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- Principal's Report Term 3 Week 9 2021
- Religious Education Term 3 Week 9 - 2021
- Wellbeing Wednesday Activities - Week 9
- Sports Shorts with Mr Roweth - Week 9
- Covid 19 Resources from Mrs Garrity
- Counselling Corner - From our School Counsellor Sharyn Lynch - Week 9
- MTS Year Book Update
- Community Service Announcements
Principal's Report Term 3 Week 9 2021
Dear parents,
I hope this email finds all of your family coping with lockdown and remaining healthy. After a few weeks of remote learning I am sure many families have ‘hit the wall’ engaging in tasks remotely. I know some staff have had enough as well, and long to be back in the classroom.
In these trying times, we are asking a lot of our health professionals and other workers that keep our health services functioning. It is amazing to hear of the high numbers of staff that are isolating at home because of being a close contact to a person with COVID.
Last year Pope Francis, in a message to commemorate the World Health Organisations ‘Year of the Nurse’ said, ‘Every day we witness the testimony of courage and sacrifice of healthcare workers, and nurses in particular, who, with professionalism, self-sacrifice, and a sense of responsibility and love for neighbour, assist people affected by the virus, even to the point of putting their own health at risk.’
‘Because of your dedication , you are among the ‘saints next door’. You are an image of the Church as a ‘field hospital’ that continues to carry out the mission of Jesus Christ, who drew near to and healed people with all kinds of sickness and who stooped down to wash the feet of his disciples.”
Below is a link to a short clip that I shared with staff in a recent morning prayer.
Personal Plan Meetings
Due to the current lockdown, there will be no PP meetings this term. The Diverse Learning Team will be in contact with parents in Term 4.
God bless,
Peter Hughes
Maths Problem
Congratulations to Nathan Mellor who had the first name drawn out this week. It was terrific to see so many entries. Nathan, I will organise your prize when we return to school.
This week’s problems are:
Years Five and Six
You have several plates, each with a unique number. They are stacked one upon another in some order. You must extract the plates exactly in the order 1, 2, ...
There is a second stack, initially empty, which you can use to store plates. At any time, you can take either of the following actions:
- Move: Take the top plate of either stack and put it on the top of the other stack.
- Extract: Remove the top plate from one of the stacks.
From the stack below, what is the least number of actions you need to make to extract all the plates in order?
Years Three & Four
The average age of the 11 players in the Australian soccer team is 22.
One player got a red card and had to leave the field. Then, the average age of the remaining 10 players on the field was 21.
How old was the player who received the red card?
Kindergarten to Year 2
These problems follow on from last week’s problem. Arrange the numbers 1 to 6 in each set of circles below.
The sum of each side of the triangle should equal the number in the centre of the triangular shape.
How are you going about trying to find an arrangement that works?
Religious Education Term 3 Week 9 - 2021
WHOLE SCHOOL FOCUS The Whole school focus theme for this year is:
‘We Are Bee-Attitude Keepers”
24th Sunday in Ordinary Time
12 September 2021 - Year B
“You must take up your cross and follow me.”
Something to Think About
How do people show that they believe in God? What sorts of things do they do? How do they act towards others? How do they speak to others?
The Story
In today’s story, Jesus tells us that we must take up our cross and follow him. In Jesus’ time, a criminal would carry a large wooden cross that was bigger than an adult person. The wooden crosses were heavy and difficult to carry. Jesus didn’t mean we should carry a real cross. He meant that following Jesus would not be easy. He meant that we should obey Jesus even when we don’t feel like it and even when it is really hard.
You will need: a template for each child printed on A4 or A3 paper, paper in different colours torn into small pieces (you may like to use tissue paper), a bowl for each paper colour, paper plates, craft glue, brushes or sponges to apply the glue.
1. Suggest that children select one or two colours for the cross, and one or two colours for the surrounding area.
2. Squirt some craft glue onto each paper plate and give each child a paintbrush or sponge brush.
3. Invite children to apply glue to a small area at a time, and then press in the small pieces of paper.
4. Then repeat Step Three until the mosaic is complete.
Please pray for our Year 3 teachers and students who are currently preparing for the Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Eucharist. It would be a lovely opportunity for families to attend Mass on Sunday. Click here to access the parish newsletter or you can view it on the Parish App. Join us for Mass on Sunday 12 September 2021 at 9:30am via Zoom. Click on this link or use meeting number 824 036 573 to join our Mass.
There has been some fabulous work happening in R.E. during remote learning. Year 4 have been reflecting on the Story of the Sower. These paintings by Kennie Han in 4 Magenta and Ethan Reid created the painting of his reflections of the cross.
Peace and best wishes
Anne Leet
Religious Education Co-Ordinator
Sports Shorts with Mr Roweth - Week 9
I hope everyone has been getting the opportunity to get outside in some of this beautiful weather.
Unfortunately a lot of sport has been cancelled this term but fingers crossed we will be back out there again in Term 4. An updated School Sports calendar will be available via the SSACT website.
ACT Rugby League
Owen Jones was due to represent the ACT at the U12s School Boys Rugby League tournament this week 6-8 September in an Interstate Series against School Sport Victoria. Unfortunately this has been cancelled due to the current Covid situation. Owen was also a part of the ACT under 12s Brumbies Team this year. These are both outstanding achievements for Owen! I’m sure you’ll get some more opportunities in the future to represent the ACT.
Covid 19 Resources from Mrs Garrity
Some Picture Story Books That Could Be Used To Discuss The Topics Of Worry, Stress And Anxiety With Children:
- Mr Huff by Anna Walker
- Ruby’s Worry by Tom Percival
- Sarah and the Steep Slope by Danny Parker and Matt Ottley
- The Koala Who Could by Rachel Bright
- The Huge Bag of Worries by Virginia Ironside and Frank Rogers
- Hey Warrior by Karen Young and Norvile Dovidonyte
Talking to Chidren about Covid 19 (The Social Story)
At Home Together with the 4 M's
Seeing other people wearing masks
The Yearbook is chugging away. A huge thank you to all the families and teachers that have provided input thus far - the submissions have been great. Keep them coming! Families have until the end of school holidays to supply us with any school related photos so we can get the Yearbook proofed, printed and in your hands before the end of the school year.
Seeking advertisements: the Yearbook provides a great opportunity for families to advertise their business within the community. We are inviting businesses who would like to advertise this year the chance to do so. All artwork and bookings will be required by 15 October. See poster below for prices and sizes. Contact us on if you'd like to take up a spot.
Finally, a reminder that there is one week left for students to get their competition Front Cover artwork and the Covid creative submission in. We've been thrilled with the entries so far and look forward to receiving more incredible work.