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Principal's Report Term 3 Week 5 - 2021
Dear parents,
Yesterday’s decision to lockdown the ACT was sudden, but not unexpected. Thankfully, we had undertaken planning for this and we are in a good position to support all our students going forward. Parents would have received a lot of information yesterday from the school, some of which had been sent out previously.
Once the Lockdown was announced, school became very hectic. A meeting between Catholic Education and school principals took place at 2pm after which we tried to get relevant information to parents ASAP. If you are confused or have questions, please do not hesitate to contact me by email at
Thank you to the 146 families that have so far completed the survey regarding school attendance during lockdown. If you have not yet completed this, I ask you do so. This is to assist with staffing levels as we also want to ensure we have a minimum number of staff at school.
Survey Link:
One question that has been asked constantly since the start of the COVID pandemic is who is an essential or emergency worker. The link below, from ACT Health, will help parents with this question.
We will continue to provide updates on what this lockdown means for families at MTS.
Lunch Orders
Families who had pre-ordered lunch for next week through flexi-schools will need to go in and cancel that lunch order. It is a simple process in that you need to log in, bring up your lunch order and find the cancel option. We will advise families when the canteen will be re-opening.
Sun Smart
When students return to school they are required to wear hats during the day. This follows the guidelines of the ACT Cancer Council that show that in August the UV index reaches harmful levels in the middle of the day.
If a child does not have a hat, they will be required to play in the shade.
School Counsellor
Sharyn Lynch, our school counsellor, will be at school next Tuesday and Wednesday. For those needing support she can be contacted via the school phone number or by her email
Maths Problem
This week all solutions can be emailed to me on the address located at the top of the newsletter.
Congratulations to Piyushi Bandara who won her second prize in three weeks. This week’s problem is below. You may not be able to solve all of the questions however do the best you can.
For students from year four and above this is similar to the work you did in year four linked to the Patio Problem. Think about the solutions you came up with to work out their patterns.
Bad apples
Some apples are sitting in one row. Each day, any bad apple will turn any good apple that is touching it bad.
- On the first day, there is one bad apple.
- How many bad apples are there on the second day?
- On the third day, how many apples will be bad?
- How many bad apples will there be on the fourth day?
What is the pattern of bad apples that is emerging? What generalisation could be made about the number of bad apples on any given day. Write it as a short 'rule'.
If there is a very long row of apples, how many bad apples will there be on the fifteenth day? Explain and justify the use of the rule.
Here is an array of apples — not just one row, but a whole tray of apples.
- On the first day, there is one bad apple.
- On the second day, there are four bad apples. Why?
What generalisation could be made about the number of bad apples on any given day.
Explain and justify why your rule works.
How concisely can the general rule be written?
Use the rule to work out how many bad apples there will be on the fifteenth day.
God Bless
Peter Hughes
Religious Education Term 3 Week 5
WHOLE SCHOOL FOCUS The Whole school focus theme for this year is:
‘We Are Bee-Attitude Keepers”
Our value for next week is: RESILIENCE
At Mother Teresa School we will show resilience when we:
- Have a positive self-image
- Respond flexibly to situations
- Manage emotions
- Balance interaction and reflection
Reconciliation & First Eucharist
Please pray for our Year 3 teachers and students who are currently preparing for the Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Eucharist. Hopefully you will be able to bring your ‘Forgiving Hearts’ to Mass the following weekend and give them to the teachers to create a display in the foyer of the Church. Please note Reconciliation will be moved to the 24, 25, & 26 August with First Eucharist still going ahead on the Friday 3 September.
St Teresa of Calcutta
School Feast Day 26th August
Fun filled day full of activities
Liturgy @ 9:15am hosted by 6 Ink & 6 Charcoal
Sausage sizzle lunch.
12:00-1:20 Mini Mission Fete
Students will be required to purchase a $5 golden ticket, which gives them 1 sausage sandwich and 5 entries into activities. If your child requires more sausages or entry into extra, activities they will be required to purchase a second ‘Golden Ticket’ the more tickets the more chances to win the lucky ‘Golden Ticket’ draw prize.
We are hoping Simon Carol from Global School Partners will be able to talk to the students and explain how the money raised will be used when it goes to Excellence Academy in Kenya.
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary 15 August 2021 - Year B
“The Almighty has done great things for me;
the Lord has lifted up the lowly.”
Something to Think About
Today is a special day in the Church’s calendar. It is the day we remember the end of Mary’s life when she was taken up into heaven, body and soul. Like Mary, we hope and pray that one day we too will be with Jesus in heaven.
The Story
The gospel story remembers a special event in Mary’s life when she visited her cousin Elizabeth.
Both women were expecting babies. When Mary greeted Elizabeth, the baby in Elizabeth leapt for joy! Elizabeth recognises that Mary is the mother of the Lord and celebrates Mary’s faith in God’s promise.
Weekend Mass Times (via Zoom)
We invite you get dressed in your Sunday best and attend Mass via Zoom on Sunday 15 August 2021 at 9:30am to celebrate the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
(Please download the Zoom App on your tablet/phone or desktop and sign up – a meeting number will be sent to all those who are registered on our parish App.)
Peace and best wishes
Anne Leet
Religious Education Coordinator
The MTS Yearbook is Back!
After taking 2020 off due to Covid, the Mother Teresa School Yearbook has been confirmed for 2021, but this year, we are going to need your help to get it across the line.
Families that have been with us since 2019 would know that each year, with the help of dedicated parents, a 200 page yearbook has been professionally printed featuring all classes and highlighting the momentous occasions and experiences throughout the year.
The Yearbook has always been wonderfully received in the school community and is a great keepsake for your children to reflect on their journey here.
But the Yearbook is no easy feat to produce. It is a costly exercise and takes long hours assembling pictures, words, stories, graphics etc, to compile into something that caters to all families and reflects the values of Mother Teresa School.
This year we would like to take families and students on the journey to building the Yearbook with us, our first request is for pictures! If you’re attending school events (sporting, social etc) and you like taking photos (or have attended events earlier in the year), we’d love for you to snap and send a few back to us to use in the yearbook (appropriate permissions will be sought).
If you can help us with the above, please reach out and contact the Yearbook team via the yearbook email, or upload your files directly to
Thank you
MTS Yearbook Team