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Principal's Report Term 4 Week 2 - 2021
Dear parents,
To be able to successfully accommodate teachers release from face-to-face roster we have had to make some changes to when some cohorts are having their breaks. The new timetable is below.
As parents are aware, we will be doing our best to ensure the three cohorts in the school do not interact. The main problem will be after school and we have advised parents previously of the new collection arrangements. As there is no pick-up the ELC will be asking their parents to use the pick-up and drop off zone at the front of the school which will free up some parking for other families. At the end of the school day parking will be at a premium. To help minimise the congestion I have suggested walk or ride to school, arrange to be picked up away from the school and I now ask parents to consider collecting their children from school at ten minutes past three to allow the carpark to empty.
The canteen will resume services from week four and lunches will be available five days a week. This means there will be no Subway lunch orders going forward. To access the canteen service parents will need to download the Flexischools app, link it to Mother Teresa School and follow the instructions for setting up an account. Please note the canteen service is only able to be accessed from Flexischools app.
Students who have been successful in winning a lunch by correctly answering the maths problems are asked to see Mrs Betts when they return to school and she will organise a lunch for you.
This week we were advised by the ACT Government that all staff need to be fully vaccinated by the end of November. This applies to both the primary school and the ELC. This will also apply to volunteers who come to school to assist in classrooms as well as regular visitors such as allied health professionals. We will provide more information for our volunteers when visitors are allowed on site.
Maths Problem
Congratulations to Elise Mercer who was this week’s winner of the maths problem. Mrs Betts will arrange your prize once we return to school.
There will be no problems for the next two weeks as Mr Hughes is on leave and they will resume in week five.
God Bless
Peter Hughes
Religious Education Term 4 Week 2 - 2021
WHOLE SCHOOL FOCUS The Whole school focus theme for this year is:
‘We Are Bee-Attitude Keepers”
29th Sunday in Ordinary Time
17 October 2021 - Year B
“The Son of Man came to give his
life as a ransom for all.”
Something to Think About
Can you think of a story about people wanting to be great and important. Do you remember the story of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, where the Queen kept asking 'Mirror, mirror on the wall who is the fairest of them all?' Maybe you can think of other examples too.
The Story
In today’s story, James and John want to be more important than the other disciples and to have special privileges given to them. Jesus says that the way to true greatness is not to be powerful or important, but rather to be a servant of others. Jesus says, 'If you want to be first, you must be everyone's slave'.
Reflecting on the Gospel
A servant is not meant to be a doormat but someone who is aware of and responds to the needs of others. Discuss with children who the 'weak ones' might be. Are there children in your school or parish who may need a friend or a helping hand or a listening ear or a word of encouragement or affirmation? There is so much we can do to 'lift up' others.
Group Activity
You will need: a flower vase template for each child, pieces of coloured tissue paper, craft glue, coloured markers
Ask the children to think of someone they would like to make happy today.
- Choose coloured pieces of tissue paper, and scrunch up small pieces to form flowers.
- Glue the tissue paper flowers one at a time onto the flower stems.
- While the glue is drying, colour the vase.
- Older children might like to add a personalised message.
Reconciliation & First Eucharist
Please pray for our Year 3 teachers and students who are currently preparing for the Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Eucharist.
Thank you to all those families who attended our Prayer Night on Tuesday. It was great to see so many people there. I am sure you can appreciate all the work that went into the presentation and especially to all the students who supplied Katrina with their ‘hearts’.
Important Dates:
Reconciliation Heart Mass (via zoom) Sunday 17 October at 9:30am
Weekend Mass:
Our weekend Mass is celebrated every Sunday morning at 9:30am (via zoom) during the lockdown period. All First Eucharist families are asked to attend Mass each week as part of the commitment you made to the program. Children should bring along their Mass books and follow along.
Please visit our website: and download our Pocket Parish App to join in the celebration.
Click here to access the parish newsletter or you can view it on the Parish App.
Join us for Mass on Sunday 17th September 2021 at 9:30am via Zoom. Click on this link or use meeting number 824 036 573 to join our Mass.
Peace and best wishes
Anne Leet
(Religious Education co-ordinator)
If you have not already done so, please download the Compass app on your phone urgently. Once you have registered and updated your password, please search for "HARRISON", then "MOTHER TERESA SCHOOL" to complete your registration.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the front office via email