected from the Courtyard.
- Year 1 and 2 to be collected from the Oval side of classrooms.
- Year 3 and 4 to be collected in the shade shelter.
- Years 5 and 6 to make their own way to parents once they have been brought around to the outside area.
Unfortunately, the original car line at the front of the school is not an option for pick up for the primary students. We just do not have available staff to supervise this option of an afternoon. The staff have noted that a number of families are opting for this alternative arrangement which is causing a lot of confusion. Please arrange to collect your children from the designated areas.
Current Uniform Code for MTS as published in our enrolment pack
Following discussion at our recent Community Council meeting, I thought it would be helpful to remind families of our current school uniform.
MTS Secondhand Clothing Shop
Thank you to everyone who donates uniform items back to the school to sell in our secondhand uniform shop, it is greatly appreciated and helps many families.
A reminder that we cannot accept socks, stockings or shoes (unless brand new) and please check any items before donation for rips or tears, broken zippers and large stains as these items are generally not able to be sold.
COVID Update
All families should
- Continue to monitor for symptoms. Get a COVID-19 test if you or your child develop any symptoms and isolate until you or your child receive a negative result. You can check the symptoms of COVID-19 here.
- If you or your child has symptoms and tests negative on a Rapid Antigen Test (RAT), please take a PCR test. If the PCR test is positive, you should follow the guidance for people with COVID-19. Please also remember to report any positive test to the MTS covid email If the PCR test is negative, then students can return to school when well.
- A child can continue to attend school if they do not have any COVID-19 symptoms. We remind families that anyone with symptoms of COVID-19 must not attend school.
School COVID Protocols
While the use of masks has been relaxed in the general community they are still required to be worn by all staff and visitors when entering the school. Children are welcome to wear a mask if they wish.
Younger children should not be accessing the play equipment before or after school.
Parents should not stand around and chat when dropping off or picking up a child. It is critical we continue to minimise contact around the school.
New hand sanitiser stations are now located outside each classroom for easy access by staff and children.
Canberra Check in (Check in CBR App)
A reminder that schools and early childhood centres still require check-ins with the Check in CBR App when entering the front office
The canteen will be open for online lunch orders in Week 6. Please note that students from Years 4 to 6 will collect their lunch orders at 10:20am, while Kindergarten to Year 3 will collect theirs from 11:00am.
There will be no over the counter sales at this stage.
God Bless
Carmel Maguire
Religious Education - Term 1 Week 5 - 2022
The Whole school focus theme for this year is ‘Do small Things with Great Love’ and the Bible reference that supports our theme is Ephesians 2:1, in which St Paul says:
“We are God’s work of art,
Created in Christ Jesus to live the good life
As from the beginning he had meant us to live it.”
Confirmation 2022
Please pray for our Year 6 Confirmation Candidates, their teachers, and families as they embark on this important time in their faith journey. Thank you to all our Year 6 students who are showing their commitment towards their Ministry Masses. Don’t forget to bring your item of food for the ‘Food Pantry’.
The day before Ash Wednesday, is often called ‘Pancake Tuesday’. Older people might remember it as ‘Shrove Tuesday’. To prepare for Lent’s fasting some people cook all the meat they have. Another custom on this day is to ‘feast’ on pancakes. This year the classroom teachers provided pancakes for their class.
Fr Thonn was not aware of Pancake Tuesday as it is not part of the practice in the Philippines. He was overjoyed to share some pancakes with the Year 1 students once they had informed him of what happens and why.
This week the season of Lent begins with Ash Wednesday. We celebrated a Mass online with Fr Thonn, Good Shepherd and Holy Spirit Schools. The students participated beautifully by joining in with the singing as the 3 Parish Schools celebrated Mass online through Teams.
At Mother Teresa School, we are trying to reach out to others and bring hope to those who are less fortunate than ourselves during this time of Lent by raising money for Project Compassion. We encourage you to talk to your child about the importance of giving to those in need and to give generously. Each class has a Project Compassion box available for the children’s donations.
We invite all families to contribute by sending in the envelops each week. Please talk to your child/ren about this important project and aspect of Lent. Let us remember though that it is not how much we give, but the compassion that accompanies our giving.
We encourage you to put your compassion into action this Lent through your prayer, fasting and almsgiving by supporting Project Compassion. On Wednesday each student received a set of envelopes for their weekly donations. The ELC will be given Project Compassion boxes. This week we raised $422:30 a great effort from everyone and the money goes toward Anatercia in Mozambique. During Lent we will be looking at ways we can follow the beautiful example Jesus showed us.
Anatercia's story Mozambique
Year C | Sunday 6th March | purple
"Filled with the Holy Spirit, Jesus was led by the Spirit through the wilderness where he was tempted."
The Story
Have you ever been really hungry? How long did you have to wait before you had something to eat? Spend a moment to say a prayer for children around the world who are hungry and who may not have any food to eat today.
In the first week of Lent we always hear the story of Jesus’ time in the wilderness where he is tested by the devil. Jesus went to the desert to make him stronger and to give him time to understand the focus of his mission on earth.
The devil tested Jesus in all the ways he could think of, but Jesus did not give in. Then the devil went away.
The Scriptures
A reading from the holy Gospel according to Luke 4:1-13
Filled with the Holy Spirit, Jesus was led by the Spirit through the wilderness where he was tempted.
When Jesus returned from the Jordan River, the power of the Holy Spirit was with him, and the Spirit led him into the desert. For forty days Jesus was tested by the devil, and during that time he went without eating. When it was all over, he was hungry. The devil said to Jesus, "If you are God's Son, tell this stone to turn into bread." Jesus answered, "The Scriptures say, 'No one can live only on food.' "
Then the devil led Jesus up to a high place and quickly showed him all the nations on earth. The devil said, "I will give all this power and glory to you. It has been given to me, and I can give it to anyone I want to. Just worship me, and you can have it all." Jesus answered, "The Scriptures say: 'Worship the Lord your God and serve only him!' "
Finally, the devil took Jesus to Jerusalem and had him stand on top of the temple. The devil said, "If you are God's Son, jump off. The Scriptures say: 'God will tell his angels to take care of you. They will catch you in their arms, and you will not hurt your feet on the stones.' " Jesus answered, "The Scriptures also say, 'Don't try to test the Lord your God!' "
After the devil had finished testing Jesus in every way possible, he left him for a while.
The Gospel of the Lord.
Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
Something to Think About
The biggest part of the test Jesus faced was how to use ‘power’.
Jesus did not use his power to benefit himself but rather to please God.
We all have power of some kind. What sort of power do you have to do good things in the world?
Please click on the link below to stay connected with Fr Mark, Fr Thonn and the Team at Holy Spirit Church.
Please bring an item of non-perishable food to fill our empty pantry so that our Vinnies team can continue to help the community.
Peace and Best Wishes.
Anne Leet (Religious Education Co-Ordinator)
Attached is an excellent resource for supporting parents with understanding their child's online presence and technology use. The National Online Safety site comes out of the UK and each Wednesday publishes a guide to focus on specific apps, games, websites or behaviours that support parents in being aware of what their children may be exposed to.
Over the next few weeks, we will be publishing one of the guides that relate to the children in our community and their current presence online. To see the full list of guides head to
The teachers have noticed that the students are talking about TikTok, a video app where children are filming themselves dancing and singing to songs. The eSafety Commissioners Office has confirmed that TikTok is a particularly unregulated app that is difficult to have content removed should it be misused. If your children are using TikTok we would urge you to read the guide from National Online Safety.
School Sport ACT Scholarship Fund
After three long years in the making, School Sport ACT is very pleased to announce the launch of the SSACT Scholarship Fund.
The attached document contains the Application Form and information, including;
- The School Sport ACT Scholarship Fund aims to provide assistance to families that may choose not to have their child trial for selection or accept the selection of their child to an ACT representative team, as they are unable to meet the financial requirements of competing.
- The Scholarship Fund is open to applications from students travelling interstate to attend a School Sport Australia Championship. Students attending an ACT hosted Championship are not eligible.
- To be considered, each application must be endorsed and signed by the student’s Principal. This will include a confirmation of enrolment status, attendance and endorsement for each applicant.
- To be eligible to apply, the applicant must be able to demonstrate financial need by providing evidence, of a minimum of ONE, of the listed items.
- In its inaugural year, the fund will support 25 Scholarships of $500 each.
- Assessment of applications and the allocation of funds are to be spread across the year so students from all 17 sports have fair access to assistance.
Community Service Announcements